Resting Exp and Exp Tables | Page 4 | The Legend of Mir

Resting Exp and Exp Tables

So yeah either do away with it completely or just make it so you get it up to a certain lvl or somthing
It is the higher lvl u are the less resting XP percent u get.
I lvl constantly on XP pots that cost 20gg a pop just isn't fair that atm Im paying 20gg to have the same xp as everyone else
This issue is serious as I keep saying and it seems it is not being taken as such.
You are reading post after post of players ranging from 0 exp bonus to billions of points.
There are players not able to level at the same rate as others due to a broken system.

It is not a fault of the players and it should not be got rid of or players be told by others to buy GG pots so they can level as others are freely being provided an exp bonus.
Some of your customer base are now on now 0 bonus and only managing to achieve 25 million afk overnight.

This is broken, has been now for 10 days and it needs fixing please.
I agree its still broken and unbalanced but im sure andy is looking in to it and trying to locate the issues to correct it properly, its better he takes some extra time to fix it permanently rather quick fix then another issues arises later on, fingers crossed he finds it soon x
Would be much appreciated to actually know, be informed by him that he is trying to fix this.

Check your State screen. I ran out of 'resting exp' yesterday while lvling on Shafted and my exp rate was still 245% .. the buff icon had reset to 4.2b but my exp didn't change at all.
Check your State screen. I ran out of 'resting exp' yesterday while lvling on Shafted and my exp rate was still 245% .. the buff icon had reset to 4.2b but my exp didn't change at all.

It always does this for me then disapears after a little while
For me im against taking this away...

And purely only for reason of surely this is in place to help newer players level up quicker to be able to contribute to the game more and better by getting to an adequate level to be able to do something?
If this is wrong then i apoliguise before i get flammed to shit out of my comment -.-
Encouraging newer players to game has been a big part in game evolving and going as long as it has.... iv only been playing just under a year and only found out other day how long server been going for, and thats down to a good community of players.... no one is going to want to test a game and pay for things with gg straight away before deciding if they want to play the game long term.

Sorry but the experiance buff is great for everyone and some EVERY PLAYER can benefit from.
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Logged off for 15 hours only got 30mill resting xp that's literally 20 mins of lvling if that, without the xp bonus the game becomes even more stale than it already is
All joking aside it is extremely disappointing that this has not even been responded to by now.
A reply from either Warda or Scorpian would go a long way right now seems how long this has been affecting so many players for.
Sorry for the late replies, I've been away a while, arrived back in the UK early this morning.

Will take a look through the thread(s) and see where we're at and grab a progress update in relation on the concerns raised. I'm certain this is being investigated with high priority but will keep you updated when I'm back home later this afternoon/early evening.
Well I have waited a few days to see the outcome before coming and posting on here.
I do not know of others who had the problem of severe absence of resting bonus so cannot speak for them.
But for myself thank you so very much.
It is fixed.
I am now the satisfied owner of over 3 billion exp as I ought have according to the level of my char.
Again thank you Warda for responding as speedily as you did.
No idea why Scorpion didn't but whatever.
