Looking for a guild | The Legend of Mir

Looking for a guild

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Recently returned old school player looking for a guild, what's the guild scene like now? Used to be very competitive
Recently returned old school player looking for a guild, what's the guild scene like now? Used to be very competitive
There's one main 'alliance' atm, templar (leader brolly), immortals (leader pookies), horde (leader pookies also), PornStars (leader Vanshini)
Join one of them if u want an easy time

There's a couple of enemy guilds (most noticeably legacy) who are fairly quiet at cos they keep trying to pk and get beaten at their own game lol

Transformers/notoriusdragons is all Daniele and his army of alts, it's 1 guy who plays 24/7 and somehow gets more bosses than the rest of the server combined. He won't guild u, but he will fight u and sometimes teams up with legacy

The legends is the best pve guild, quiet people, a bit slower paced but good chat and nice n chill

There's a couple other guilds that call themselves pve but are slimy fucks and my thoughts on them are represented clear enough in my forum signature, join there if you're a pedo

Hope that covers it sufficiently 😎
Recently returned old school player looking for a guild, what's the guild scene like now? Used to be very competitive
Well brother , that guy is just nothing more than an hypocrite meaningless guy who just barking here for own interest he will never say the truth , u can hear it from some one been smashing them from years , theres some how compeition and who giving it in pk side is me mostly and other pkers from iflyu to the rest of the server , just at wars theres no much compeition because ,

most of them like 80% are sheeps , low skillfull players who can't manage any thing against us and they truly knows this unless they out number us at least by trible numbers so they managed all toeghter to allie afraid of getting rekt as usual , and thats not ego talk brother .

any one been playing the game knows this is the truth , and thats whats happening , even tho thier numbers they still getting rekt around , just they taking advantage at wars by numbers and this not even an issue to us ,

So i suggest to u or any new incoming player start apve guild then see by him self how it rly goes , then judge , don't rely on people have nothing to do with thier life than keep barking here .
Classic ammar response. Let me fire up chatgpt to translate that gibberish into something vaguely readable 🤦
Basically there are two main PvP factions and a fair few PvE guilds.

Depends on what you want to do. Although at the moment Wars are basically dead due to some issues regarding Karma and Guild Aura also currently with the Skull Island event most players are doing that.

PvE there are a fair few choices. Most are friendly and helpful.

And lets ALL leave it there.
Wars are dead not because of karma issues, that has been fixed.

Wars are dead because 90 or 80% of the PvP guilds are allied with each other to dominate all castles, need to find a solution for this.

PvE guilds

PvP Guilds: Team A
all 5 guilds below are allied with each other and have the most members combined. Probably like 60 players
PornStars -

Team B:
Legacy - allied with noto, uchiha
Uchiha/Iflyu (brand new guild)
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Wars are dead not because of karma issues, that has been fixed.

Wars are dead because 90 or 80% of the PvP guilds are allied with each other to dominate all castles, need to find a solution for this.

PvE guilds

PvP Guilds: Team A
all 5 guilds below are allied with each other and have the most members combined. Probably like 60 players
PornStars -

Team B:
Legacy - allied with noto, uchiha
Uchiha (brand new guild)
something is missing here maybe its becouse we are not been active if we come again the forum will burn with same nonsense haha keep going best of luck nubs Long live PVE haha 😂
something is missing here maybe its becouse we are not been active if we come again the forum will burn with same nonsense haha keep going best of luck nubs Long live PVE haha 😂
Bro sorry but I consider iflyu and uchiha to be the same guild/people?, correct me if im mistaken? Anyways ill add it dw
See, if we take the fire and hate aside and talking about this point from another sight , '' Wars , castles '' are infact not the problem , as having castles means rly nothing what ever with numbers or with out .

I'm not intersting to engage on bull shit and meangingless talks rly as before but if gonna give my sight on it from some one achieved every thing on this game .

i can tell game realy missing atrue kind of '' Pvp '' compeition or challanges between players for valuable rewards , as lets talk honesly Mir type is mainly pvp at end of it , this will fullfill the fire to at least all players intersting on pk side and they are alot

I was even hoping for aserious tournaments happens between Mir servers on pvp side and gather all skillfull pkers here to compete with others servers or at least with each others , like other High rate games Like Mir 4 , league of legends , fort night im not sure if this ever will happen

this will deffo bring game steps forward and will be more known even if needed our op game masters associating with others developers , if this happend this will deffo bring lights to lots real players eyes , as been playing this game from years and one of loyal players to it , i was just hoping see this game goes to it's best .
They only don't have numbers coz they kill everyone at 113 at Iku

They do not understand the process of growth
See, if we take the fire and hate aside and talking about this point from another sight , '' Wars , castles '' are infact not the problem , as having castles means rly nothing what ever with numbers or with out .

I'm not intersting to engage on bull shit and meangingless talks rly as before but if gonna give my sight on it from some one achieved every thing on this game .

i can tell game realy missing atrue kind of '' Pvp '' compeition or challanges between players for valuable rewards , as lets talk honesly Mir type is mainly pvp at end of it , this will fullfill the fire to at least all players intersting on pk side and they are alot

I was even hoping for aserious tournaments happens between Mir servers on pvp side and gather all skillfull pkers here to compete with others servers or at least with each others , like other High rate games Like Mir 4 , league of legends , fort night im not sure if this ever will happen

this will deffo bring game steps forward and will be more known even if needed our op game masters associating with others developers , if this happend this will deffo bring lights to lots real players eyes , as been playing this game from years and one of loyal players to it , i was just hoping see this game goes to it's best .
I 100% agree with you, but i think thats no longer possible. I think castle wars are the biggest group fights we'll ever see.
See, if we take the fire and hate aside and talking about this point from another sight , '' Wars , castles '' are infact not the problem , as having castles means rly nothing what ever with numbers or with out .

I'm not intersting to engage on bull shit and meangingless talks rly as before but if gonna give my sight on it from some one achieved every thing on this game .

i can tell game realy missing atrue kind of '' Pvp '' compeition or challanges between players for valuable rewards , as lets talk honesly Mir type is mainly pvp at end of it , this will fullfill the fire to at least all players intersting on pk side and they are alot

I was even hoping for aserious tournaments happens between Mir servers on pvp side and gather all skillfull pkers here to compete with others servers or at least with each others , like other High rate games Like Mir 4 , league of legends , fort night im not sure if this ever will happen

this will deffo bring game steps forward and will be more known even if needed our op game masters associating with others developers , if this happend this will deffo bring lights to lots real players eyes , as been playing this game from years and one of loyal players to it , i was just hoping see this game goes to it's best .
Did you just win free entry to dream land or something bro?

Fortnite players competes with other players on Fortnite, not other versions or servers like you're suggesting.

You want these developers to associate with other developers shows just how much you know about the GMs on LOMCN because they are all jealous of Scorp and throw him shade when they get the opportunity. What would Scorpian benefit from associating with them, other than they would attempt to take his Heroes files, since he is the only person successfully using them. Everybody else is trying and, in my opinon, failing with Crystal files.
When you coming back noob
Not now until i see some real challenges in the server the server now seems to me is now soft that if i only shout on some one he gonna pee in pants so basically everyone being soft now and i dont think that this is their mistake this game needs alot of changes like if there is someone who dedicates there time hunting bosses for an Elysian blade and after months he gots or you can say he buys it from someone paying real money and then comes up the upgradin system he starts grinding now for elysian ore time after time month after month he does 1st upgrade then 2nd upgrade now think again only a weapon costs him 2 to 3 months of grinding what you expect from him does he will pk and if he does and in pvp unfortunately he dies and drops his Elysian slayer that he dedicated his whole life what you expect from him he will play the game or if he does he will pvp again so basically what i mean is this game needs alot of changes and thats impossible now and i know it wont b change because of one person remember those days when HC kit came Celestial kit came they didn’t need these upgradin system everyone was happy because out of 90%players don’t have the time for these shity ores grinding system so many of players just buy from those who daily do epic hunts challenges like whole day am busy with work or in irl i come home to enjoy some pvp or hunt bosses and what you want me to do find 81 ores for my single weap and waste my time there this comment is not to hurt someone so don’t take this persnoly if this comment is funny to you just laugh and go on there is alot other things in life to do rather then wasting your time replying me here cheers 🥂
Did you just win free entry to dream land or something bro?

Fortnite players competes with other players on Fortnite, not other versions or servers like you're suggesting.

You want these developers to associate with other developers shows just how much you know about the GMs on LOMCN because they are all jealous of Scorp and throw him shade when they get the opportunity. What would Scorpian benefit from associating with them, other than they would attempt to take his Heroes files, since he is the only person successfully using them. Everybody else is trying and, in my opinon, failing with Crystal files.
My talk here to minded real players will under stand and knows what im talking about , is no time waste or convince any body we here giving the right steps forward , and its not adream it happens , i know every one here thinks his economist but this not open for any of that , suggestion is left there for Gms , if ever they are intersting to extended thier filed .

'' compete each others or other servers '' , and theres kind of games do compete other servers same kind of game like Mir 4 close abit to it , servers here could be same game in different region as well .

Don't mean offend u but what u saying bit silly far away the point , and what the hell makes with getting developers with whos jealous from other Gm's or crystal files '' since if u dont know crystal files in all mir is pretty old and they keep repeating it with developing it '' ,u here just burning hard for abounes or some thing which not open for this .

clearly i have big respect for andy , warda and rest of the team as Game masters thats why i do play this game from years and wants for it the best but may be this kind of suggestion im giving will need more hands thats why i mentioned '' associationg with other developers who they trust , and again this is the right steps opened to game masters and this suggestions left if ever to them .
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There are too many nuances with doing this. The items would not pair well as the item balancing systems would not be apples to apples. The collages of skills are not between servers.

The servers cannot be melded, so mir server would need to host the other team, and the changes needed to be as effective as those
Players were on their native server would give the non-native team the disadvantage.

We need to get Iflyu to put thier big boy pants on so we can war again. Or perhaps cap the amount of players allowed in the war?
There are too many nuances with doing this. The items would not pair well as the item balancing systems would not be apples to apples. The collages of skills are not between servers.

The servers cannot be melded, so mir server would need to host the other team, and the changes needed to be as effective as those
Players were on their native server would give the non-native team the disadvantage.

We need to get Iflyu to put thier big boy pants on so we can war again. Or perhaps cap the amount of players allowed in the war?
We used to have a lot of good wars, but people take it beyond the pvp and get really nasty about it, really acting like assholes, then do the shocked pikachu face when people don't like that so team up against thew and start to dominate 🤣

If people could just have same good natured fair pvp it can be a lot of fun, but too many people can't keep help themselves running their mouths, insulting others etc for no reason, and it just takes the fun out of it
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