Gold | Page 3 | The Legend of Mir


There are easy ways to grind gold, you just have to be prepared to spend a few hours in low-level dungeons.

Sunken temple for instance - You can walk through there, clear everything and come out with 2 mill from the items that drop (use 9k scrolls on uni's) - often you will get a book you can sell on AH as well.

That said, you should be able to grind more gold from higher-level areas, but that isnt the case since the prices changed in the last update... which kinda sucks.

Hmmm...thats a good point about noob areas.

Gotta admit I had thought (and hoped!) the days of going to noob areas was over for me.

Not sure how I feel about it, maybe 1 step forward, 15 steps back sums it up...
When I was level 150-160 I used to spend ages in naga ruins just hunting for drops, collecting everything and selling it all to trader. Was making 20+ mill per hour. I'd do that for hours and hours on end. I probably racked up over 100 hours in there over the space of a few months, purely hunting for gold. Some people just don't know how to grind any more
When I was level 150-160 I used to spend ages in naga ruins just hunting for drops, collecting everything and selling it all to trader. Was making 20+ mill per hour. I'd do that for hours and hours on end. I probably racked up over 100 hours in there over the space of a few months, purely hunting for gold. Some people just don't know how to grind any more
ive just come from there, did 158-174 with 3hours+ runs at a time. i certainly didnt come out with 20m per hour, 20m for the 3 hours leave with an entire bag full of items and 0 pots left, by the time ive done my 10m+ repair id have less than 10m again. like i said before still struggling to crack over 20m
Best way to get gold is to buy it with real life money, cause u certainly cant farm it like its literally not possible high lvl 190 items be selling to junkman for 400k or 300k each...
ive just come from there, did 158-174 with 3hours+ runs at a time. i certainly didnt come out with 20m per hour, 20m for the 3 hours leave with an entire bag full of items and 0 pots left, by the time ive done my 10m+ repair id have less than 10m again. like i said before still struggling to crack over 20m
I used to hunt naga ruins in a similar way to Zad.

I would use two laptops and recall my noob sell everything that drops I was making 40m in 3 hours, but this was a really tough 3 hours playing two chars at once. I know zads technique it absolutely brings in more gold than mine but I wont share it.

As for bob, in bugcave I pick up all drops tt, sell go back do again, all gems and ancients go in ah for a premium and sell overnight I count this toward the profit, its there its possible it just requires a change in your gameplay.
Yeah, it's a real shame GM got the hump with people selling flowers on AH out in the field. There are ways round it but they are just a ball ache.

I still feel its wrong that flowers, pots etc don't stack. If they drop for you, you should be able to pick them up and sell them, rather than 'game' the system.

This way game also rewards those that play within the rules, rather than those that 'stretch' them.
Just did a quick experiment, on 3 different chars, 1 low level, 1 mid level, 1 high level

On each char, I went out with completely empty bag, hunted in a level-appropriate place, picked up everything until bag was full, then TT and sell all what was in bag

On low level char, it took 14 mins to fill bag and I made 800k
On mid level char, it took 8 mins to fill bag and I made 1.4M
On high level char, it took 10 mins to fill bag and I made 1.5M

Tell me again why you can't make gold

Note: This was in free-to-hunt (no demon souls) easy to reach places, not doing anything special
There are techniques I'll keep to myself to make gold a lot faster than this, I was just doing it an easy and obvious way to make a point
Just did a quick experiment, on 3 different chars, 1 low level, 1 mid level, 1 high level

On each char, I went out with completely empty bag, hunted in a level-appropriate place, picked up everything until bag was full, then TT and sell all what was in bag

On low level char, it took 14 mins to fill bag and I made 800k
On mid level char, it took 8 mins to fill bag and I made 1.4M
On high level char, it took 10 mins to fill bag and I made 1.5M

Tell me again why you can't make gold

Note: This was in free-to-hunt (no demon souls) easy to reach places, not doing anything special
There are techniques I'll keep to myself to make gold a lot faster than this, I was just doing it an easy and obvious way to make a point
Can I ask what LVL the "low level char" was?
Also the previously mentioned recall a noob to sell technique is not really available to all players. Especially low lvl.
This discussion is just pointless. Players like Zad have had about 1,000 events behind them to get the HP runes or whatever else they wanted, orange items used to drop like fun during events. They've been playing for years and even booking time off work during events to get runes etc, likely 1.000 + storage characters. If he thought this event was on equal par to the rest why would a man so obsessed with items in the game go on holiday for the first time in god knows how long for an event. Likely, because the GM warned him about the change in direction. The fact is the gap between new players and existing players (though it should exist to an extent) is too much of a barrier for new players. I don't know what the solution is but it's an obvious conundrum. I think reducing the gold sell value for new players who HAVE to hunt in areas at their level and rewarding players who can hunt higher than that (players who can get Eli gear from a simple easy trip to BDP) IS a problem. The latest event offered NOTHING like the ones before that you played so don't get on your high horse saying I did this I did that, I did things like this the hard way. Fact is, it was a lot easier then and you know it. Don't ever try and call it harder I'm just not buying it. The new/high ratio in this server is WAY off.
On mid level char, it took 8 mins to fill bag and I made 1.4M - this is surely bollocks. Don't say 'find a way to play the game' bla bla bla prove me and others wrong explain how this is possible. If you want to shut the argument down, prove it.
On mid level char, it took 8 mins to fill bag and I made 1.4M - this is surely bollocks. Don't say 'find a way to play the game' bla bla bla prove me and others wrong explain how this is possible. If you want to shut the argument down, prove it.
This was on a level 168 warrior (Zad) in paradise Isles (free cave, not the GP one)

It's really not difficult

Stop making so many ridiculous assumptions, the post you made just before that had so many completely nonsense false claims I don't even know where to begin. Stop moaning and start thinking, if you use your brain it's honestly not that hard to make gold etc. here
I'm still laughing at the idea you think GM warned me that event was going to be terrible. If he thought it was going to be disappointing, he would have just made it better lol. I just timed my holiday badly, shit happens, it was booked a long time before event was even announced...

If anything, the GM is remarkably fair. I've literally asked him directly for preferential treatment on one or two little things and he's straight up said no. If you don't ask you don't get, doesn't hurt to be cheeky, but tbh I'm glad he refused, it gives me confidence that he's refusing similar requests for others who might have asked

Around getting Ely kit from BDP, I've been there 3 times since I came back for the Elysium update and haven't seen 1 Ely item drop there in those 3 hunts. Please share your secret for getting unlimited Ely kit, thanks!
Lol, I have difficulty summoning the enthusiasm to goto BDP for the exact reason that nothing decent ever drops. Elysian may drop, but I have never seen it.