Hawk Tuah | Page 2 | The Legend of Mir

Hawk Tuah

in which case thats a great idea.

Agreed. Although my thoughts don't really matter since I am one of those scumbags most people on the forums seem to hate... a PvE player lol.

But yeah would make for maybe a good swing of power where some wars might be a bloody battle to the death others might be more quiet depending on the day / numbers. Suppose the only point I otherwise agree with from the defenders point of view is the "fake" wars where it's declared and nothing happens. Maybe if there was a restriction on that happening. Something that maybe stops fake war declarations while not causing any issues for a proper guild to declare war.

Maybe a guild needs to have X amount of players in it at X level to declare war? Don't really know just spit balling an idea.
Maybe make all wars points based like SW, and a declaration cooldown based on points achived.

More than 10k points = you can declare immediately for war the next day
More than 3k points = 3 day cooldown for next declaration
Under 3k points = 7 day cooldown for next declaration

That way if you've got a team to put up a fight, and are actually intending to try and fight, then you can declare every day and have all the wars you want. If you just declare purely to waste the defenders time with no intention of even fighting, you can be thanked with a suitable cooldown so you can't ruin everyone's play time for your own amusement.

I understand the argument of "you should be prepared to defend your castles at any time", but there are a lot of people who get maybe 1 or 2 hours free time to play in an evening, and they were spending that time EVERY NIGHT standing in an empty castle just in case an enemy appeared, while the enemy were away killing all the bosses unchallenged. That's not gameplay, that's just being a dick. If people didn't do such stupid "tricks" then these changes wouldn't have been asked for. It's your own fault it went this way.
suggest some changes to the way wars are declared in the game, to enhance the overall gameplay experience for everyone.

Current System:

Declaring wars is a bit unpredictable and can interfere with events.

Proposed Changes:

1.Reduce the Number of Castles
Remove all castles except for two, maintaining only one in the southwest and one additional location.

2.Scheduled Wars:
Implement an auto-war system that triggers wars twice a week, on Wednesdays and Sundays. This schedule will help players know exactly when to prepare for war.

3.No Wars During Events:
Ensure that no wars are declared during special events to avoid conflicts and allow players to fully participate in the events without distraction.

I believe these changes will streamline the war declaration process, making it more predictable and enjoyable for all players. Scheduled wars will also foster better preparation and participation, and removing wars during events will allow players to enjoy event activities without the added pressure of wars.

suggest some changes to the way wars are declared in the game, to enhance the overall gameplay experience for everyone.

Current System:

Declaring wars is a bit unpredictable and can interfere with events.

Proposed Changes:

1.Reduce the Number of Castles
Remove all castles except for two, maintaining only one in the southwest and one additional location.

2.Scheduled Wars:
Implement an auto-war system that triggers wars twice a week, on Wednesdays and Sundays. This schedule will help players know exactly when to prepare for war.

3.No Wars During Events:
Ensure that no wars are declared during special events to avoid conflicts and allow players to fully participate in the events without distraction.

I believe these changes will streamline the war declaration process, making it more predictable and enjoyable for all players. Scheduled wars will also foster better preparation and participation, and removing wars during events will allow players to enjoy event activities without the added pressure of wars.

Sabukwall °°°°