Well, pretty disappointed in people's attitudes. It's a hell of a lot easier for us to simply patch over things and continue getting more and more extreme than to make the difficult decisions and to really try solve the balance issues. Which ironically you guys have been hounding us to do.
There was absolutely no point in the old magic shield as a spell. It may as well have been base stat. Which begs the question, if it was, are you still a wizard?
Granted things have gotten harder for you and things once possible may now be out of reach, that must be really frustrating and if you are on the verge of leaving then I'm sure that will push you over the edge. Addressing one issue may indeed raise two more, but that was the whole point in this process and I hoped you were in it with us for the better of the server.
Lesson learnt.
We all apprecaite the work that you guys put in, and I'm sure any one of us would be willing to help with in-game testing as a user (not sure the testing setup you have / if you already do this).
But for a lot of us - on the verge or leaving or not (I was definitely not, whilst a little bored recently) this change has made a lot of the game unplayable. So not quite sure how we can be with you for the better of the server when quite a fundamental change has been made.
And as I said, kits are expensive and take time to build. I appreciate that some (like Zade) have multiple kits and can swap things out to adapt easily, but that is not the majority of players by a long mile.
This is just our feedback, if there's no enjoyment or a feeling that we can't play the game in its current state, what would you have us do? Sit in town and chatter, start a new character, go die and drop kit? Not quite sure.
Anyway as usual, my comments are not moans - just feedback. We appreciate the work on the server, but we also put a lot of work into the game from a player side.