Sick of bdp being camped by the same person | Page 3 | The Legend of Mir

Sick of bdp being camped by the same person

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Looks like imms camping bdp today if u doing the same then no point to make reports on someone else.

Been looked since server is bk online.

Hope gm not change it as everyone doing it .
I love how people think it was imms. Imms went once and then a mixed group went second time. It was locked in the morning and I got told when they would be tting so I could jump in with my guild. 420 also went with some imms 2nd time(not me) i went rdd yesterday, we camped that to? Get facts right please honestly
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This whole BDP thing is becoming silly now . Let be honest the vast majority of the game is 190-200 now . Leveling is of no interest to the regular player base . Everyone wants to do BDP . The entry system is easily exploited it's creating a lot of frustration in game clearly ..

Either make more caves like BDP . Or make it so multiple groups can do BDP .

On the next update . Would be nice to see a Elysium version BDP/RDD style cave . 195+ cave . Maybe add another one that will rely
On lightening resist . Just some ideas .
Ive asked around and it seems like everyone still hates you Zade, stop your whining on 420E.
We used all of our tickets up Monday to Wednesday as we knew what a nightmare double drops is for BDP// RDD and if anyone didn’t notice I lost all my pets on server crash Fri night so difficult to lead a group with black maggots.

Your asking the wrong people quite clearly, just like the people you so desperately asked for my real name and surname…
Btw I still havnt had anyone come to my house.
Ive asked around and it seems like everyone still hates you Zade, stop your whining on 420E.
We used all of our tickets up Monday to Wednesday as we knew what a nightmare double drops is for BDP// RDD and if anyone didn’t notice I lost all my pets on server crash Fri night so difficult to lead a group with black maggots.

Your asking the wrong people quite clearly, just like the people you so desperately asked for my real name and surname…
Btw I still havnt had anyone come to my house.
You still defending abusers, yeah? Cool story. Get back in the sea where you belong
Don’t worry I have already forwarded them to the G.M I’ll save you the embarrassment of posting it publically.

I wouldnt want your name getting any more tarnished. Who knows it might go against the community standards and you will do me like you did DK.

That reminds me wasn’t your beef with AppleTango all because apparently he was going to obtain your address?
Yet there’s you doing exactly the same over mine.
Your as hypocritical as your copy and paste game guide
Don’t worry I have already forwarded them to the G.M I’ll save you the embarrassment of posting it publically.
No embarrassment involved in a photoshopped image. Post away I'd love to see what your skills are like

I wouldnt want your name getting any more tarnished. Who knows it might go against the community standards and you will do me like you did DK.
DK was punished fairly for what he did. Apple wasn't unfortunately.

That reminds me wasn’t your beef with AppleTango all because apparently he was going to obtain your address?
Nope, you barely know 1% of the story and immediately dismissed it because I didn't have evidence to hand to back it up, even though everyone who was around back then knows exactly what happened but is conveniently ignoring it

Yet there’s you doing exactly the same over mine.
Nope, I've tried to bring attention to the fact that you are defending an abuser, that's all I'm guilty of.

Your as hypocritical as your copy and paste game guide
I get a lot of very good feedback, but if the community really hates me as much as you seem to think they do, I'll happily delete everything
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