Announcement - Haunted Woods 2023 | Page 5 | The Legend of Mir

Announcement Haunted Woods 2023

Oh, the irony.

Those that play a game where they are represented by nothing more than pixels on a screen, where they could literally be anybody, looking down on those that post on a forum where they are represented by nothing more than pixels on a screen and moan that they could literally be anybody.

Even if I gave you cupcakes my in game name (and to be honest, most in my guild already know) all I would give you is my in game name. It means nothing. It certainly doesn't make me any 'braver' than an anonymous poster on here.

How about you 'judge me' (and others like me) by what I say and over how long a length of time I say it, eh?
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I don't think it's bullying to ask someone who created 10+ shadow accounts to try and sway a poll for a game played by a community of about 200 people exactly who they are in the game.

Realtalk everyone - step away from the keyboards, we don't need another thread closed. Just ignore the argumentative people.
Dote this is the reason didledee or whatever the fk its spelt isn't taken seriously, and fyi I voted the same but to make so many accounts to skewer a poll in such a small community is reprehensible & pathetic.

Lets be honest this is a small community, many of us have met in person, with discord/zoom/whatsapp/facebook etc many many more know what we look/sound like, there really isn't very many left in arcadia who are completely anonymous.