Past Bichon: Dawn of Evil Mir | Page 2 | The Legend of Mir

Past Bichon: Dawn of Evil Mir

It wasn't designed to be the main boss - that's EM (although EM is possibly slightly under-tuned too but we will see). OmaLord only has a 90 minute respawn.

I think u might of over tuned the ranged mobs. I must of used 30+rev scrolls yeaterday
It wasn't designed to be the main boss - that's EM (although EM is possibly slightly under-tuned too but we will see). OmaLord only has a 90 minute respawn.

Oh, I was under the impression that Immortals had killed EM. If that's not the case then sorry I misunderstood. Yeah OmaLord isn't a huge deal. Don't listen to DarkStyle the ranged mobs are fine :p mwuhahaha
They are not clearly indicated quests

Can we please get a hint? I’ve found new materials I can only assume are for quests. Can find any npc offering the new quest.

- - - Updated - - -

There’s an npc in pb that says we should look for Charsea. I found a npc in heroes called charsi but nothing to do with quests. Did I find the right npc but it’s got spelling error or am I going in the total wrong direction?
theres a npc in pb called charsi who is also a blacksmith

One npc “geed” says “have you spoken the charsea? She’s a great smith”
The “smith” in pb is called “charsi”
So is this a spelling mistake? Or is there another npc called charsea?