Xmas Event problems | Page 2 | The Legend of Mir

Xmas Event problems

Happy Christmas to you all!

Yeah agree as a whole to the other posts. I'm new to this game - started 10 days ago and I'm level 133. Don't have a great kit or the means to buy one, maybe it makes a such huge difference, I don't know.

But the grottos are a no-go zone for me, die too many times for it to be classed as fun... and the santa hunt, for me personally, is also not enjoyable, few Santa's on a relatively small map filled with the majority of the players on the game.

Apologies this sounds like a big post just to moan, I am enjoying the game - but I always thought events were meant to be great fun to play during holidays. And for me it just isn't. Maybe people with OP kits/items will enjoy it, and good luck to them if they do. I will
Not be going back in to the grottos.
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Happy Christmas to you all!

Yeah agree as a whole to the other posts. I'm new to this game - started 10 days ago and I'm level 133. Don't have a great kit or the means to buy one, maybe it makes a such huge difference, I don't know.

But the grottos are a no-go zone for me, die too many times for it to be classed as fun... and the santa hunt, for me personally, is also not enjoyable, few Santa's on a relatively small map filled with the majority of the players on the game.

Apologies this sounds like a big post just to moan, I am enjoying the game - but I always thought events were meant to be great fun to play during holidays. And for me it just isn't. Maybe people with OP kits/items will enjoy it, and good luck to them if they do. I will
Not be going back in to the grottos.

10 days and your 133....!!! Is that even possible?? The mighty Gemba is greater than all of us put together and he’s still only 122 after 2 weeks ����
Any event changes were bases mostly on this thread from last year: https://thelegendofmir.com/forum/threads/45325-Siege-Ott

As I say, main maps were barely modified - although I did skim off some damage from monsters and add the Keratoid - so unsure why this year everyone is finding them so challenging

I think we know from previous years that this is not Halloween and this is not River of Flames. Perhaps this is not a "leveling" event either. Good job there's a server full of leveling areas and we have just had 1.5x exp event..
Any event changes were bases mostly on this thread from last year: https://thelegendofmir.com/forum/threads/45325-Siege-Ott

As I say, main maps were barely modified - although I did skim off some damage from monsters and add the Keratoid - so unsure why this year everyone is finding them so challenging

I think we know from previous years that this is not Halloween and this is not River of Flames. Perhaps this is not a "leveling" event either. Good job there's a server full of leveling areas and we have just had 1.5x exp event..

Then what's the event for? The people at end high end of the level gaps to get massive amount of drops and leave everyone else in the dust? Maybe my assumption is wrong but aren't events supposed to be inclusive?

Events like this get people back into the game, if they pop in and get frustrated within a few minutes then what's the point? I know gg keeps the server running but if no one has a real inventive to play then they won't, thus less gg being bought and spent.
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Yeah, I don't have any issues about wanting super high exp or whatever. I just want to be able to take part!
Like I say I'm a noob here, level 133 but I have items for my level.
The "event" might as well just be another normal non-event cave that I've encountered so far!

Make it so that everyone can take part and if necessary lower the exp, if you say the event is not about exp. the Santa items that I can see expire in 14 days (or so) anyway. It's just such a struggle in there! Personally I won't be attempting the grottos again.
From what I have read and spoken to people in game everyone is saying the event is a great success apart from one clear problem. The mobs are far too hard.

To clarify events are for fun. Not necessarily easy exp and drops (although these are considered fun) but not being able to participate in the majority of a Christmas event is not fun. Hunting an event cave that has less exp and drops than your normal cave is clearly not going to be beneficial to hunt. (Tested around an hour in my cave Vs paradise heights)

A suggestion....

Lower mobs strength / remove para and slow

Double mob count, adjust exp and drops as needed.

Enable Rts to be used.

This is just my opinion and is solely based on my characters current level/kit.
Maybe instead off giving tiger mounts should give the under 150s a frost guard or something that stops them going blue every time they try and lure some mobs. Hunting in CT or grotto is fucking tedious without a FG .
I've got to take GM's side on this one. I've tried on all 3 of my chars and found it VERY easy

176 wiz in full MC kit (0 defence, not even bothered with a rev ring) I did a lure of about 15 mobs and didn't even need to pot or use bloodstorm, just stood in the middle and COP and took about 2k hp of damage by the time they were dead
155 war in admittedly decent kit, mobs do hurt a bit but they also die very quickly, just fire frenzy the lures and if I get slowed I just BC out the way until I'm unslowed, focus the mobs that slow you first cos they die in like 2 or 3 hits with FS/BS anyway so once they are dealt with the rest of the lure is easy
148 tao with no frost guard and pretty poor kit, about 700 sc wearing clear ring, mobs that slow/freeze me I kill with explosive amulet in 5 hits, spot them first and take them out before they even reach me, rest of the mobs barely even touch my pets, so let them deal with lures and chuck in the odd DV if it's safe

On none of those chars did I ever feel at risk of dying or think that mobs were taking too long to kill

Any low level people who find this too hard, I am going to be confident in saying it's because of your tactics, not because of the cave.

It might be worth discussing in detail what kit you are wearing, your stats, what skills you are using and what tactics you are using, then the community can offer advice on how to proceed more successfully
I've got to take GM's side on this one. I've tried on all 3 of my chars and found it VERY easy

176 wiz in full MC kit (0 defence, not even bothered with a rev ring) I did a lure of about 15 mobs and didn't even need to pot or use bloodstorm, just stood in the middle and COP and took about 2k hp of damage by the time they were dead
155 war in admittedly decent kit, mobs do hurt a bit but they also die very quickly, just fire frenzy the lures and if I get slowed I just BC out the way until I'm unslowed, focus the mobs that slow you first cos they die in like 2 or 3 hits with FS/BS anyway so once they are dealt with the rest of the lure is easy
148 tao with no frost guard and pretty poor kit, about 700 sc wearing clear ring, mobs that slow/freeze me I kill with explosive amulet in 5 hits, spot them first and take them out before they even reach me, rest of the mobs barely even touch my pets, so let them deal with lures and chuck in the odd DV if it's safe

On none of those chars did I ever feel at risk of dying or think that mobs were taking too long to kill

Any low level people who find this too hard, I am going to be confident in saying it's because of your tactics, not because of the cave.

It might be worth discussing in detail what kit you are wearing, your stats, what skills you are using and what tactics you are using, then the community can offer advice on how to proceed more successfully

Not in full agreement with the above (my lvl 173 Tao got mullered) but loving this on a 152 warr, maybe this is my sweetspot.

As Zade says, maybe look at what attack you are using?

As for drops, for me, less items are dropping (compared to Halloween) but loads more marbles and, dare I say it, runes! Not as in way too many runes but just enough that I am enjoying event.

So, thank you Scorp :)

Know what I am not enjoying though? Some of our high levels behaving like spoilt little children desperate to keep the toys all to themselves. Its bloody Christmas! Good will to all, etc. etc. If you see someone 20+ levels lower than you, not in Cele arm and gear, just give us a break?

So, to Scorp, the ghost of Dragons past and all the other decent MIR players a big "Merry Christmas". To all those wannabe robbers, "Merry Christmas" to you too (I just hope that Santa only brings you a lump of coal...)

p.s. Santas Grotto is genius! I can level, I can kill, all in peace. Just need to find those pesky presents :)
Events been cool so far, was better before it was made easy. But I love the new weapons and armours they look very cool.
Event is okay, not as good as halloween event though. Been in the event map a few times, TU'ing mobs seems to help (when it works lol) I don't have a decent kit or frostguard either but I manage to survive in there. bumped into Zadu and he looked like he was handling it just fine. My only issue is those pesky mobs that freeze you as there range is long.

haven't been looking for tigers or Santa's as too many peeps pk'ing for them. bumped into that frost giant thing which took me by surprise.

event map seemed easier when I joined a friend's guild hunt.

Merry Christmas all
Event is okay, not as good as halloween event though. Been in the event map a few times, TU'ing mobs seems to help (when it works lol) I don't have a decent kit or frostguard either but I manage to survive in there. bumped into Zadu and he looked like he was handling it just fine. My only issue is those pesky mobs that freeze you as there range is long.

haven't been looking for tigers or Santa's as too many peeps pk'ing for them. bumped into that frost giant thing which took me by surprise.

event map seemed easier when I joined a friend's guild hunt.

Merry Christmas all

If you get stuck with a frost giant feel free to pm me coords, if I'm not busy I'll come and kill and you keep the drop, merry christmas :)