Victor | The Legend of Mir



Active Member
Hello guys not to offend someone just to throw some opinions if you guys like for future updates like i know half server is grinding for ores to upgrade armours or weapon not only Elysian even tho for the common weapons or armours like lvl 186 190 one so what am trying to say is why GM dosent bring some special Armours or weapons those don’t need to upgrade like some really special stats in them like armour with High AC and AMC in them with HP regen and MP regen in them weapons with Critical Damage or Critical Rate in them with other some special stats in them and put them in Main bosses not like normal bosses drop you these if they do make the probility of droping this from normal boss 00.01 put them in main bosses like BDB main boss RDD main boss Evil Mir make evil mir harder tho peoples will really put there time to find these iteams also these places will be busy everyone will try to hunt these thing plus for PK or castle thing best advice is remove guild alliances system from game and remove some castle like there is more castle for now then the players for defend these removing alliances system will be good like if now I declare war against PornStars there real players will be like 5 to 6 but there allies will be more then 10 to 15 so it will be hard for guilds to take over so my advice was GM should bring some new epic iteams non upgradable with nice stats worth more then these Elysian iteams and some work on castles also will bring some real fun like if GM now brings a new kit like Elysian it will take a month to find a weapon then start grinding for the ores takes ages to upgrade that weap a slayer if you really want to value the iteams you should make Runes Rare to find if the Value if runes goes UP the weapon or armor am wearing with full runes vaule goes up as it is full of runes it’s practical i know many of you dont like my opinion just like my post and go on life is too short to argue have fun guys Good Luck champs #LongLivePVE
Completely agree. The odd item set that can be upgraded with quests is way more attractive than every single armour and weapon set after 172 having multiple upgrade quests. It feels like the game revolves around kill quota quests
Wait. What? You want runes to become even rarer and yet more expensive?

So those who have kits that are already fully runed get to go around doing as they like, those without being their fodder?

Yeah, that will work 😀
Nice idea to bring in new gear, especially if it is super rare. Not sure about the runes being more rare and expensive as Dote said above those of who us who don't have any or very few get screwed while those with a ton already just benefit.

We've seen just how expensive people try to sell stuff for what is fine if you're a high level with thousands of GG already but us poor scrubs who make our GG one gold bar sale at a time would never get any if the price was raised even higher lol.
Wait. What? You want runes to become even rarer and yet more expensive?

So those who have kits that are already fully runed get to go around doing as they like, those without being their fodder?

Yeah, that will work 😀
I agree it will effect low lvlers as they don’t have the runes like the Ranked players do I don’t say make it harder from a one time update like he can do it slowly slowly in each patch or leave runes on a side he also can bring new runes as if he brings new iteams new runes such like AC MAC maybe Critical Damage or Critical Rate or Runes like HP Regen MP regen or 1.5 or 2 PDR and MDR make something special in these runes so everyone tries there best to find them like there are hundreds of ideas if GM himself wants to bring such things problem is GM nowdays keeps repeating the same thing it doesn’t work that way i really like him he made the best Mir game ever like no one did problem is now there is no such changes in arcadia that can attract new players to come as Arcadia is repeating same thing every ever i think it needs some major changes that can attract new players to come join this awesome server well as i said its all our thoughts not gonna happen ever!!! #LongLivePVE
You all try slate PVE but then you all race to hard cap using elixirs and everything else. Get a life stay 5-10 lvls below it and make pvp happen
As Ammar stated, I started two months ago. Yet am lvl 185 and have the best items possible in-game. I’ve never been part of an event besides this noob event. I have enough runes to upgrade my armour or weapon.

It’s easy to excel. Why are high lvls who invested much time on their account QQing on behalf of the noob who just started?

Hard work pays off. We already get massive handouts to make the game easy, don’t suggest it becomes moreso.
As Ammar stated, I started two months ago. Yet am lvl 185 and have the best items possible in-game. I’ve never been part of an event besides this noob event. I have enough runes to upgrade my armour or weapon.

It’s easy to excel. Why are high lvls who invested much time on their account QQing on behalf of the noob who just started?

Hard work pays off. We already get massive handouts to make the game easy, don’t suggest it becomes moreso.

Interesting. Did you get those items all by yourself or were helped with hand outs? (Honestly just curious nothing more) When you say best possible in game items I would also be interested to see, are they fully runed up? ect
Interesting. Did you get those items all by yourself or were helped with hand outs? (Honestly just curious nothing more) When you say best possible in game items I would also be interested to see, are they fully runed up? ect

Its all items that have been bought not built, anyone can do it if you have the money to waste.
Its all items that have been bought not built, anyone can do it if you have the money to waste.

I mean almost all my gear has been bought from the Auction with some pieces given to me by friendly helpful players and guildies but it takes me a while to buy said gear as I don't have spare cash to just buy GG. It's the slow process of selling gold bars when the price isn't awful.

If MageTea has done the same fair play to him. But (Not saying this is the case just giving an example) if he's just bought a ton of GG and then bought his gear then yeah kind of takes away from the whole "Hard work pays off."
I mean almost all my gear has been bought from the Auction with some pieces given to me by friendly helpful players and guildies but it takes me a while to buy said gear as I don't have spare cash to just buy GG. It's the slow process of selling gold bars when the price isn't awful.

If MageTea has done the same fair play to him. But (Not saying this is the case just giving an example) if he's just bought a ton of GG and then bought his gear then yeah kind of takes away from the whole "Hard work pays off."

Personally ive always bought my way through the game as i simply dont have the time to grind that others do, im not knocking it but as you say dont preach about hard work etc when youve picked the easy route…

And with all due respect you could probably level a wizz to 180 in a week… they are by far the fastest and easiest class to not only level but also to play.
Personally ive always bought my way through the game as i simply dont have the time to grind that others do, im not knocking it but as you say dont preach about hard work etc when youve picked the easy route…

And with all due respect you could probably level a wizz to 180 in a week… they are by far the fastest and easiest class to not only level but also to play.

Oh I know I'm a lazy ass when it comes to levelling up wouldn't surprise me if I was one of the slowest levellers in this game! People who have got to level 200 or even in the 190's have my respect for that grind alone!
Interesting. Did you get those items all by yourself or were helped with hand outs? (Honestly just curious nothing more) When you say best possible in game items I would also be interested to see, are they fully runed up? ect

Nah, bought them all from guildies and AH. The reason it’s hard work is because to purchase GG, you must have first earned the money through work.

If you haven’t worked hard to earn money, you won’t have GG. Therefore won’t have top items.

I could earn all these items without GG, but that would take time.

It is a matter of time efficiency. I can go to work and earn the money I need to buy all my gear Much faster then the time it would take to earn it without GG.

The only thing I don’t compromise on is leveling. I do all my own leveling and enjoy it so!
Personally ive always bought my way through the game as i simply dont have the time to grind that others do, im not knocking it but as you say dont preach about hard work etc when youve picked the easy route…

And with all due respect you could probably level a wizz to 180 in a week… they are by far the fastest and easiest class to not only level but also to play.
Level 180 in a week? Perhaps without sleep and post experience recalibration that happened last summer.
Nah, bought them all from guildies and AH. The reason it’s hard work is because to purchase GG, you must have first earned the money through work.

If you haven’t worked hard to earn money, you won’t have GG. Therefore won’t have top items.

I could earn all these items without GG, but that would take time.

It is a matter of time efficiency. I can go to work and earn the money I need to buy all my gear Much faster then the time it would take to earn it without GG.

The only thing I don’t compromise on is leveling. I do all my own leveling and enjoy it so!

That's fair although I would say and maybe it's me being the devil for the sake of chaos but there are people whom work and still can't afford to put in money into this game.

There is a bit of a difference between those who earn (looking at current prices) 21-22gg per 10m and those who can make 1.5k gg in about 30 seconds from buying it.

Fair to play to you in the regards of levelling though! (I'm equal parts jealous of your level and mad at myself for being so lazy)

Linking this back to Runes ect I think the price of XL HP runes are 500gg at the moment what for someone like myself whom has to make gold and sell bars would be roughly like 230m gold needed to afford one. If they then became rarer no doubt that price would go up even more. Wouldn't want Runes to become commonplace as that would insult the hard work players have put in to get the kit they have! Regardless of buying GG or grinding it for as you said either way is still hard work in different ways.

Having new gear come out that is both rare with good stats would be amazing for the game, maybe introduce new runes for this gear. It wouldn't devalue the old runes as everyone still loves those HP runes but it would create a new market maybe for those at really high level 195+

Also random idea for Wars if it is somehow possible maybe introduce a system that can scan how many "Defenders" vs "Attackers" there are. Whomever has more might have some kind of disadvantage attached to them. Maybe they are more likely to drop when they die? (Just a random thought)
That's fair although I would say and maybe it's me being the devil for the sake of chaos but there are people whom work and still can't afford to put in money into this game.

There is a bit of a difference between those who earn (looking at current prices) 21-22gg per 10m and those who can make 1.5k gg in about 30 seconds from buying it.

Fair to play to you in the regards of levelling though! (I'm equal parts jealous of your level and mad at myself for being so lazy)

Linking this back to Runes ect I think the price of XL HP runes are 500gg at the moment what for someone like myself whom has to make gold and sell bars would be roughly like 230m gold needed to afford one. If they then became rarer no doubt that price would go up even more. Wouldn't want Runes to become commonplace as that would insult the hard work players have put in to get the kit they have! Regardless of buying GG or grinding it for as you said either way is still hard work in different ways.

Having new gear come out that is both rare with good stats would be amazing for the game, maybe introduce new runes for this gear. It wouldn't devalue the old runes as everyone still loves those HP runes but it would create a new market maybe for those at really high level 195+

Also random idea for Wars if it is somehow possible maybe introduce a system that can scan how many "Defenders" vs "Attackers" there are. Whomever has more might have some kind of disadvantage attached to them. Maybe they are more likely to drop when they die? (Just a random thought)

You get out what you put in.

I don't have many HP runes because they are way too overpriced for me atm. I would rather lvl a whole new char and get a full elysian kit for the same price.

I wish the Arcadia team put out High-end OP gear strictly for GG purchase. Have it be very expensive, somewhere around 4500gg each, so heavy donaters could purchase.

There have always been exceptionally powerful and rich players in the game of life. Why cant we have a slice of that in Mir?
Nothing will change the way you expect it should. It is more true for some than for others.
I didn’t said i want arcadia to be like this i just shared an opinion its GM ideas to bring such content all we can do is advise plus come zt i will show you jokes apart 😂😂😂