Sick of bdp being camped by the same person | Page 4 | The Legend of Mir

Sick of bdp being camped by the same person

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Yep, it's horrible. Unfortunately as long as there are abusers in the game I'll do everything I can to get them out while everyone else sits and let's them get away with it
You are one of the biggest problems of this server lol. just people don't speak against you on forums but a lot say it in game that agree.
You are one of the biggest problems of this server lol. just people don't speak against you on forums but a lot say it in game that agree.
99% of the people who have a problem with me only do because they've been fed lies by abusers. All I've done is try to keep the server a nice place to be, but I get no end of shit thrown at me and I get called a problem if I don't just sit and accept it like the good little bully victim you'd love me to be
99% of the people who have a problem with me only do because they've been fed lies by abusers. All I've done is try to keep the server a nice place to be, but I get no end of shit thrown at me and I get called a problem if I don't just sit and accept it like the good little bully victim you'd love me to be
My opinion is 100% of you is from the things I've heard you say about people on game/discord and that's why I stay away from any sort of interaction with you, because we will never get along. You play the victim and truly believe you are right in everything you say and do.

People have quit the game because of you and will not post of forums because of you so don't try and say you try and make this a nice place if you did that you would know when to shut up and you never do because your never wrong.

Enjoy the game, my opinion is mine and you will never except it.

My opinion is 100% of you is from the things I've heard you say about people on game/discord and that's why I stay away from any sort of interaction with you, because we will never get along. You play the victim and truly believe you are right in everything you say and do.

People have quit the game because of you and will not post of forums because of you so don't try and say you try and make this a nice place if you did that you would know when to shut up and you never do because your never wrong.

Enjoy the game, my opinion is mine and you will never except it.
I treat everyone the way they treat me. That's how it will always be. If you want to be a bully and expect me to kiss your feet for it then you're right about one thing, we won't ever see eye to eye on that

I'm aware some people have quit the game because of me, those people were scumbags and bullies and don't deserve to play. The violent and abusive behaviour directed towards me is never acceptable in any game, so I'm glad those people are gone. There's some more work to do, but we're getting there.

I do an absolutely enormous amount of work for the benefit of the community, helping with guides and the site, for which I get a lot of positive feedback about, as well as investigating bugs, providing useful information for new players, and the rest. I want the community to grow and be strong and welcoming.

The unfortunate underbelly is that I do react badly when people push me. And some people have figured that out and intentionally push me to get that reaction, so they can wave it around like a flag and shout about how much of a bad guy I am. I'm saddened that your reaction to me here is very typical of what happens when I try to defend myself and make people, many of whom seem to hate me despite never even interacting with me, aware of the other side of the coin.

The tenacity and desperation demonstrated in preventing me from having a voice shows exactly what's going on here. You want to live in your 'I hate zade' bubble and prevent those who share it from understanding why I do what I do. Nothing I do or say comes from any unjustified malice, it's a reaction, sometimes an overreaction, but always a reaction.

If you were confident that your points stand, invite those who 'hate' me who have never spoken with me to have a conversation about why exactly they hate me, what they think I've done, and why they think I've done it, and we'll see what comes out in the wash. I'll wait.
I treat everyone the way they treat me. That's how it will always be. If you want to be a bully and expect me to kiss your feet for it then you're right about one thing, we won't ever see eye to eye on that

I'm aware some people have quit the game because of me, those people were scumbags and bullies and don't deserve to play. The violent and abusive behaviour directed towards me is never acceptable in any game, so I'm glad those people are gone. There's some more work to do, but we're getting there.

I do an absolutely enormous amount of work for the benefit of the community, helping with guides and the site, for which I get a lot of positive feedback about, as well as investigating bugs, providing useful information for new players, and the rest. I want the community to grow and be strong and welcoming.

The unfortunate underbelly is that I do react badly when people push me. And some people have figured that out and intentionally push me to get that reaction, so they can wave it around like a flag and shout about how much of a bad guy I am. I'm saddened that your reaction to me here is very typical of what happens when I try to defend myself and make people, many of whom seem to hate me despite never even interacting with me, aware of the other side of the coin.

The tenacity and desperation demonstrated in preventing me from having a voice shows exactly what's going on here. You want to live in your 'I hate zade' bubble and prevent those who share it from understanding why I do what I do. Nothing I do or say comes from any unjustified malice, it's a reaction, sometimes an overreaction, but always a reaction.

If you were confident that your points stand, invite those who 'hate' me who have never spoken with me to have a conversation about why exactly they hate me, what they think I've done, and why they think I've done it, and we'll see what comes out in the wash. I'll wait.
You qoute the word "hate" why? I never said anything like that. Proves the point that you make most of this stuff up to make yourself into a victim.

I will block you again so please know that any response won't be read!

I've made my point clear enough and hope people see you for what you are.
Still waiting for your "evidence"

Any idiot can post lies
You’re right, I couldn’t publicly post my evidence without photoshopping first.
But only so that I didn’t compromise my guy in your WhatsApp group.

Whatever loyal friends you think you have left on the server, better to discount a few more for good measure…….
You’re right, I couldn’t publicly post my evidence without photoshopping first.
But only so that I didn’t compromise my guy in your WhatsApp group.

Whatever loyal friends you think you have left on the server, better to discount a few more for good measure…….
I've not been in any WhatsApp groups in ages and definitely haven't said anything like that when I was. So someone is spinning you some yarns
Still waiting on this evidence. Censor phone numbers if necessary to aid privacy. Oh yeah nvm you can't because it didn't happen and you're just trying to smear shit on me. Absolute trash
Relax, zade. You are being gaslighted.
Happens every time mate :(

They've got this shit down to an art form.

As I said earlier, their goal is to badger me and chip away at me until I crack and say/do something that is an over-reaction, then they can run around like the happy little bullies that they are and tell everyone how much of a bad guy I am and how much I'm ruining the community.

It's been happening for years, and I always crack eventually, and they can go and have a little wank over my meltdown. Good luck to them.

I know the truth that I mean well, and everyone, EVERYONE, get's treated exactly how they deserve to be treated.

For most people, that is very well indeed. For this particular bunch of pond slime, that is very badly, and I make no apologies for that, nor should I have to.
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