BloodLust | Page 2 | The Legend of Mir


This makes me want to level my warrior just to prove a point. I see the way the top warriors level and they seem to manage to gain exp just as quick as I do on my wiz even with all these "disadvantages", and as a bonus they can kill bosses in 2 mins that take me 10+ mins

Leveling a war isn't the worst thing it's the combination of multiple things that make is fustrating comparing to other classes.

My best example is my war is 144 with amazing kit. Dc940 without pots or torch. If I'm not careful in HOA just getting surrounded by the wrong mobs can end my life. My wiz is 133, shop kit and can kill as fast and more safely than the war.

It would be awesome to be over almost 10 levels above cave and over kitted and be able to rinse a place. Instead I have to just grab partial lures and run and hide when my HP drops below 2k because the wrong combo of mobs might wipe that in less than 2 seconds.
OK people, lets all be specific on problem and stop this "fight" about which class has an advantage or not. The problem is NOT the amount of DAMAGE the Bloodlust spell does. Bloodlust is a spell which intends to drain HP from mob transferring it to warrior using it. As long the spell don't transfer HP to player suppose its like we don't have/use spell. This leads to either spell erased from the spells list or fixed to do wot its description says, even with less chance or maybe less HP% drain if that's the Scorp's intention of fixing. Please fix that ASAP because is vital for warriors.
Thank you.
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This makes me want to level my warrior just to prove a point. I see the way the top warriors level and they seem to manage to gain exp just as quick as I do on my wiz even with all these "disadvantages", and as a bonus they can kill bosses in 2 mins that take me 10+ mins

there is no way you can play both and claim that warrior doesn't require far more financial investment just to be viable, sure when its in endgame it kills bosses faster but that's after many levels of watching taos and wizz do things you can't and with far less rl money investment. My wizz can kill bosses just for owning inferno, just putting it on the ground, my warr cant touch those bosses and is 10 levels higher. I hope we can farm them faster later on, its the reward for lvling half the speed, making half the money and having to invest far more cash and waiting patiently while other people do things we cant yet.

I don't know if I agree tho that we need aoe bloodlust and major balance changes, I think the end result of the warr is its just reward however taking away a functional bloodlust from a lvling warr hurts a lot more than an engame warr.
I think the end result of the warr is its just reward however taking away a functional bloodlust from a lvling warr hurts a lot more than an engame warr.

No it doesn’t! I promise you 171+ warrs are feeling this just as bad If not more
not only is BL bugged atm and not working , i noticed that awakened says its adds hp 0 ? guessing this skill is supposed to increase your HP as well as ur regen
there is no way you can play both and claim that warrior doesn't require far more financial investment just to be viable, sure when its in endgame it kills bosses faster but that's after many levels of watching taos and wizz do things you can't and with far less rl money investment. My wizz can kill bosses just for owning inferno, just putting it on the ground, my warr cant touch those bosses and is 10 levels higher. I hope we can farm them faster later on, its the reward for lvling half the speed, making half the money and having to invest far more cash and waiting patiently while other people do things we cant yet.

I don't know if I agree tho that we need aoe bloodlust and major balance changes, I think the end result of the warr is its just reward however taking away a functional bloodlust from a lvling warr hurts a lot more than an engame warr.

Amen! however you'll get moaned at by all the warriors 160+ who are from a different time.

My Tao at only level 120 with just 1 spell ToxicGas can level easier/quicker than my 138 warrior. I've not repaired any of my kit once, by the time I come to need a repair I've already outgrown it. My warrior needs to constantly pot, without a regen stone you die faster than you can regen.

All they need to do is apply Bloodlust to FireFrenzy on the focus'd target, not asking for AoE heals just the single target your hitting. My FireFrenzy hits for like 1k, so I'm happy to accept 80% of that as a decent regen/sustain.

Costs a fortune running a warrior plus we are extremely kit dependant and leveling is half the pace of taos and wizards.
Bloodlust and awakened should work on firfrenzy and forst frenzy. Wiz and tao have distinct advantages on mass killing
Amen! however you'll get moaned at by all the warriors 160+ who are from a different time.

My Tao at only level 120 with just 1 spell ToxicGas can level easier/quicker than my 138 warrior. I've not repaired any of my kit once, by the time I come to need a repair I've already outgrown it. My warrior needs to constantly pot, without a regen stone you die faster than you can regen.

All they need to do is apply Bloodlust to FireFrenzy on the focus'd target, not asking for AoE heals just the single target your hitting. My FireFrenzy hits for like 1k, so I'm happy to accept 80% of that as a decent regen/sustain.

Costs a fortune running a warrior plus we are extremely kit dependant and leveling is half the pace of taos and wizards.

Okay it proccing off the single target in the frenzy actually makes a lot of sense and I cant see that breaking anything.
Okay it proccing off the single target in the frenzy actually makes a lot of sense and I cant see that breaking anything.

Mate.... when u need heal in a big lure you frenzy in you just hit flaming and blazing or asigne tdb / frenzy / frostfrenzy in like F5 F6 F7 so you can slow all mobs then start use tdb (or fire trust) when need of heal.

I dont think warriors shall have a aoe heal. Would be to easy. We are fine

- - - Updated - - -

We need bc 4 sec!
frist of all i love how andy commented i found that funny but down to the game... do we have a ETA on reboot for the fix am sure we would all like a date for the fix loveing all the great work you are doing but we need this fix asap
Mate.... when u need heal in a big lure you frenzy in you just hit flaming and blazing or asigne tdb / frenzy / frostfrenzy in like F5 F6 F7 so you can slow all mobs then start use tdb (or fire trust) when need of heal.

I dont think warriors shall have a aoe heal. Would be to easy. We are fine

- - - Updated - - -

We need bc 4 sec!

That's mental mate I never considered using different abilities based on their strength depending on what the situation called for, thanks you really opened my eyes.
there is no way you can play both and claim that warrior doesn't require far more financial investment just to be viable, sure when its in endgame it kills bosses faster but that's after many levels of watching taos and wizz do things you can't and with far less rl money investment. My wizz can kill bosses just for owning inferno, just putting it on the ground, my warr cant touch those bosses and is 10 levels higher. I hope we can farm them faster later on, its the reward for lvling half the speed, making half the money and having to invest far more cash and waiting patiently while other people do things we cant yet.

I don't know if I agree tho that we need aoe bloodlust and major balance changes, I think the end result of the warr is its just reward however taking away a functional bloodlust from a lvling warr hurts a lot more than an engame warr.

Just gonna remind you what my actual post was

This makes me want to level my warrior just to prove a point. I see the way the top warriors level and they seem to manage to gain exp just as quick as I do on my wiz even with all these "disadvantages", and as a bonus they can kill bosses in 2 mins that take me 10+ mins

How did you get from that to talking about finances? I didn't mention anything about costs, and I agree with you that warriors are expensive to run. My only point is that warriors tend to go on about how slow they are to level compared to wiz, and all I'm saying is that they aren't. The fact that 6 of the top 10 are warriors should make that clear enough.

Warriors are slightly slower at killing mass lures than wiz are, but it's not as massive a gulf as most people make out. Where the massive gulf comes is at bosses. The really hard stuff obviously I can't do on my warrior, but the mid lvl stuff that is possible on my warrior (biles/4t/sky etc.) I can do in less than 1/2 of the time on my warrior than it takes me on my wiz that's 20 levels higher.

What I'm saying is, if warriors want the ability to clear lures as fast as wiz, then I'd support that as long as they also get single attacks nerfed so that bosses take them 5x as long as they do now, just like it does for wizards. Can't have it both ways or there would simply be no point in any class other than warrior
Just gonna remind you what my actual post was

How did you get from that to talking about finances? I didn't mention anything about costs, and I agree with you that warriors are expensive to run. My only point is that warriors tend to go on about how slow they are to level compared to wiz, and all I'm saying is that they aren't. The fact that 6 of the top 10 are warriors should make that clear enough.

Warriors are slightly slower at killing mass lures than wiz are, but it's not as massive a gulf as most people make out. Where the massive gulf comes is at bosses. The really hard stuff obviously I can't do on my warrior, but the mid lvl stuff that is possible on my warrior (biles/4t/sky etc.) I can do in less than 1/2 of the time on my warrior than it takes me on my wiz that's 20 levels higher.

What I'm saying is, if warriors want the ability to clear lures as fast as wiz, then I'd support that as long as they also get single attacks nerfed so that bosses take them 5x as long as they do now, just like it does for wizards. Can't have it both ways or there would simply be no point in any class other than warrior

I am yet to see a warrior luring an entire map and then start nuking entire waves of exp out of existence to the point where the left side of my window looks like the matrix on crack so how you are hitting that exp at the same speed with either is very impressive. I'm not crying out for this as I previously said it would just be nice is if while we aoe at a much slower rate than wiz and tao we could relax a bit more while doing it like the other classes.

I don't want the same clear speed I'm happy with the lure taking twice as long I just don't want to keep being pushed off after a certain point and having to wait ages for my hp pot to bring me back up to rinse repeat and feeling on edge I want to be able to drool on myself a bit more and watch tv while I farm. I think in repair costs alone we more than pay for the luxury to be able to anchor up and hope for a few good bloodlust procs to keep me in position for maybe an extra few mins.
Razor, zade will never agree with you on this pal. Every single post is the same as to how warr's are just as easy, when we all know it's a load of tosh.

I've never seen a warrior pop 2-3 spells and the entire 50 mob pull vanishes with ease. More like your stood there using firefrenzy hoping bloodlust proc's on an ability in order to not die from a pull that you should be able to handle. They'll say ooo use FrostFrenzy, when it deals such tosh damage unless you have an entire dedicated ice kit..

My warriors level 138, has a few younger items (MightyImperius) to help me boost my AC/MAC which makes quite a big difference for me. It's been rough, but spending a fortune getting my fire damage to 30%+ makes it so I can usually manage to kill a decent pull before they kill me. If you pull too many though, you ded.

Also you'll need to constantly have a dura potion from the GG store running at 6gg a pop (lasts 3 hours). That's the only way to farm without the durability costing you more than you actually make/find whilst leveling.
I've never seen a warrior pop 2-3 spells and the entire 50 mob pull vanishes with ease. More like your stood there using firefrenzy hoping bloodlust proc's on an ability in order to not die from a pull that you should be able to handle. They'll say ooo use FrostFrenzy, when it deals such tosh damage unless you have an entire dedicated ice kit..
You know those "2-3 spells" have cooldowns right? Lure, cast COP, cast bloodstorm, wait a couple of seconds, repeat. Those "2-3 hits" can take up to 15 seconds. In that time a warrior with equal level and standard of kit as my wiz can swing fire frenzy 20 times and probably kill just as many if not more mobs.

My warriors level 138, has a few younger items (MightyImperius) to help me boost my AC/MAC which makes quite a big difference for me. It's been rough, but spending a fortune getting my fire damage to 30%+ makes it so I can usually manage to kill a decent pull before they kill me. If you pull too many though, you ded.
Last time I bothered with my warrior I did level 151 to 153 in 2 days, as I said earlier in this thread, I don't really enjoy playing warrior that much but if it comes to it I'll just grind my warrior up to 165 or something purely to prove a point

Also you'll need to constantly have a dura potion from the GG store running at 6gg a pop (lasts 3 hours). That's the only way to farm without the durability costing you more than you actually make/find whilst leveling.
Not sure how you figure this to be a disadvantage to warriors? On my wiz I'm on a dura pot every time I leave SZ, if I wasn't then my repair bill would be 20m+ per day. You said yourself that wiz do big lures, how do you figure they do that without losing dura? Wiz stuff costs just as much to repair as warrior stuff and we have less natural agility, so actually get hit more