Am still confused re-explain please if you understood it clearly.
So my hit should ignore your defence meaning whilst you have shield on my TDB which normally does pierce thru shield will now do extra % based on my ITD? Also is shield regarded as defence? In theory it should, no?
You just need to look at the wording of the stat names, they explain it clearly enough
"damage reduction" nowhere does that say anything about defence, it's literally a reduction in the damage, it's a multiplier (well, divider technically)
There's a 4 step process to determine how much HP a hit does
Step 1 is to calculate the attack strength
Power is calculated first based on DC/MC/SC and multiplied by PA/MA/SA
Then attack strength is calculated based on the power, and element bonuses of the attacker depending on which skill is being used, and a secret multiplier which is also dependant on the skill that's being used (notice some skills scale massively with elements but are barely affected by power, others are the opposite)
Then attack strength is modified using random number based on critical hit
Step 2 is to calculate defence strength
Defence power is calculated based on AC/MAC and multiplied by PD/MD
Then defence strength is calculated based on defence power and element resistances of the defender depending on the skill being used
At this point is where ITD comes in, defence strength is reduced here by the ITD % of the attacker
This is where the confusion comes in around tdb, because on old servers shield acted as PD and MD, which was part of this calculation, so the ITD from TDB would make a huge difference to the defences, but shield works on PDR and MDR now, not PD and MD
Step 3 is a simple subtraction
Attack strength minus defence strength = gross damage
Step 4 is damage reduction calculation
The gross damage calculated in step 3 is reduced by a fixed percentage on every hit
Let me run you through a quick very rough example with some made up numbers just for the sake of easy calculation
Step 1
Let's say attacker has 1000 base DC and 10% PA, their power is 1100
They have 20% dark damage and are using TDB which is a dark damage skill with a multiplier of 1.2
This gives base attack strength of 1584 ((1100 + 20%) x1.2)
Let's assume critical hit of 100 just to make it easier to calculate, so final attack strength is 1584
Step 2
Let's say defender has 500 base AC and 6% PD, so their defence power is 530
Their dark defence is 10% and since attacker is hitting with TDB that gives a defence strength of 583
TDB has 80% ITD, so we cut the defence strength down by that, giving final defence strength of 116.6 (rounds up to 117)
Step 3
Subtract one from the other
1584 - 117 = 1467 gross damage
Step 4
Factor in PDR, shield on it's own gives 60%, let's say the player has 10 on their kit so total PDR is 70%, it simply divides the damage
So 1467 - 70% = 440.1 (rounds down to 440)
Now bear in mind TDB does 2 hits, so in this case the amount of HP the defender loses will be 880
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I apologise if I've explained that badly or made any calculation errors, I've been at work for 21 hours now and just had a glance at the forum while taking a break and got a bit carried away, hrmphgehgndnggrr snoooze ¬¬
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Hint: If you want to avoid getting stonewalled by high PHYSICAL damage reduction, don't use physical attacks, you have plenty of them and many warriors have worked out which ones they are. I'll leave that as a fun exercise for you to test <3