i think its safe to say ur out of touch with playing warrs. And i mean actively playing them with diff kits in last 6 months. The only example u ever give is of cheg in full fire res kit. u fail to mention ur in pdr at the time. All u end up doing is tickling each others balls.
Honest to god i think the real issue on forums is people are not 100% open and honest about their "testing" They claim they are, but they are full of shit (im talking about 100% non bias testing). Nerd and Zade (who i have a great deal of respect for both btw) are both intelligent chaps but will always look at wizzies with blinkers on as they have committed to the char and don't want to change now. Alot of warrs do the same with their chars
Its human nature and i get that, im guilty of it too. Andy tests alot of this stuff on the test server. PDR has been a hot topic since Easter LY... Look how many updates we have had since then....
Isn't this the point? Thought that was plainly obvious?
He can't really do shit to me I can't do shit to him?
Or have you completely missed the entire reason why people keep saying build resist!
If you build res you will receive as much damage as a PDR wiz. Only difference is you will still be stood there when the wiz is in sz. I use cheng because he's the only one who has decided to adapt. The rest of you just keep stacking more and more dc then crying about how hard done by you are.
I have never said the damage will be fast and the fights will result in kills, but all along I have said you can pick to build tanky. For that reason.
This is what no-one seems to understand you don't have to build glass cannon. It's a choice.
Last loki I went to I went on a warrior. The 4 hit fiesta wasn't fun, run charge blazing sword and flaming sword wait 9 seconds find a target land 4 hits they in sz. Rinse repeat. Least when you tanky fighting less about landing the first hit and more about moving and actually fighting, using the right spells at the right time.
I'm not just on about PDR, I'm talking about all res. You can become tanky fast, all res works. Ever took a blazing/flaming sword when your at 90% fire res?
Just the same as pdr. Read my past posts you will see 100% I've said my opinion on balance changes depending on which class I'm playing.
Because what you see when playing a tao is wars op, when on wiz you see wars and taos as op. When on a war you see wiz as op.