Gold | Page 2 | The Legend of Mir


I am happy with current changes as GG to gold bar prices gone up, I play maybe an hour or 2 a night when I can be asked and does not affect me like other players.

I think once the gold has flushed out of game to a certain level. Scorpion might adjust it again.

Tsirki - idea seems to be a good one. Maybe not reduce it but not to the same % you lowered price of selling items. This way you still have the gold flushing out, be it slower.
Nah, gold changes need reverted.

All this does it hurt casual players who'll eventually talk with their feet again.
Yeah theres an actual living crisis right now ingame, if you didnt have a few hundred million or a billion stored up you're pretty much screwed rn,

As I'm typing this I have 31million gold total in my char, if i didnt use toughening oils 24/7 I wouldn't even have enough money for fricking pots!
Is there a reason why we don't get any gold when hunting now? It used to go straight into you bag like exp, but it's all stopped since the chest thing was added. So now to hunt any gold, you need to pay gg every 10mil
Gold or lack of is wrecking the smaller guilds as its hard to get people to donate what little they have for shields , normally we hunt collect the items cash them in and donate to the guild for funds , this has now been halfed yet shields still cost the same as before the lowering of item worth ................................................................................................. not on really Small Guilds Lives Matters ...................................
Iv changed my habits, for the first time in a decade I am again collecting peace/cinders & wildpots to sell, i am still gaining gold per hunt, albeit at a much much slower rate.

I do think this gold nerf was required, gold bars going for 10gg was an all time low.

That said, guild donation, socketing, myth socketing etc etc will certainly make it nigh on impossible for someone starting out.
All this change does is separate the top gap from the bottom gap even more, and this is a huge problem with this server, if anything, you should be encouraging lower level players to have some form of hope of catching up. I've seen many servers die from decisions like this, new players will/have stopped playing as it's simply a barrier too hard to breach for most. When you can't hunt to cover your potions / repair costs without paying real life money honestly what's the point???? The people who need the gold least have easy access to the items of value, all of a sudden hunting in a 190+ zone is worthless. Noobs will just stop playing - wild nerf IMO. It's simply impossible to compare the higher well experienced player who can group hunt in all the cheat caves for fun daily with their top tier active guilds and eat gold for fun from the average player hunting solo trying to get into the game. Huge BOO from me for longevity of the server. And that will have a knock on effect for the top level players who can't sell anything because nobody has any spare money to buy anything, that's if they haven't quit before realising you're banging your head against an unpassable brick wall.
The idea I posted ages ago may help the lower levels as well as higher levels
Gold bar gold bar bundle drop from normal mobs , not over the top but no matter where you hunt you may kill a mob and a gold bar drop
It used to happen in the the caves 120 ish and in the 150 gp caves but seemed to stopped
All this change does is separate the top gap from the bottom gap even more, and this is a huge problem with this server, if anything, you should be encouraging lower level players to have some form of hope of catching up. I've seen many servers die from decisions like this, new players will/have stopped playing as it's simply a barrier too hard to breach for most. When you can't hunt to cover your potions / repair costs without paying real life money honestly what's the point???? The people who need the gold least have easy access to the items of value, all of a sudden hunting in a 190+ zone is worthless. Noobs will just stop playing - wild nerf IMO. It's simply impossible to compare the higher well experienced player who can group hunt in all the cheat caves for fun daily with their top tier active guilds and eat gold for fun from the average player hunting solo trying to get into the game. Huge BOO from me for longevity of the server. And that will have a knock on effect for the top level players who can't sell anything because nobody has any spare money to buy anything, that's if they haven't quit before realising you're banging your head against an unpassable brick wall.
Theres no good solution to be honest, before this change, people were complaining that they couldn't make gg from selling gold bars because the prices of bars was so low and hardly anybody bought them. Over the last few years they've gone from 40-45gg down to 9-10gg. This change was designed to increase the demand for gold bars and it has worked, it pushed the price up. It's still completely possible to hunt and be profitable but not if you hunt in exactly the same way you did before the change. Adapt to the changes, adjust your playing style to suit. This update suits people who can adapt to change and hurts people who are too stubborn to realise that.
I disagree. The people who were stubborn were the ones moaning about they couldn't make gg selling bars. There are plenty of other ways of making decent gg.

How many people regularly sell bars anyway? 2, 3? To change a whole games economy just for 2 to 3 people is absurd.

I honestly don't get the fixation of some people in this game with the price of a gold bar. It is part of the game economy, not THE economy.

But the worst thing is, even if GM did listen to a few, selfish, individuals, he has hindered those that just try to grind on and play the game. And, they are the majority.
Plus, I have now sold the majority of what dropped for me in event. I have made approx. 40m.

Shall I convert that gold to bars and sell for gg at the new, excellent prices? I would get, what, 80gg?

Be still my beating heart!
I have been levelling in bugcave 2-3 hours each day the last 3 days.

I made 8m day 1, 4m day 2 and 12 mil yesterday.

I have been extreme in how I have changed my hunting style & what I gather & how often i tt but its still very possible to earn gold.

I will say this, its still atleast10x easier to earn gold now than it was when goldbars sold for 45gg
Zad has no idea to be quite honest. The games going downhill and it's going downhill fast, it's quite simply a top level bum/guild fest and it's only going 1 way. It doesn't take a genius to see that. Entry barrier to new players = too much, bonuses for zad like players = too much. Please find a balance.
I have been levelling in bugcave 2-3 hours each day the last 3 days.

I made 8m day 1, 4m day 2 and 12 mil yesterday.

I have been extreme in how I have changed my hunting style & what I gather & how often i tt but its still very possible to earn gold.

I will say this, its still atleast10x easier to earn gold now than it was when goldbars sold for 45gg
This is just a ridiculous claim, you're likely Zad in disguise.
If Aro (likely Zade or a close affiliate in disguise) can show me proof of 12 mil profit from a 2-3 hour hunt in bug cave I really will eat human poo, the offers been on the table before but no takers? Surpriseeeeeee, Nobody ever proves me wrong - nobody has ever satisfied my hunger with the poop that I strive for. I need my hunger satisfied. Here we go again, for the newcomers - I will eat human poo if Aro proves that he makes even HALF that much from bug cave in the time he/she/zade says is possible, I will consume human turd on camera for sure. It's absolutely bonkers to claim that it is possible, truly horse testicles. Truly wild lies spread to shut down the facts. I'm bemused by your claims. Prove me wrong and I eat, I feast on shit. Send me a 3 hour video (anyone) (you get the highest time radio allowed - 3 hours) with 12 mil profit from Bug Cave hunting solo in 3 hours and I will do it. Feed me please I beg you. I really need to be proven wrong on these claims so I can hold my hands up and walk away and leave everyone in peace. You simply cannot make 12 million hunting in B/C as a solo player in 3 hours. Prove me wrong I literally beg you.
Good god you said 12mil PROFIT wowwwwwwwww that's at least 10+ mil for repairs, have at it, add an extra 10 mil on for that eeasy
You think Aro is me? Come on pal, you've been around long enough to know that isn't true

I went on Zad (my baby warrior) and bounced around some noob bosses for about 15 mins and made 2 mill gold selling trash items to shop

I've also got a number of secret low level chars that I use to play 'as a real noob' not spending any gg or taking help from guild hunts or whatever, hunt for my own books etc. and I'm able to make enough gold on those to sell the occasional gold bar, and that's at level 140+

The game has got easier and easier, and everyone's got too used to it all being on a plate. Now GM has turned the easiness down a bit and you're all losing your minds. He should make it the way it was 5 years ago for a month to remind you how harsh it was compared to what you've got now

Also, if you're spending 10 mill on repairs for a 3 hour hunt, explain to me why you aren't using a toughening oil?
I find gold easy to make, selling items that drop from mobs/supers etc. I'll store items for a while and when i become low on funds i'll dig them out and sell them.
I preferred to get my gold automatically when mobs died, petty floor gold is not worth collecting unless you get a super/champ drop some 25k piles. The amount of supers/champs seem to be low as well.

The only thing im not happy about is the Vault Keys, I don't think it's possible to get all keys required for the Vault from mobs and the reward 10m 600ds 150m exp is only obtainable when you spend gamegold.

I can see gold bar prices increasing to 30+ during and after the xmas event. Greedy c***s
There are easy ways to grind gold, you just have to be prepared to spend a few hours in low-level dungeons.

Sunken temple for instance - You can walk through there, clear everything and come out with 2 mill from the items that drop (use 9k scrolls on uni's) - often you will get a book you can sell on AH as well.

That said, you should be able to grind more gold from higher-level areas, but that isnt the case since the prices changed in the last update... which kinda sucks.