Sick of bdp being camped by the same person | The Legend of Mir

Sick of bdp being camped by the same person

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Active Member
Can rules be changed on bdp? One person camping bdp on double drops, and everyday tbh and locking people out all day is a joke now. 1 entry per person per day and u cant go back. No matter who the group leader is. Im sure other people would like to hunt that place to and cant. Absolute joke now.
I don't know what BDP is but I understand the sentiment from past Mir servers and I agree it would be good to get a better system. As a casual player it basically means when I get to the level I’ll never experience it because it’s being camped clearly by higher level longer term players.

It’s the problem for me that means rich get richer and the low level new players bottom out because we can’t get kit and money.

So in the longtime I think it’s a server life thing.

Got to be the balance between having bosses to fight for and people taking it to the extreme.

Possible solutions:
  • limited entries per player
  • diminishing rewards per kill per day for the repeat kills
  • more bosses worth killing at truly random places and intervals.
  • give the higher levels something else to move on to
  • Rotate the sought after drops to other bosses and don’t let it be know where/when or get a true random chance on any boss of any item
It is ridiculous that people are standing alt chars in there to lock it out until they are ready for the hunt, that is the equivalent of putting your towel on the sun lounger by the pool at 7am then fucking off out for the day, everybody hates it but everybody does it!
And they have their other char standing outside to relocked it soon as the last person tts. I tried to get in but brownhole jumped in because they knew exactly when it would be vacant. Only place to get ores as a guild and 1 greedy fk locks for himself 24.7. Bad enough he has the time for every boss going and camps them 24.7 to. Ngl alot getting bored of game now
One of those things Gamemasters never dreamt in a million years they would have to moderate, but GM never met a surface dwelling creature such as this, one shudders to think of the future of mankind.
Maybe the solution is to look into why so many high level characters that previously quit suddenly return to the game with all the same IP address 🤣
1 entry perperson would be disaster for wizz.. we need pet and have to go few times after clearing the mobs.. make it like arena so everyone can enter
Its been vacant all morning, maybe try not going at peak times? :)
Impossible when people have jobs and lives. There's going at peak times then there's 1 person locking it from 9am until gone midnight. Is that fair? It's constantly locked by 1 person, they exploited the server enough already for ore.
I have a few ideas for new content that could add some exciting challenges to our game:

Boss Land: A new area filled with multiple sub-bosses and main bosses. This could provide players with more diverse and strategic battles.

Arena Battles: A dedicated arena for 1v1 or team vs. team battles with no revives. This could offer a fun, competitive mode for players looking to test their skills against each other.

Elys GP Place: A new zone where players can encounter missed bosses. It would also be great if bosses in this area could drop ores.

I think these additions could make the game even more engaging and dynamic. What do you think?
Btw, the server is not yours and you alone. It belongs to every player registered. Its called strategy & tactics. The game provides few options. Not just bdp. There have epic & rdd. I guess u need to take leave to enjoy the game. Its not a sin to have millions of character. Perhaps u can do the same.
And they have their other char standing outside to relocked it soon as the last person tts. I tried to get in but brownhole jumped in because they knew exactly when it would be vacant. Only place to get ores as a guild and 1 greedy fk locks for himself 24.7. Bad enough he has the time for every boss going and camps them 24.7 to. Ngl alot getting bored of game now
Just take it as u missed the train
Btw, the server is not yours and you alone. It belongs to every player registered. Its called strategy & tactics. The game provides few options. Not just bdp. There have epic & rdd. I guess u need to take leave to enjoy the game. Its not a sin to have millions of character. Perhaps u can do the same.
The very first sentence that you wrote here is so ironic, given what actual the thread is about haha! It is amazing how people can subconsciously agree with the context whilst trying to play devils advocate simply because of who it was that wrote it.
I have a few ideas for new content that could add some exciting challenges to our game:

Boss Land: A new area filled with multiple sub-bosses and main bosses. This could provide players with more diverse and strategic battles.

Arena Battles: A dedicated arena for 1v1 or team vs. team battles with no revives. This could offer a fun, competitive mode for players looking to test their skills against each other.

Elys GP Place: A new zone where players can encounter missed bosses. It would also be great if bosses in this area could drop ores.

I think these additions could make the game even more engaging and dynamic. What do you think?
This is amazing i agree with this 💯
To be honest like arena blocking its grief play , we not been able to go either this week because times when we can assemble its locked
people gradually getting fed up with it , make it multi session cave its simple but maybe not an easy code .................
I assume it's still "ENGAGED" by the same group of people lol. Need a 7 day cool down after entering that cave
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