All those spells you have listed take time to lay down, cool downs on use, even with all my defence Gideon/ds/jnav can still rev & kill me in 2secs, 1 cast of 5stars green poison and no other attacks will have me on 0 hp within seconds, and most importantly my attack is so hampered I only get a kill when the person I'm attacking fucks up
Immortals have built a solid tactic around nerds survivability, nerd has invested heavily in a high HP/PDR/resistance kit, they have realised that we often cant get allies out of a castle fast enough so nerd running around takes ages to get his health down & they hold the castle long enough to get backup in. I cannot fault the tactic at all.
The fact that he can BS in a castle to regain that health is no ones fault but ours, when the shoe is on the other foot and im trying to survive and grab a BS all imms kill their pets almost immediately every time...
Everyone said the same thing before Nerd did his kit and now it has loads of admirers, maybe a high mdr kit could tank new loki it would almost certainly make a mockery of wizards in PVP, Jnavi certainly wouldn't be saying that the top attacking wizz can 2bang me and that's unfair... But we wont know until someone does it.