Announcement - Legs and Webs 2024 | Page 3 | The Legend of Mir

Announcement Legs and Webs 2024

game been already fked and now those shity ppl want rip it Comon guys it’s luck many time you guys get kill from other teams grow up please it’s game I know you guys rich you log events lvl buy we poor we do hard work and sell to make other things
Like I said you guys rich we not
I don’t like I go bank loan buy shits
Why is kr a no drop zone for pk? No risk to steal boss. X2 main boss spawned twice same item dropped but we lost kill on both. Spamming rev scrolls because no risk. Can you enable drops in kr only please?
Lol those who always wanted peace are now here crying for pk drop zone haha exactly what you guys need just tell the master even tho he is confused like me 😂😂😂