Put event complaints here <<<<< | Page 2 | The Legend of Mir

Put event complaints here <<<<<

I take a quick look at the 80 or so players online. Most have hundreds of GPs, some have thousands.

I am sorry you feel betrayed that you cannot just waltz around the game doing whatever you want on your high horse.

You are completely missing the point of the event cave. The event is ALL OVER MIR. The event cave is PREMIUM ENTRY. Deal with it.

Everyone can and is taking part. People getting rich on runes outside of ruins while your "stuck" in there with your salt water.

Andy... why would you say that..... now they won’t all swamp the event cave and maybe realise there’s a big wide event world out there and take away from me becoming richer &#55357;&#56867;&#55357;&#56834;
We all have lower level chars but that doesnt say they will have any GP's at all or can barely get any as low caves do not have supers and champions.
Low caves still have bosses, while all my main chars have 1k+ GP, I have several store chars with 100+, it's really a lot easier than people seem to make out

This means a lot of players cannot take part in the event.
I haven't found one person yet who's been completely unable to take part

Feel very disgruntled that I cannot just pop into a lower cave with a noob as having no gps on noobs.
As above, go get some GP then, it's really easy

Maps are too small. There was nothing wrong with the maps you usually use for this Halloween event. To have made it more interesting you could have used like these new mobs on the map from last year.
I do feel your point, but everyone was telling slagging andy off before for "will probably just use the same shit maps as last year" so he felt pressure to change them, make your mind up lol

So people are expected to camp out in the swamp map for a week or keep paying until they run out of gp's?

Where are wizards meant to get pets??? Retame them where??? Keep coming out and paying again???
I don't get your point, if you want to retame pets in a safe area TT to shadow swamp safe zone, why do you need to go out of the event area?

Very disappointing this is basically not an event that allows everyone to take part.
I disagree, this benefits low levels much more than high levels if anything, I've got a level 97 char I've been doing very well on and it's been quite fun
Wow I should learn not to post before my morning coffee, that seemed rather harsh, my apologies haha
Re: Put event complaints here &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;

Sorry I have another complaint,

I have not been having any fun with the event and decided to give up on it and go normal hunting for exp again, however this is made very difficult with them annoying spectres in all of my hunting grounds zapping all my mp :apologetic:

- - - Updated - - -

Actually disregard that I have just seen the update post and will give it another try :peaceful:
What has this game come to? ppl coming in to complain this and that, and Aro complaining spectres zapping all MP? lol come on man, u expect andy to log on all time and baby step u ppl till what suits u, learn to adapt, avoid and counter. There's a reason it is there, to sharpen your skills to deal with such mobs. So please..
Re: Put event complaints here &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;

Sorry I have another complaint,

I have not been having any fun with the event and decided to give up on it and go normal hunting for exp again, however this is made very difficult with them annoying spectres in all of my hunting grounds zapping all my mp :apologetic:

- - - Updated - - -

Actually disregard that I have just seen the update post and will give it another try :peaceful:

If you keep your distance spectres don't effect your Mp pot. Try using a range skill. Tao=grants, wiz=any fire skill. As for warrior not sure maybe eff blades or shadow slayer. There's always a way around these things bud...
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Re: Put event complaints here &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;

If you keep your distance spectres don't effect your Mp pot. Try using a range skill. Tao=grants, wiz=any fire skill. As for warrior not sure maybe eff blades or shadow slayer. There's always a way around these things bud...

I've not tried on tao yet, but I've got spectres licked on wiz and war. On war I just use an mp pot and continue to use tdb on the spectre, tdb uses mp fast enough that the spectre doesn't get a chance to drain it all, and the mp pot continuously replenishes it as I go so it doesn't matter that it drains it occasionally. For wiz I find ths spectres don't really hurt so I just cast frozen ground and frostbite and stand in the middle, spectre comes to me and dies after 30 seconds or so, doesn't matter that I have no mp, problem solved, of course if there's other mobs around I can pop an mp pot and usually cast a call of phoenix off to clear them before my mp is drained again, no big deal
For once I agree with Jnavl ha! I find the constant stun affect more of an issue on tao than anything, but like Jnav said it makes you think about how your gonna handle the lure/mobs. Stun doesn't affect warriors they still manage to use their skills, wiz, aslong as you got your inferno up you can kite em round it, simple. People need to stop wanting everything on a platter for them. Just enjoy the event.
Had a quick run around last night, the changes have made a world of difference found it much better, looking forward to Thursday when iv a bit of time to enjoy it thanks gm :encouragement:
Since the reboot yesterday on The Island of The Dead instead of the lovely owl hoots and the creepy spectre ghost sounds all you hear with NO mobs nearby is the raking cat sounds lol..... bring back halloween lovely sounds please
Had a quick run around last night, the changes have made a world of difference found it much better, looking forward to Thursday when iv a bit of time to enjoy it thanks gm :encouragement:

Agreed. Huge improvement, hoards of mobs to contend with. Lovely! Mir at its best.
Agreed. Huge improvement, hoards of mobs to contend with. Lovely! Mir at its best.

Has any1 found the hidden cave he shouted about at weekend ?

Would have liked to have seen 160+ map on event , as 140+ map drops 140 ish items which are no good to me already got a store full of that stuff from normal bossing lol

160+ cave with champs and supers having a chance to drop kit in that group range would definitely have had me partisapating more
You mean this secret room?


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