Rejuv arm scammed. | Page 4 | The Legend of Mir

Rejuv arm scammed.

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bruh legit every doom member said racist stuff to me

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I asked who’s been racist? I know your not singling me out. Name and shame them, I don’t condone that kind of language in any form, pretty sure some screen shots to back it up and sent to Andy would lead to some short bans to put people in line.

If you think a single little comment is shocking or what I said it actual abuse then you need to open your eyes to the big wide world and get out a bit more.

If wummy does have special needs then I genuinely apologise for the obvious reason and that the off the cuff joke obviously hasn’t landed well with poor old nerd.

roy did alot of WW 2 jokes and said i would burn jews down etc. and no 1 of you guys ever cared about that. i already sended couple screenshots to andy i also could send them in here lmao.

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This post is clutching at straws Al and I'm sure even you can see that! You should've just apologised because Dean has just sat you down amd put you straight, proper.

Long time no speak Wummy, but I came here just to check out the forums and am shocked by Fuji doing this to scam you. Didnt think he was like that to be honest... unlucky kotoz being collateral damage too but he should be taking that issue up with Fuji in my opinion.

Glad to see you're still tearing up the pvp scene though Wummy! Did you get your armour back?

yee man... miss the old times oh well let it say like shaun said "i sucked your dick off" miss the good times HAHAHA,nah not yet dunno when it gonna happen
I asked who’s been racist? I know your not singling me out. Name and shame them, I don’t condone that kind of language in any form, pretty sure some screen shots to back it up and sent to Andy would lead to some short bans to put people in line.

If you think a single little comment is shocking or what I said it actual abuse then you need to open your eyes to the big wide world and get out a bit more.

If wummy does have special needs then I genuinely apologise for the obvious reason and that the off the cuff joke obviously hasn’t landed well with poor old nerd.

Hardly a joke but none the less! big of you to apologize!

Well done just moved up in my esteem!
sooo what is gonna happen now? i get my armour back?

Close this thread its all resolved now.
I hope the armour goes back to rightful owner because if this happened to me or anyone I know that’s what I’d like to happen. It’s the right thing to do. LP lost he’s items because they was sold by Tom then he sold the gg to people. The items was spread out across the game and had been bought by unknowingly people. Tom sold the gg for £££ not items. That’s why they couldn’t be got back.
Close this thread its all resolved now.
I hope the armour goes back to rightful owner because if this happened to me or anyone I know that’s what I’d like to happen. It’s the right thing to do. LP lost he’s items because they was sold by Tom then he sold the gg to people. The items was spread out across the game and had been bought by unknowingly people. Tom sold the gg for £££ not items. That’s why they couldn’t be got back.

These items could quite easily of been returned due to the circumstances, he's the Game Master after all. Transactions could be tracked, amounts could be reimbursed. However, like a lot of us have stated throughout this thread, it was his own stupid mistake that caused the issue, so why should he? But to state these items couldn't of been returned is a load of bollox, it was just a lot of unnecessary work for someone else's stupidity. We were thankful for the items we got back with Rage, but by no means it didn't touch the surface to what we lost.
Not been playing for a bit so I've not read this whole thread, but Wummy is the worst grief player in the game today (there was worse, but they have either left or been banned already), if anyone deserves to be scammed it's him.

I'm pretty angry at Fuji for being the one behind it, and from what I can tell he conned his way onto other players chars (kotoz and blazinhero), probably just told them he would level their chars for them for free, they were silly for accepting and now they have been swiped out by the same ban hammer which is very unfortunate and I hope those players can have their chars returned to them and they will take a lesson from this and not give anyone else access ever!

Players who behave in the way Fuji did, and the way Wummy does, do not belong on a friendly server. Get them both fucked out of here. Countless potential low level players have probably quit because of Wummy, he actively gets a kick out of other people's unhappiness and quite frankly it's disgusting. Probably cost the server thousands in future donations from people who never stayed the distance after being bullied by him.
Jesus Christ Darren. I was with you right up until the point where you mentioned friendly server and getting Wummy off because he likes to pk lol. Arcadia is renowned for its pvp style and is probably the reason for its dominating success. Pvp on arcadia has no doubt brought thousands of donations to the game and will bring many more in the future.
Jesus Christ Darren. I was with you right up until the point where you mentioned friendly server and getting Wummy off because he likes to pk lol. Arcadia is renowned for its pvp style and is probably the reason for its dominating success. Pvp on arcadia has no doubt brought thousands of donations to the game and will bring many more in the future.

PVP is one thing mate, while it's certainly not my favourite part of the game, I'm not averse to joining in a war or fighting over a boss when needed. But when people actively target lower levels for the purpose of making them quit, to me that's grief play and is a very different thing.
It’s funny how all of imms think the only thing wummy does wrong is pk ppl...... I’m sure he tells you all he’s all innocent and never says any thing. This is miles from the truth, he griefs ppl to deaf end of.

It’s the behaviour that pisses people off not the fact he pks them and it better at pvp than most.

As far a racist comments I would be interested to see what’s classed as racist. If people think comments about the war is racist then they need their head examined and read a fucking dictionary. It’s insensitive at best.(not saying there is any news for it)
Let’s make jokes about euro 96 instead when we were actually alive ����

I think this thread has run its course, will be upto Andy what happens next.
I asked who’s been racist? I know your not singling me out. Name and shame them, I don’t condone that kind of language in any form, pretty sure some screen shots to back it up and sent to Andy would lead to some short bans to put people in line.

Wummy get's alot from a particular person about WW1 / WW2 and the country he re-sides in being the loosing one

Re racism I get a few from 2 players - I have been told to report them which I still need to do
pmsl,oh ye man i make people quit in lower levels,next time i wont attack lower levels from enemy guild? oh ye next time i pk all of my allies i think that how a allyship works. you even can ask PVE members i help them daily.

You guys need to chill a bit more its still a game and you raging like a 17 yr old boy destroy all the fun for you guys? and back to my point of view : personal problems have nothing to do in that thread its about the armour and not about " i destory peoples fun"

maybe you should look at your own guild/ally i mean how many got banned now from yours and how many from imms/horde? anyway i will close that thread because everything in here isnt the topic anymore. feel free to open a new thread see you in game.

and to you zade dont know why you talking like that i even stopped attacking you when i see you in caves because i know you arent the person that likes pk we met us couple of times in loki pk and guess how often i attacked u ? oh not a single time....

You all should just calm down. its not my fault that you guildies got banned because fuji did cunt moves. i even feel bad for kotoz because chong just told me his english skills arent that good and he probably got scammed by fuji as well.
dont be mad on me that your guildies share account with banned people.

anyway have a good day. Please close the thread mods
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