@Scorpian - think this thread needs locking and ammar needs some sort of "punishment" as he likes to say for his absolute vile attitude and comments, telling people the need to be raped several times instead of actual adding logical, contributing information he just insults to another level, bet he will be soon to cry when someone brings religion or something into it like he normally does

.. if nothing is done then ill be saying wtf i want to them as clearly there is 0 consequences for these types of shitty comments... and skye, i told u the other day defending this POS makes you just as bad and half the comments you put on here just further proved that, as i told you before, i hope u dont snap ya legs getting of that high horse of yours because you make 0 sense in any of your posts about what needs to change you and ammar are doing nothing but spewing bs.. crying about no shows? how long did imms have the walls and noto/legacy/fb did nothing for months but no show rofl even tho they had a fair few on?? wasnt to long ago ammar was begging to be allies as he had no1 and noto hated ammar, now they all in bed once again just like i said would happen

you snakes are to easy to predict.. anyway not going into to much detail as they clearly lack any sort of basic intelligence to even have a civil debate on a game mechanic...