Magic find | Page 2 | The Legend of Mir

Magic find

Not on a plate. If I have 2 mc rings with extra holy on, salvage both and get a design and esse from each ring, l then upgrade another mc rings does than then have holy on ? Just asking for a few hints. Not everyone has millions of cash to waste.

From my own testing that is not the case
Not on a plate. If I have 2 mc rings with extra holy on, salvage both and get a design and esse from each ring, l then upgrade another mc rings does than then have holy on ? Just asking for a few hints. Not everyone has millions of cash to waste.

No that will not necesarily add holy. Essence and designs do not retain any data about the item they were salvaged from
So there's no formula just chance? That sucks . Thanks for feed back. Won't bother with upgrade any more.
Best wishes
So there's no formula just chance? That sucks . Thanks for feed back. Won't bother with upgrade any more.
Best wishes

There are formulas, of course there are. But only to affect the level of upgrade, not which stat gets upgraded
So there's no formula just chance? That sucks . Thanks for feed back. Won't bother with upgrade any more.
Best wishes

I see your point but Mir has been and (hopefully) always will be a game with certain of chance (and aspects of skill)
The chance aspect is what keeps a lot of people going and makes it addictive 😊