Crafting | Page 4 | The Legend of Mir


Using a large number of swear words in a posts isn’t big or clever, in fact it will just make the fine people of this server think less of you

oh, here comes the white knight. at least when i say things. i keep it constructive and informative. ppl can argue with me but at least they need a good point. don't they. or you all can say i think this, i don't think that. that's meaningless. you don't have to point out how wrong others statement is unless you have a very good point. don't you. if you don't understand that point. then think i'm done talking to you. cuz nobody argue with kids or "adults with kids lvl understanding and reasoning". Sounds fair? oh btw, that you don't use swear words dont mean you are a good person. Zad is a perfect example. nobody wanna hear his comeback shitz at all even there aint no swear words in his comment. but you hate it. cuz you dont know how come he can be so stupid and not be aware of it. right? fine and nice ppl. ha ha
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at least when i say things. i keep it constructive and informative.

Tell me one thing in your last 2 posts that have been constructive or informative

You've entirely missed my point, you've not understood what I said at all. You were talking about gold not being needed, I gave examples of things that cost gold, and your response is to claim that lots of things cost game gold, which is absolutely irrelevant.

ppl can argue with me but at least they need a good point. don't they. or you all can say i think this, i don't think that. that's meaningless
That's exactly what you've done, so hypocritical. Don't accuse others of doing something that you've just done yourself, that's just bad form. You made some statements and presented them as fact, I just said I don't believe that is true and asked for your evidence, pretty simple stuff, which you've responded to with insults, well done that makes you look really intelligent.

And hiding behind an anonymous account, always a bonus, good job
You're so very wrong. ID scrolls are not the main thing people buy gold bars for. ID scrolls are very cheap compared to most things that need gold at higher level such as repairs, sockets, pots etc.

With your "oh i'll explain this for you, cuz i'm nice and have a better understanding of the game" statement I thought oh I like this guy he sounds a lot like me, but then I realised most of what you are saying is nonsense lol

Which of the "high end gold buyers" have you spoken to and determined that they are buying less?

oh one last thing i did'nt even notice you were on id scrolls. lmfao, did i say id scrolls are enpensive? you don't know what are expensive? the des and ess? good des and ess go for couple hundreds of gg per try? and you didn't even mention it. oh man, i'm so disappointed by you. you always sound like a gm who thinks he got a perfect server running. when ppl say there is flaw and bug, you be like "no, you are wrong". but hey once again, who are you. calm down and stay shut till some better brainwashing idea hit you. i'll debunk you every mother fucking time. half way crook
oh one last thing i did'nt even notice you were on id scrolls. lmfao, did i say id scrolls are enpensive? you don't know what are expensive? the des and ess? good des and ess go for couple hundreds of gg per try? and you didn't even mention it. oh man, i'm so disappointed by you. you always sound like a gm who thinks he got a perfect server running. when ppl say there is flaw and bug, you be like "no, you are wrong". but hey once again, who are you. calm down and stay shut till some better brainwashing idea hit you. i'll debunk you every mother fucking time. half way crook

You are right about the gold bars. I normally buy 10-20 a day when I’m playing. I normally do 2/3 upgrades in between hunts. All my gold goes into crafting as I use toughening oils 24/7. Can’t remember the last time I repaired my kit. A little gold goes on repairing rev rings throughout the day. But I would say I spend 50m a day on scrolls of wisdom at least.

I’d love to see some kind of fact ranking.
Who bought most scrolls this week
Who died most to mobs this week
Who got pked most this week
Who pked the most people this week.
Who spent the most gold this week
Who gained the most exp this week
Who killed the most bosses this week
Who killed the most super/champ mobs this week
Who who killed the most monsters this week.
No rewards just facts for fun :)

But yer I agree, if the crafting market is not running properly then the gold demand is gonna drastically drop.
Tell me one thing in your last 2 posts that have been constructive or informative

You've entirely missed my point, you've not understood what I said at all. You were talking about gold not being needed, I gave examples of things that cost gold, and your response is to claim that lots of things cost game gold, which is absolutely irrelevant.

That's exactly what you've done, so hypocritical. Don't accuse others of doing something that you've just done yourself, that's just bad form. You made some statements and presented them as fact, I just said I don't believe that is true and asked for your evidence, pretty simple stuff, which you've responded to with insults, well done that makes you look really intelligent.

And hiding behind an anonymous account, always a bonus, good job

you know i started to feel like our conversation is meaningless. we are not on the same lvl. so you are saying the vast majority still needs gold cuz they cannot make enough to repair their only shitz. oh you think you can seperate gg and gold cuz they are diff currency? oh, in that case, for gms to run this server better they can provide goldbars in gs let's say for a very cheap price. and everybody is happy. you really think that would work? once the bound between the cser and those who don't cs is cut. Neither of them will get anything, the noncser will stop playing cuz they cannot make gg and they cannot buy what they want by playing. and the cser will stop playing too, cuz they have the gg but they dont have anything to buy cuz the noncsers are gone. you think the gold price drop has no effect on gg? no, you dont seee the bigger picture. the gap between someone with lots of gg and low end provider will get larger and larger. and low end will start to quit game. goldbars is being needed or not is not the argument here. it's a conclusion i draw from my observervation. oh those gp caves have been out for months. why all of a sudden the gold price started to decline right after patch? lol nice and fine ppl. this is my last comment. leave you some space to digest and hopefully you come back something really interesting.
oh, here comes the white knight. at least when i say things. i keep it constructive and informative. ppl can argue with me but at least they need a good point. don't they. or you all can say i think this, i don't think that. that's meaningless. you don't have to point out how wrong others statement is unless you have a very good point. don't you. if you don't understand that point. then think i'm done talking to you. cuz nobody argue with kids or "adults with kids lvl understanding and reasoning". Sounds fair? oh btw, that you don't use swear words dont mean you are a good person. Zad is a perfect example. nobody wanna hear his comeback shitz at all even there aint no swear words in his comment. but you hate it. cuz you dont know how come he can be so stupid and not be aware of it. right? fine and nice ppl. ha ha

I’m by no means anti swearing but there’s just no need for the amount you used before.

Your account is brand new yet the way you come across, clearly not new to the server, no doubt an argumentative chap who pissed off a lot of people in the past and had to create a new account To get you a fresh start.
You know the old fable that states there's no point playing chess with a pigeon because no matter how good you play, the pigeon will knock the pieces over, do a shit on the board then strut about like it won.

You're the pigeon, and that's why I see no value in continuing this
speaking from my own experience. yes you can get good results from salvage like you can get legendary essense or designs from 40ish purity kits. BUT the identifying is a huge mess.
before update, i used to make a lot of good stuffs with 40% ish purity des and essense. the idea was if you always used the most expensive scroll, you'd get at worst 4 star kits as a result. NOW, that's not the case anymore, i've used legendary des and essence to only make a excetional or at best surpreme stuffs. before update, combination of des and ess almost certain guarantees a artefact. Now, you all can say whatever you want. YOU think this, you dont think that, blah blah blah. it doesn't matter. but if you want some truth. open your eyes. goldbar price has dropped to 30 now. wanna know why. oh i'll explain this for you, cuz i'm nice and have a better understanding of the game. the high end, the des and ess and gold buyers like darkstyle once they realized their investment into these things is totally a waste of time. they stop buying. whoever refine kits a lot will notice the change. they are not retards. once they find out, they will quit buying stuffs. and server will be flooded with those high quality ess and des that no one buys, and gold too. the gold price will keep dropping as it will lose the biggest part of the consumer. and soon the server economy will collapse. now you still arguing if the updated upgrade system is working fine or nah. I'm ten steps ahead of ya. Thank me later.

I ermmm... I don’t even know where to start with this, I mean, everyone is entitled to an opinion, but this is way off. The price of gold bars has dropped so dramatically because 1) there was a series of events, and when events are on, gold bars always take a hit, because everyone is out killing mobs for a change, and make lots of coin, so no one needs to buy any bars, and 2) after the last event, the GP cave opened, and people have enjoyed levelling in there and loading up wild pots/items/ingredients into the AH for quick cash, and are making gold hand over fist, so even more so than before, the server has an abundance of cash right now, making gold bars less valuable.

Gold bars have been going round in cycles for at least 6 years now, they’ll go all the way down to 20-25gg before something changes, maybe scorp steps in and increases repair prices, or introduces a new use for gold, or increases socket prices, and pretty quickly it’ll shoot back upto 45gg per bar, where it will stay for a little while, until it then balances back out at 40gg. It’ll stay there then until the next event, when the cycle will start all over again.

(That is, of course, assuming the novelty of the GP cave wares off fairly soon and normal order is restored)
I ermmm... I don’t even know where to start with this, I mean, everyone is entitled to an opinion, but this is way off. The price of gold bars has dropped so dramatically because 1) there was a series of events, and when events are on, gold bars always take a hit, because everyone is out killing mobs for a change, and make lots of coin, so no one needs to buy any bars, and 2) after the last event, the GP cave opened, and people have enjoyed levelling in there and loading up wild pots/items/ingredients into the AH for quick cash, and are making gold hand over fist, so even more so than before, the server has an abundance of cash right now, making gold bars less valuable.

Gold bars have been going round in cycles for at least 6 years now, they’ll go all the way down to 20-25gg before something changes, maybe scorp steps in and increases repair prices, or introduces a new use for gold, or increases socket prices, and pretty quickly it’ll shoot back upto 45gg per bar, where it will stay for a little while, until it then balances back out at 40gg. It’ll stay there then until the next event, when the cycle will start all over again.

(That is, of course, assuming the novelty of the GP cave wares off fairly soon and normal order is restored)

High levels don’t obtain gold from hunting because we don’t actually get any from mobs. If this was taken away from low levels then there wouldn’t be any gold ingame at all. Red dragon used to drop like 300m a day before it changed to evil Mir. Rdd used to die a lot more resulting in prob 200m a day from that. That’s 50 gold bars a day that no longer drop. The gp caves I doubt drop 500m a day in gold
Agree there on the whole. It was never really intended to create such a market, it was for people to trash their excess items and have a go at improving what they have. And 6 years ago I suppose that's what is was. The market is buyer driven, if you don't want to pay the price for the ingredient then don't give the seller the option, and simply don't buy it. Spend your money on something else as you say.

ps. Where you say someone "used Artefacts 10 levels above the item" but didn't get a return on the upgrade? I will try look into it, as that should almost certainly be a success story

Andy as I said earlier I used 6 star design and 5 star ess and both times ended up with a 2 star result after using 900k scroll. I have since then tried a few combos , and only time I had some thing over 5 star was today I used a 4 star des and a 9 star ess and got a 7 star outcome. I did think it was broken but maybe I got unlucky with a few but without a shed load off GG to try out some higher purity refines I can't really comment anymore. Tbh if it is now how I think it is then it's not broken, just ppl won't be able to randomly get great stats with a couple of 4 star items, they will have to be Arte ess Arte des both over 95percent and about 8 to 10 lvls above for those Uber outcomes ppl love
Andy as I said earlier I used 6 star design and 5 star ess and both times ended up with a 2 star result after using 900k scroll. I have since then tried a few combos , and only time I had some thing over 5 star was today I used a 4 star des and a 9 star ess and got a 7 star outcome. I did think it was broken but maybe I got unlucky with a few but without a shed load off GG to try out some higher purity refines I can't really comment anymore. Tbh if it is now how I think it is then it's not broken, just ppl won't be able to randomly get great stats with a couple of 4 star items, they will have to be Arte ess Arte des both over 95percent and about 8 to 10 lvls above for those Uber outcomes ppl love

It’s been changed since yeaterday