What next for Arcadia? | Page 2 | The Legend of Mir

What next for Arcadia?

What's next for Arcadia: I'd like to see Yimoogi Arcamon being added red poison or some other kind of ult, since upgrade stone costs 1000GG and other Arcamon's like Troll/Azure Tigers which are free and are more op than this Yimoogi which does no damage using its primary Ult which is green poison. Pretty pointless unless GM does something about it, check and balance.
What's next for Arcadia: I'd like to see Yimoogi Arcamon being added red poison or some other kind of ult, since upgrade stone costs 1000GG and other Arcamon's like Troll/Azure Tigers which are free and are more op than this Yimoogi which does no damage using its primary Ult which is green poison. Pretty pointless unless GM does something about it, check and balance.

Too true. Yimoogi would bet better with a choice of poison, maybe make it work like the elemental, 1 green, 1 red,
1 freeze and 1 lighting. At the moment the yimoogi is the skill version of toxic gas , when it should be like devil vision.
Also noticed not seen any evo stones drop lately.
Question for GM .... do they still drop ?
Best wishes
few thoughts, Halloween event was enjoyable i wasnt playing at the time of previous xmas events so i am just looking forward to what is in store, in regards to other aspects of the game as mentioned by child above a guild bank would be nice to store some items for other members of the guild to use, may need some limitations to stop new members from just taking items and leaving but hey thats part of the risk i suppose.
again as mentioned above bigger bag space would be nice with the amount of things that we need to carry these days (pots, pets, rts, tailis recall kit ect) becomes quite a pain to tt every 5 mins to empty bag could be useful to have similar implications as player storage subed accounts get more bag space?

in regards to RDD and BDD they are amazing hunting grounds espically for guild hunts my biggest issue with these are that you are kicked instantly when dc/ed and with the amount of players in a grp the chance of dc increases my thoughts on this as i know people would take advantage and just log in the dung wouid be maybe add some sort of a timer before your char gets kicked from the dung? even if its 5 mins this would stop people logging for the night and coming back into the dung but also makes it better for people who have a tendency to dc and lose 100gp as well as the chance to get exp and items with the grp.

also not sure if the follow has been put in place on purpose but after a short time of death your char again dc's timer isnt that long so doesnt give taos a long enough time to get to you and rez you again this maybe there on purpose but just a thought

for crismas want Caves event on that can drop randoms rar depending on what lvl .
migt get xxl Food in game so hig lvl can lvl ther pets higer .
crismas tree in all provins map and som santa runing a rund . present and spesial quest items to Craft buff un rep spesial items whit migt a bit longer lasting ore event ,
as migt do as quest items drops as woden iron bronze silver gold.
migt make a event caleng for Guilds (multi maps ) so servel guild can do at same time (migt whit a npc in Cave u have to figt mobs to get to to give stuff for doing a 2 quest wer u hand in guild turital quest items to .

Let us get crit hit bens in game and runes .
few thoughts, Halloween event was enjoyable i wasnt playing at the time of previous xmas events so i am just looking forward to what is in store, in regards to other aspects of the game as mentioned by child above a guild bank would be nice to store some items for other members of the guild to use, may need some limitations to stop new members from just taking items and leaving but hey thats part of the risk i suppose.
Lots of risk, very little benefit. Not sure if there's really any need for a guild storage. All it'll do is cause arguments IMO

again as mentioned above bigger bag space would be nice with the amount of things that we need to carry these days (pots, pets, rts, tailis recall kit ect) becomes quite a pain to tt every 5 mins to empty bag could be useful to have similar implications as player storage subed accounts get more bag space?
I actually like that bag space is very limited. It adds an element of strategy to the game. If you go very prepared and take lots of things with you, then the cost of that is that you can't collect much. If you run the risk of going less prepared then the reward is that it's easier to collect more drops. Also, it's etc, not ect.

in regards to RDD and BDD they are amazing hunting grounds espically for guild hunts my biggest issue with these are that you are kicked instantly when dc/ed and with the amount of players in a grp the chance of dc increases my thoughts on this as i know people would take advantage and just log in the dung wouid be maybe add some sort of a timer before your char gets kicked from the dung? even if its 5 mins this would stop people logging for the night and coming back into the dung but also makes it better for people who have a tendency to dc and lose 100gp as well as the chance to get exp and items with the grp.
If you are disconnecting then there's something wrong at your end. I've been many times in massive groups and don't have any more problems than usual, I don't think the group size should be related. It would be nice to be able to get back in without paying again after a connection drop that wasn't your fault, but the mechanics of such a feature would need to be carefully considered to avoid any potential exploits.

also not sure if the follow has been put in place on purpose but after a short time of death your char again dc's timer isnt that long so doesnt give taos a long enough time to get to you and rez you again this maybe there on purpose but just a thought
You get 90 seconds (I think, might be 2 mins). That's loads of time. If the tao can't res you in that time then either the tao isn't very good at their job, or you were too far away from the group. A short timeout encourages the group to work together more rather than just being a bunch of solo hunters who happen to be in a similar place. Tactics my friend, they are a wonderful thing.

Sorry if it seems like I'm on a bit of a rampage but I just happen to disagree with most of what you've said lol. Don't take it personally :)
Lots of risk, very little benefit. Not sure if there's really any need for a guild storage. All it'll do is cause arguments IMO

I actually like that bag space is very limited. It adds an element of strategy to the game. If you go very prepared and take lots of things with you, then the cost of that is that you can't collect much. If you run the risk of going less prepared then the reward is that it's easier to collect more drops. Also, it's etc, not ect.

If you are disconnecting then there's something wrong at your end. I've been many times in massive groups and don't have any more problems than usual, I don't think the group size should be related. It would be nice to be able to get back in without paying again after a connection drop that wasn't your fault, but the mechanics of such a feature would need to be carefully considered to avoid any potential exploits.

You get 90 seconds (I think, might be 2 mins). That's loads of time. If the tao can't res you in that time then either the tao isn't very good at their job, or you were too far away from the group. A short timeout encourages the group to work together more rather than just being a bunch of solo hunters who happen to be in a similar place. Tactics my friend, they are a wonderful thing.

Sorry if it seems like I'm on a bit of a rampage but I just happen to disagree with most of what you've said lol. Don't take it personally :)

Ty for quick reply Scorp
Lots of risk, very little benefit. Not sure if there's really any need for a guild storage. All it'll do is cause arguments IMO

as i did state in my post there is risk in this, but would be nice to help low lvls in the guild "etc" without using your own bank space..

I actually like that bag space is very limited. It adds an element of strategy to the game. If you go very prepared and take lots of things with you, then the cost of that is that you can't collect much. If you run the risk of going less prepared then the reward is that it's easier to collect more drops. Also, it's etc, not ect.

appreciate your opinion scorp asked for ideas and i provided what i seemed would be nice additional features on my opinion the main issue with this would be instances like tomb bloodspear if you happen to run across a blue or red that needs harvesting and you dont have enough bag space you lose out on loot..

If you are disconnecting then there's something wrong at your end. I've been many times in massive groups and don't have any more problems than usual, I don't think the group size should be related. It would be nice to be able to get back in without paying again after a connection drop that wasn't your fault, but the mechanics of such a feature would need to be carefully considered to avoid any potential exploits.

i have done plenty of runs where multiple people have dc/ed at same time or minutes apart including myself while my store char on same pc different client remained connected so doubtful its an issue on my side and very little difference in allowing a short few minute timer before kicking to quickly log back in rather than having to re enter free of charge as this would be pointless if rs has occurred meaning u cant continue to the floor you grp is in? so in this case i would tend to disagree with your point imo

You get 90 seconds (I think, might be 2 mins). That's loads of time. If the tao can't res you in that time then either the tao isn't very good at their job, or you were too far away from the group. A short timeout encourages the group to work together more rather than just being a bunch of solo hunters who happen to be in a similar place. Tactics my friend, they are a wonderful thing.

as i said wasnt aware if this was implemted on purpose or not there has been occasion when the tao has been busy with a grp of mobs and not been able to make it on time. again was just a thought

Sorry if it seems like I'm on a bit of a rampage but I just happen to disagree with most of what you've said lol. Don't take it personally :)

no worries not taken it personally ideas were asked for and i provided my ideas stating both good and bad points of said ideas some which you reworded. seems we disagree on these but hey ho up to scorp at the end of the day :) peace
What's next for Arcadia: I'd like to see Yimoogi Arcamon being added red poison or some other kind of ult, since upgrade stone costs 1000GG and other Arcamon's like Troll/Azure Tigers which are free and are more op than this Yimoogi which does no damage using its primary Ult which is green poison. Pretty pointless unless GM does something about it, check and balance.

yamoogi is easily obtainable than the troll and azure or wolf. what should really happen is the GM given us a 1-2 week transferring window, once every few months where ppl can trade rare arcamons// now that be really interesting i say.. obviously this will work in my benefit cause i have all 4 rare arcamons on a noob. but this noob was always a storage noob and is same class as my main. so no point even lvling... but being able to trade it or move it over to other accounts be brilliant...
yamoogi is easily obtainable than the troll and azure or wolf. what should really happen is the GM given us a 1-2 week transferring window, once every few months where ppl can trade rare arcamons// now that be really interesting i say.. obviously this will work in my benefit cause i have all 4 rare arcamons on a noob. but this noob was always a storage noob and is same class as my main. so no point even lvling... but being able to trade it or move it over to other accounts be brilliant...

1000GG easy? Also i might add troll/azure/wolf only obtainable during events if i am not mistaken, for FREE, so those who got lucky hats off to u. Logically GG items/arcamons should just be way better as it involves GG/cash and only obtainable from the shop.

So as you say only your noob already has 4 rare arcamon's, bet u didn't spend any GG on any of it, really imcomparable to Yimoogi. U/L for the lock though.
1000GG easy? Also i might add troll/azure/wolf only obtainable during events if i am not mistaken, for FREE, so those who got lucky hats off to u. Logically GG items/arcamons should just be way better as it involves GG/cash and only obtainable from the shop.

So as you say only your noob already has 4 rare arcamon's, bet u didn't spend any GG on any of it, really incomparable to Yimoogi. U/L for the lock though.
i be honest with you mate.... i have spent over a good 3k+ on gg food.. and most of this were when gg food would give you half as much statues as now. i have always lvled my pets tactically.
i be honest with you mate.... i have spent over a good 3k+ on gg food.. and most of this were when gg food would give you half as much statues as now. i have always lvled my pets tactically.

I'm talking about a pet which we need to purchase upgrade through gameshop for 1K GG it should at least be decent. Feeding it with GG food is a choice, if you are rich u buy. I don't own a lot so what i can do is save up and invest in a "thought to be decent pet". I'm only asking for an upgrade to add red poison which other player also agree to it. Green does balls when u are often lvling against 140-150++ monsters.

As you all can see at https://mirarcadia.com/guide/arcamon/. It clearly stats Yimoogi's ability is reducing resistances. Similar to SaleemSpider. Hope Scorp can give a stand on what he thinks. Upgrade or no..
I'm talking about a pet which we need to purchase upgrade through gameshop for 1K GG it should at least be decent. Feeding it with GG food is a choice, if you are rich u buy. I don't own a lot so what i can do is save up and invest in a "thought to be decent pet". I'm only asking for an upgrade to add red poison which other player also agree to it. Green does balls when u are often lvling against 140-150++ monsters.

As you all can see at https://mirarcadia.com/guide/arcamon/. It clearly stats Yimoogi's ability is reducing resistances. Similar to SaleemSpider. Hope Scorp can give a stand on what he thinks. Upgrade or no..

yep. agree with you there.. hence why i lvled a yamoogi to lvl 150 but havnt upgraded it yet. no way in hell im paying 1k gg for the skin upgrade.
Hard to say what Arcadia needs right now but it does need changes. Feels like it's in maintenence mode like Diabo 3. I need a reason to log on and continue buying a sub every month.
Hard to say what Arcadia needs right now but it does need changes. Feels like it's in maintenence mode like Diabo 3. I need a reason to log on and continue buying a sub every month.

Have to agree with this, playing this game is tedious now and I’ve only been back like 6 weeks
I'm sure GM reads all posts. Two big updates gone in so far, maybe a new class would help? Issues with game atm are....
Guild point system needs looking at! Guild points should work on number of mobs killed not hunting colours and bosses, 2 reasons for this are...
Not enough champs and supers for higher level players, all hunting in same caves.
Second reason, bosses to hard to solo so you end up guild hunt say 5 players and earn 3_5 guild points between you.
Have tried noobie for guild points but stalls around level 80.
Another issue are item drops from normal mobs, ive done 5 levels in jungle no skill books dropped . Just 3 normal items of kit and few gems.
Seems like drop rate has been reduced
Best wishes