Killed blue dragon but got no quest reward | The Legend of Mir

Killed blue dragon but got no quest reward


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Went to blue dragon on my tao (Zadu) last week specifically because I hadn't completed the quest on that char yet and quite fancied the 100m exp reward, due to my own carelessness I died when boss had 30k hp left so I was on the floor when it died and I didn't get the exp or game points and obviously no achievement either. No worries I decided to give it another go tonight.

Tonight was no problem, was sober for a change, so was alive when it died, got exp and GP but to my surprise no quest reward. Weird, had a look at my achievements and it says I've completed it twice. When I press Q it's not there. I'm certain I had 0 completions last time and didn't get the reward.

Is there any way to check logs to see what happened? Maybe I actually completed it ages ago and forgot? I dunno I'm sure I didn't have the achievement and now I have, but I don't think I got the reward.

Not massively fussed about it I can get 100m exp easily enough just a bit confused and would be nice to understand what's happened :)
d2107m3 37 34 Zadu GamePoints 7 +434 BlueDragon 2020-07-09 23:29:38

d2107m3 40 27 Zadu GamePoints 7 +499 BlueDragon 2020-07-04 21:43:47

Looks like you killed it twice
Thanks for checking. That's weird. On the 4th I didn't see anything to indicate that I'd got it, and didn't get the reward. I didn't think anything of it at the time because I was dead on the floor in KR when the dragon died, so I didn't expect anything at that time.

Oh well, no harm done thanks again for checking. Not really worth spending any time investigating further, just one of those things I guess :)