Stability loss scaling | The Legend of Mir

Stability loss scaling


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It feels like the formula for how much stability is lost when you don't have enough Build Points falls down a little bit at higher values

In a moment of not-thinking-straight I bought a shield that cost all of our BP balance and left us with almost none at the 3am re-calculation, in 1 swoop our stability fell from +95% to -37%, that seems a bit excessive. I think a fair drop would have been maybe to take it down a lot but not losing 132% stability that will take over a week to recover from (max gain being 15% per day)

I understand the need for such things to have a serious impact, I just think that was a bit much, could it be reviewed please?
A few of us have been complaining about this for a while. gaining 15 a day is rough when you lose so much at one go.

What is worse, is when you can't make your guild points, (serious lack of daily points) and only lose 10-15% a day, then it takes forever to shed enough points to lose a level to relax the point requirement.

It was a long slow process going from level 30 to 18, where we were fighting to maintain stability on a point burden that we couldn't support, after many ppl stopped playing, and/or moved to guilds more active in their timezones.

It would be nice to be able to self demote your guild level somehow, without having to wait for the death spiral of losing levels one at a time, percent by percent.

It is nice that you only go to +20% stability after losing a level, that helps a bit. We would declare wars at this point, because we could not otherwise ..
Does seem dramatic. Were you drinking? Do I need to add a "Do not drink and Mir" hint in game?
Does seem dramatic. Were you drinking? Do I need to add a "Do not drink and Mir" hint in game?

Jack Daniel's £23 for a litre out of Sainsbury's. I've discovered deals like that are not compatible with successful gameplay
Does seem dramatic. Were you drinking? Do I need to add a "Do not drink and Mir" hint in game?

There is a hint in game what keeps advising me to use a Hunting Potion, is this due to be released or is it referring to the Finding Potion/Exlir?
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