rune removal tool | The Legend of Mir

rune removal tool


Active Member

Please take heed from the threads that have been closed.

In my opinion the issue is that runes are far far too hard to earn. When I first started this server the first two big events I joined i was able to gain 5+ maxed runes of every kind, and other players were selling so cheap I could easily upgrade my whole kit and have loads spare in store. Since then I have been lucky to get one or two full runes total per event, getting new kit and not being able to rune it how we like is not fun, remember we play for fun.

I have recently, 4-6 weeks ago purchased an ice drake (years behind everyone else I know) I had an XL rune in store from years ago and about 1/3rd of the way there on creating the next one, 6 weeks later I am still below 50% of the way to the full second rune, that fucking sucks, im still not using the icedrake as its still worse than my drake...

I left this game two years ago, before I left at the end of a big hunt when sharing items everyone used to pick uni items first, now everyone picks small runes even over hc/cele and mythical, small runes are always picked first, that is a problem clear as day.

Fix the drop rate on runes and the extraction tool problem will be nullified.

I totally get that GM wants us to earn our goodies. In that, I 100% support him. If he gave us everything we want, when we want, we would all lose that sense of achievement when something finally drops.

However, I think me and the GM have a vastly different definition of the word 'finally'. The situation with runes has been a joke for longer than I can remember.

It's got to the stage when I ain't fussed if items drop or not as I know I can't rune them. My 184 tao wears 145 gear as if I wore unruned higer level kit, even allowing for the higher base sc on the items I would loose 100 sc.

On my war I have items in store from last event that just sit there as, again, I can't afford to rune them.

I really don't see this as good for the server. Not sure why it hasn't been sorted long before now.
exactly my point


will a 0.5% increase of "hens teeth" make a difference? the increase needs to be hella damn significant.

Yes we have all had them I am sure, but in my experience I have had that juicy rune drop twice maybe three times in 189 levels and never has it been relevant to my class, that cannot sustain anyone.

I have spent the 200% drop rate event which is just about to end exclusively killing bosses, I have made 120mil selling the junk I got to NPC's SO i aint been idle by any means yet the only rune i got dropped was a +10% undead damage.

I seen the tool was 180 so haven't even bothered to log in.

Patch notes seem like the right steps are being taken. However spending the next 6 months and a further 10k GG buying hp runes to replace my bounds that cost me a small fortune. Doesn't appeal to me. So I doubt you will be seeing me anytime soon.

Enjoy the update people.
All we can hope is that Scorp has listened regarding rune drops. If so, although you won't be able to rerune your old kit at least you will be able to rune the new. If he hasn't listened then we are back to square one, unfortunately.
I seen the tool was 180 so haven't even bothered to log in.

Patch notes seem like the right steps are being taken. However spending the next 6 months and a further 10k GG buying hp runes to replace my bounds that cost me a small fortune. Doesn't appeal to me. So I doubt you will be seeing me anytime soon.

Enjoy the update people.
Same here not even bothered to open mir since patch note released ........
Even with rune removal tool it wont wrok on most my bound items so ......
All levels is excessive. I'd have hundreds of runes. But removing bound without letting us move our runes kinda kills it. Most of us only made them and invested heavily because of the benefit of bound to account. But now most people are left with sub par items with very little sell on value.
What about those that are gearing cele and would love to reuse from hc gear?

Everyone has a reason they want these. And it being just for certain levels is asinine.

Time limited is understandable but excluding tiers of people is wrong.
It states that runs drop rate was increased but since the update I have killed many many many bosses and not 1 single time a tune has dropped and guessing for no one else either since even in the auction house it has the same health runes that has been in there for months that are way over priced. Just fix the rune removal tool for all levels so we can all reuse what we spent a ton of GG on and grinding on bosses to find and combine to upgrade our new gear.
PS drops are so bad with them even high level 180plus players are shouting in town to buy runes and crystals cause they are just not dropping for anyone.
All levels is excessive. I'd have hundreds of runes. But removing bound without letting us move our runes kinda kills it. Most of us only made them and invested heavily because of the benefit of bound to account. But now most people are left with sub par items with very little sell on value.
A server bug ate all of my wizzy bdp pets. No way to replace them. Not paying 300 to 500gg to bribe or buy more pets. Ridiculous, so I started playing my tao.

I found the attack speed tao bug, and with no eta on a fix I had to trade and buy gg to get new gear to work around a bug that was introduced months ago. So I don't get to reuse my soul crystals I put into my hc gear, in my new gear, because it's not 180?

Time and money wasted to work around bugs and keep interest in this server.

Well I cant be asked wasting my time anymore when others are being catered to.

If the tool isn't for all levels, then I'm simply done playing this server.
What about those that are gearing cele and would love to reuse from hc gear?

Everyone has a reason they want these. And it being just for certain levels is asinine.

Time limited is understandable but excluding tiers of people is wrong.
I think your missing the point. The only reason people want the runes from bound items is because the perk of the kit has now been removed. We sacrificed stats because the items couldn't be dropped. You remove the fact them items can't be dropped, they just become sub par items. Which many hight level players sank lots of money into instead of socketing elysian, purely because they was bound. If them items was never bound I doubt many people would of bothered pumping 20-30k gg into making the kits they made.

That's why people want the runes back. Trust me if the tool worked on all level gear I'd benefit more than most.

We have lost the benefits from the kit we picked and sacrificed stats to build. Yes they shouldn't be bound and never should of been. That was a misjudgement on scorps part. It was a game changer for all the wrong reasons. But people losing that sort of gamegold and expecting them to just rebuild new kit due to changes made isn't the right direction. Sure the items can be sold. But realistically what values left in them when the only real benefit (bound) has been removed. When elysian is so much better.

This tool changing is very insignificant to me, I haven't played for some time. Coming back or not makes absolutely 0 difference to me.

Sure the games fun and I enjoy it. But I also enjoy many other things/games, I play when it suits me. Currently the prospect of buying another 10k worth of runes and spending 6 months trying to buy them, or waiting for them to drop is less appealing to me than spending my time somewhere else.
I fully understand what your saying and I don't disagree with it but your missing my point of view.

I had to regear due to skill breaking server bugs. Had upgraded gear I couldn't use because of skill breaking server bugs. Lost pets due to server bugs.

I should be able to get those upgrades back for the new gear I HAD to buy to keep playing.
I fully understand what your saying and I don't disagree with it but your missing my point of view.

I had to regear due to skill breaking server bugs. Had upgraded gear I couldn't use because of skill breaking server bugs. Lost pets due to server bugs.

I should be able to get those upgrades back for the new gear I HAD to buy to keep playing.
I definitely fail to see your point. As someone who has all 3 classes on one account all over level 190, I don't actually understand how you can't play each class even with the issues you have said.

Your just looking on getting runes from gear that hasn't changed. While the rest of us are just trying to not get screwed over by the changes to bound kit. Your crystal kit is still worth what crystal kit is worth. My bound kit has become significantly less valuable due to the only benefit it had, now being removed. We chose the bound route instead of elysian and took a stat hit on the items. Due to them being bound. We lose the benefits to help the game progress but shouldn't have to lose our investment.

I'll be completely honest. I think the tool should of only worked on bound items, to compensate for the removal of bound to account.

I don't believe anyone should be benefitting from the changes. Like, I don't think anyone should lose because of the changes made to help the server grow.
I got screwed over twice by server bugs that were introduced months back.

Once when the server ate my wizards pets. I'm not the only one. It happened to a few people. I have no ability to get those pets again without buying them or bribing my way into a group to get them again.

I made gear to play my tao and start leveling it, only to find the aforementioned "attack speed bug" that would lock your tao in skill animations if you had over 17 attack speed. I didn't put attack speed on anything my items rolled that way when I rolled them for soul attack.

Warrior is the most tedious class to level and I generally just dislike it.

So I had two options. Buy pets for GG, which Ammar and a few others tried to sell me, ranging from 300gg to 500gg, or regear my tao. I had to trade my Tele ring and a shit ton of GG to regear my tao because of bugs.

You got screwed because enough people whined to get bound kit removed.

I got screwed by server bugs.