Butcha | Page 2 | The Legend of Mir


Just the Control freaks and piss ants who think they rule the roost!

Just Beebo jeffro and the piss ants who booted me from guild because of my timezone and BS about not helping or talking.

Lol you got booted for not talking in guild and being in different Time zone........looool did he not realize you were least getting points for guild? Mate Legends are worse guild to be in.. it’s like being in a communist country Lool
I was never in Immortals. I was put in a sub category called rejects!

Beebo your an idiot who cant come up with your own way to make gold. You mimic and copy everyone else and still end up playing games and running out of GG and Gold. Youve proven yourself not to be very smart twice now.

I will continue to do what i do. You play it your way and ill play it mine. With the hypocracy of trying to rule the game and control it to your benefit. Using castle funds for your own benefit, using lower lvl players on hunts so that you benefit from the hunts, meanwhile you only hunt Em ect wuth certain people and dont invite the whole guild out of pure greed. Then you stand back and tell people that you help others. You only help yourselves!!!

iies and BS that your all work jobs and your the boss of your own sompanies ect ect ect BS BS BS Using other people to level for you (Your own kids or freinds)

Oh the Hypocracy!!!

Lol you got booted for not talking in guild and being in different Time zone........looool did he not realize you were least getting points for guild? Mate Legends are worse guild to be in.. it’s like being in a communist country Lool

Thanks for your input regarding CommunistLegends.

Forum-Trolls and Cunts-with-stalls are not welcome.

Your one true leader
Beebo your an idiot who cant come up with your own way to make gold. You mimic and copy everyone else and still end up playing games and running out of GG and Gold. Youve proven yourself not to be very smart twice now.

Unlike some I can't afford to just buy GG I have to make it other ways. If anyone thinks they have the sole rights to sell GG items for gold it is you. All I did was match your prices and share some of the market. You mention jeffro but you do the same to him as well. It was you that then started to place your chars with oversized armours over the top of my stalls making it impossible for people to click on them. I bought Lord Sauron armour so you couldn't do it. You also move pets over NPC's. I have never blocked your stalls just given you competition. Your full of BS. I even watched you as you moved butcha yim over my stall yet you say its accidental.

You carry on what your doing and i'll keep doing what I do.

- - - Updated - - -

Just the Control freaks and piss ants who think they rule the roost!

Just Beebo jeffro and the piss ants who booted me from guild because of my timezone and BS about not helping or talking.

You've never been in a guild i'm in.
Im sure the point of this thread was about you deliberatly blocking tele npcs or merchant npcs so they click on your stall. CTL S removes stalls from view. But it is annoying all the same when your in a hurry to get somewhere. I'd rather pay 1gg more than use your stall for an item cos your basically being a cnut.
Im sure the point of this thread was about you deliberatly blocking tele npcs or merchant npcs so they click on your stall. CTL S removes stalls from view. But it is annoying all the same when your in a hurry to get somewhere. I'd rather pay 1gg more than use your stall for an item cos your basically being a cnut.

Yep this with bells on. I'll buy from anyone other than this guy no matter what his prices are
Thanks for your input regarding CommunistLegends.

Forum-Trolls and Cunts-with-stalls are not welcome.

Your one true leader
selfish/sly/sneaky with no principal....definitely “True Communist Leader SuI-Tu”
How do these guys even make money like this? The profit margins are so low!

If either of you would like to make some real gg try a pyramid scheme;)
I don't even understand why they do it. Buy gg items to sell for gold, so much less hassle to just buy gold bars, and at the prices they sell stuff for its not really making them any more, especially when bar prices are low. And what are they using so much gold on?
I don't even understand why they do it. Buy gg items to sell for gold, so much less hassle to just buy gold bars, and at the prices they sell stuff for its not really making them any more, especially when bar prices are low. And what are they using so much gold on?

I think they then turn the gold into bars and sell for a profit. A lot of work for little reward imo but maybe the rewards better than I think considering how many people do it
I think they then turn the gold into bars and sell for a profit. A lot of work for little reward imo but maybe the rewards better than I think considering how many people do it

It just relies on other people not doing the maths. If everyone put a bit of thought into it there would be zero market for this kind of thing. Same as the people who buy timestones for 25gg, absolutely mental lol
i happen to have a clever mate who worked out the real value in time stones and lichens so will never over pay again! im tempted to publish and try put an end to these silly ah prices
i happen to have a clever mate who worked out the real value in time stones and lichens so will never over pay again! im tempted to publish and try put an end to these silly ah prices

Was it me? Hah. I know a lot of people have done the maths on it and often get slightly different figures. I've got an excel sheet with everything so I just put in the prices and it tells me what to do to get the best value. Should really make that stuff into a webpage at some point if I cba
Just to let everyone know not that you will be interested. This poor person Butcha/Lykos/Upgrade/WankaWonka etc after realising he has upset many people has seen fit to create a new stall called "Gameshop4".

This is not my char but I think he's hoping to get business trading as one of my stalls.

My Stalls are Gameshop, Gameshop2, Koalemos and beebostore2.

Just to let everyone know not that you will be interested. This poor person Butcha/Lykos/Upgrade/WankaWonka etc after realising he has upset many people has seen fit to create a new stall called "Gameshop4".

This is not my char but I think he's hoping to get business trading as one of my stalls.

My Stalls are Gameshop, Gameshop2, Koalemos and beebostore2.


Man can this guy get any lower :( Should report him for impersonation!
All i wanted was a slice of the profits. Unlike some , I cant afford to buy Gamegold. Nothing wrong with a bit of competition. After All Beebo, all the games you play to try and cause profit losses and badmouth my reputation. All the characters you have set up just to compete. But you wont actually tell people how under handd you really are will you??

As for you Zade, You should be reported for not being the original owner. Character Sharing and generally being full of crap about your RL employment. The dribble that i saw coming from you in the guild chat was priceless. There should be a report button for attaching your Lips firmly to GM's Sphincters.
As for you Zade, You should be reported for not being the original owner. Character Sharing and generally being full of crap about your RL employment. The dribble that i saw coming from you in the guild chat was priceless. There should be a report button for attaching your Lips firmly to GM's Sphincters.

LOL what?

Character sharing and not original owner - That's the 1st time I've ever been accused of that. What even brings you to that conclusion? The email address all my characters use has my real name in it and is older than p69 so good luck explaining your logic there.

Full of crap about my employment? I don't remember ever talking to you about my work, what have I said and what evidence do you have that I'm wrong?

Dribble coming from me in guild chat? When were we even in the same guild?
All i wanted was a slice of the profits. Unlike some , I cant afford to buy Gamegold. Nothing wrong with a bit of competition. After All Beebo, all the games you play to try and cause profit losses and badmouth my reputation. All the characters you have set up just to compete. But you wont actually tell people how under handd you really are will you??

All you want is a slice of the profits? Just BS coming from you. You fkd it for yourself.
He’s moved the stalls now he got the picture. Let’s all just leave it there.
Thanks for moving stalls pls don’t put them infront of npc again. You will get more custom from the likes of me if u don’t try to force us into looking at the stalls