I think the extraction tools being common or even in shops are a very short-sighted thing to support.
It would benefit players who have older kit they want to upgrade, which is a lot of the current player base, me included, which is why it unfortunately gets a big thumbs up from a lot of people.
But nobody is thinking of the down side. It means all that kit you are removing runes from is now not on the market. If there were no extraction tools you would likely just sell your old kit. That's how it's always worked, and new players absolutely rely on that kind of thing. Kit that got loads spent on it in the past but is now considered 'lower level' getting sold on to newer players is a major driver of the economy of the server, without that supply of kit, new players have a much harder time of catching up.
As it is, anyone who hits 180 now needs to either make their own kit, which involves buying runes (very expensive) and crafting (very expensive), or buy stuff premade which is very rare and often even more expensive. Or just live with kit that's barely better than what you find in shops. Because anything above 180 that isn't being used just gets stripped of runes. It's a very difficult time for new players who don't have the support of a generous guild or a deep pocket.
And people want that effect to start hitting players as low as 160... nah. People will hit that wall and just not bother continuing. I don't want to see that at all, I'd love to see newer players have a fair chance at getting up through the levels and have kit available to buy to help with that. That's why I oppose the extraction tools being in shops, or being common drops. Maybe a very rare drop as a treat, but please don't ruin things by making them common.