It feels like the formula for how much stability is lost when you don't have enough Build Points falls down a little bit at higher values
In a moment of not-thinking-straight I bought a shield that cost all of our BP balance and left us with almost none at the 3am re-calculation, in 1 swoop our stability fell from +95% to -37%, that seems a bit excessive. I think a fair drop would have been maybe to take it down a lot but not losing 132% stability that will take over a week to recover from (max gain being 15% per day)
I understand the need for such things to have a serious impact, I just think that was a bit much, could it be reviewed please?
In a moment of not-thinking-straight I bought a shield that cost all of our BP balance and left us with almost none at the 3am re-calculation, in 1 swoop our stability fell from +95% to -37%, that seems a bit excessive. I think a fair drop would have been maybe to take it down a lot but not losing 132% stability that will take over a week to recover from (max gain being 15% per day)
I understand the need for such things to have a serious impact, I just think that was a bit much, could it be reviewed please?