Like a flip flop you mate, say one thing mean another. The fact being you log your wiz and 100% show you how wrong you are, hence I made the offer...
nah,i just dont want to show you how to play it lol
Like a flip flop you mate, say one thing mean another. The fact being you log your wiz and 100% show you how wrong you are, hence I made the offer...
nah,i just dont want to show you how to play it lol
I just wanted to mention vic and claymore to say how retarded it was to get zade, we both know zade dont know how to pk at all
Funny cause I can bc a war that's dashing and have 3 seconds to wipe his hp to nothing. Have you ever tried to trans in front and repulse? Gotta use some imagination. This isn't a discussion this is just you fighting for something that you want. If all the war can do is run, not do dmg, not cc or anything besides pot v slowly is it really game breaking? There's plenty counters to it.
Log a wiz come in game np
Me and nerd tested it,its kinda fucked up tbh,its possible to play against it but you never will get rewarded for the amout of time you put into the fight.
Appreciate your honesty. As I said, my aim of this thread was not to argue with people. But to hopefully get it sorted out.
I'm not asking for major changes a simple stop step and run after sd has been cast would fix most of it. Because right now when your running and shoulder dash you can't see where the spell starts or ends as it's just a running animation in a straight line. By the time they hit the end and you realise they have dashed they're already running still at full speed so there is no stop. During the 2 second animation they are already at point B. But you have no way of actually knowing dash was cast. So your still trying to hit them, your spells are on cool down so large amounts of hits miss as you have no idea they are dashing so carry on casting. Or you have generally missed the 1 second opportunity to land a hit before they are off in another dash.
Basically your timing on the dash has to be perfect. Which in writing sounds easy? Which would be the case if auto run and dashing during running didn't exist. Could just lay armageddon at point b every time. But sadly point A and B don't exist. As auto running when dash ends, and no indication other than - 16 mana when cast if your good enough to see - 16 mana and hit at point b. Kudos to you, but would need some serious concentration and hella fast reflexes. Which the average player doesn't have.
It's a tricky one to explain but the minute you see this in action, as the wiz/tao your opinion will change.
If there was any other way to stay in a fight longer than 10-15 seconds most the time I'd be fine with a nerf. On the other side of things test it in a real pvp environment ie mobs in pb. In pvp I agree it could do with a nerf but in pve it's one of the few safe ways to disengage and Regen. We don't have a good way to heal/tank anything.
Appreciate your honesty. As I said, my aim of this thread was not to argue with people. But to hopefully get it sorted out.
I'm not asking for major changes a simple stop step and run after sd has been cast would fix most of it. Because right now when your running and shoulder dash you can't see where the spell starts or ends as it's just a running animation in a straight line. By the time they hit the end and you realise they have dashed they're already running still at full speed so there is no stop. During the 2 second animation they are already at point B. But you have no way of actually knowing dash was cast. So your still trying to hit them, your spells are on cool down so large amounts of hits miss as you have no idea they are dashing so carry on casting. Or you have generally missed the 1 second opportunity to land a hit before they are off in another dash. action, as the wiz/tao your opinion will change.
I agree with ya but you've forgotten the major problem: old time u can use SD 2-3 or maybe more steps away and still SD a player away now it wont work u gotta be only 1 step close to him which is rly unfair meaning it will be hard to cast on ranged classes, and would be pointless on melee 9/10 of the time
Battle charge can be cast from spaces away and pushes them back. A better choice for closing down targets during pvp. You can be 4/5 spaces away and bc them.
Appreciate your honesty. As I said, my aim of this thread was not to argue with people. But to hopefully get it sorted out.
I'm not asking for major changes a simple stop step and run after sd has been cast would fix most of it. Because right now when your running and shoulder dash you can't see where the spell starts or ends as it's just a running animation in a straight line. By the time they hit the end and you realise they have dashed they're already running still at full speed so there is no stop. During the 2 second animation they are already at point B. But you have no way of actually knowing dash was cast. So your still trying to hit them, your spells are on cool down so large amounts of hits miss as you have no idea they are dashing so carry on casting. Or you have generally missed the 1 second opportunity to land a hit before they are off in another dash. action, as the wiz/tao your opinion will change.