Feature Request - Halloween Event | Page 2 | The Legend of Mir

Feature Request Halloween Event

The Rune trader at summer event was spot on
Also extracting tool in game shop during event be useful to all as often you want to tweak your gear every 3-4 months so events perfect time to do so
Like the addition of 185 gear exchange thing aswell
In fact summer event was spot on if not expensive on the wallet for gg caves to make the items but still fun
Just had a little thought...

Instead of having a thing you kill that drops the legs/webs or whatever it will be in Halloween, how about the tokens you collect to make runes can drop in the same way as hidden ore drops in epic caves. So as you're killing, you just collect them as you go. They can drop with low rate in ANY cave, x3 rate in event caves, and x10 rate in gg caves. Something like that. Reward players who actively hunt :)
Nice idea .
The Rune trader at summer event was spot on
Also extracting tool in game shop during event be useful to all as often you want to tweak your gear every 3-4 months so events perfect time to do so
Like the addition of 185 gear exchange thing aswell
In fact summer event was spot on if not expensive on the wallet for gg caves to make the items but still fun
Should be in game shop yh. As need to change alot items on my gear .
I think the extraction tools being common or even in shops are a very short-sighted thing to support.

It would benefit players who have older kit they want to upgrade, which is a lot of the current player base, me included, which is why it unfortunately gets a big thumbs up from a lot of people.

But nobody is thinking of the down side. It means all that kit you are removing runes from is now not on the market. If there were no extraction tools you would likely just sell your old kit. That's how it's always worked, and new players absolutely rely on that kind of thing. Kit that got loads spent on it in the past but is now considered 'lower level' getting sold on to newer players is a major driver of the economy of the server, without that supply of kit, new players have a much harder time of catching up.

As it is, anyone who hits 180 now needs to either make their own kit, which involves buying runes (very expensive) and crafting (very expensive), or buy stuff premade which is very rare and often even more expensive. Or just live with kit that's barely better than what you find in shops. Because anything above 180 that isn't being used just gets stripped of runes. It's a very difficult time for new players who don't have the support of a generous guild or a deep pocket.

And people want that effect to start hitting players as low as 160... nah. People will hit that wall and just not bother continuing. I don't want to see that at all, I'd love to see newer players have a fair chance at getting up through the levels and have kit available to buy to help with that. That's why I oppose the extraction tools being in shops, or being common drops. Maybe a very rare drop as a treat, but please don't ruin things by making them common.
I think the extraction tools being common or even in shops are a very short-sighted thing to support.

It would benefit players who have older kit they want to upgrade, which is a lot of the current player base, me included, which is why it unfortunately gets a big thumbs up from a lot of people.

But nobody is thinking of the down side. It means all that kit you are removing runes from is now not on the market. If there were no extraction tools you would likely just sell your old kit. That's how it's always worked, and new players absolutely rely on that kind of thing. Kit that got loads spent on it in the past but is now considered 'lower level' getting sold on to newer players is a major driver of the economy of the server, without that supply of kit, new players have a much harder time of catching up.

As it is, anyone who hits 180 now needs to either make their own kit, which involves buying runes (very expensive) and crafting (very expensive), or buy stuff premade which is very rare and often even more expensive. Or just live with kit that's barely better than what you find in shops. Because anything above 180 that isn't being used just gets stripped of runes. It's a very difficult time for new players who don't have the support of a generous guild or a deep pocket.

And people want that effect to start hitting players as low as 160... nah. People will hit that wall and just not bother continuing. I don't want to see that at all, I'd love to see newer players have a fair chance at getting up through the levels and have kit available to buy to help with that. That's why I oppose the extraction tools being in shops, or being common drops. Maybe a very rare drop as a treat, but please don't ruin things by making them common.
Actually rune tool in gold shop at certain times like events helps all and here is what I found
People upgrade 180 plus gear by swapping out runes to their new improved gear which dropped at event or was improved due to the extra des ess about
There old gear 180 etc gets sold or passed down in guild
Also people by runed gear 180 but may want to change spec so they also do as above
Sub 180 the market place for runed gear is quite buoyant as quite few people I know have managed to kit out this years skull island new chars with quite decent gear for very little outlay
What also people need to take into account is 99% of the server now knows runes on sub 180 gear is wasteful and with the exp leveling matrix in place it’s not long to get 180 compared with say 2 years ago
Any new come rs also have the knowledge bestowed on them from peers that not to rune until much much in game play which was sort unknown when say example Cele gear was about
I advocate extraction tool in gg shop for a very limited. Window each major event (3-4) eg 7 days and expires like summer event
Make GG cave with more mobs and a boss which can’t be killed in 2 hit… make it hard with good reward. Remove all the nonsense from chest drops such as 100k scrolls and bloody g oils maybe add re-entry tokens reward from chests. Also make main cave boss rs time random and not a fix timer as it will only be camped by certain person or group. Also hoping to see new Halloween special kit like arctic and phoenix but obv something different. 3k GG for £99 special during event. I swear you will make more than what you did during first 6 months of 2024.
Actually rune tool in gold shop at certain times like events helps all and here is what I found
People upgrade 180 plus gear by swapping out runes to their new improved gear which dropped at event or was improved due to the extra des ess about
There old gear 180 etc gets sold or passed down in guild
Also people by runed gear 180 but may want to change spec so they also do as above
Sub 180 the market place for runed gear is quite buoyant as quite few people I know have managed to kit out this years skull island new chars with quite decent gear for very little outlay
What also people need to take into account is 99% of the server now knows runes on sub 180 gear is wasteful and with the exp leveling matrix in place it’s not long to get 180 compared with say 2 years ago
Any new come rs also have the knowledge bestowed on them from peers that not to rune until much much in game play which was sort unknown when say example Cele gear was about
I advocate extraction tool in gg shop for a very limited. Window each major event (3-4) eg 7 days and expires like summer event
I agree with gritt
Make GG cave with more mobs and a boss which can’t be killed in 2 hit… make it hard with good reward. Remove all the nonsense from chest drops such as 100k scrolls and bloody g oils maybe add re-entry tokens reward from chests. Also make main cave boss rs time random and not a fix timer as it will only be camped by certain person or group. Also hoping to see new Halloween special kit like arctic and phoenix but obv something different. 3k GG for £99 special during event. I swear you will make more than what you did during first 6 months of 2024.
I'd love for there to be harder stuff in gg caves, but GM has to make it piss easy otherwise people will have been playing the game for 5 minutes and got boosted levels and have no kit will go in and die and complain that it's too hard :(

Maybe there needs to be options when you enter a gg cave you can select if you want "low risk low reward" or "high risk high reward"
I think GG caves should alter to your level like normal event caves are 160-170 170-180 180-190

It should be something simlar with gg caves so 190+ caves can drop high lvl upgrade items / runes but also be alot harder so it doesnt take 3 mins to do.

lets face it at 190+ doing gg caves is boring as fuck and takes no effort at all might aswell type @level up, only reason i go is for the chance of getting a good drop (tele ring x2) last halloween :D
I stopped playing as soon as a realized the game is PTW, especially as a part time player, paying extreme prices was the only way to gain anything fast. Even if you want to take full advantage of an event it will cost you £`s

New content is needed, (170+ Bosses) new items (to many ingame and most are worthless), new Mythics, new Runes (Maybe more XL options)

I think the Rune extraction tool for 160+ items is a good idea, why should a new player get something that someone has spent a fortune on both time and money for a cheap price ?
I stopped playing as soon as a realized the game is PTW, especially as a part time player, paying extreme prices was the only way to gain anything fast. Even if you want to take full advantage of an event it will cost you £`s

New content is needed, (170+ Bosses) new items (to many ingame and most are worthless), new Mythics, new Runes (Maybe more XL options)

I think the Rune extraction tool for 160+ items is a good idea, why should a new player get something that someone has spent a fortune on both time and money for a cheap price ?
What new players lol? most of the new players are returning players that get past 160-170 very quick and are looking for 180 kit.

Bring in 160+ tool is will make all this useless cele kit with 4 hp runes worth something again lol and "new" players that have bought this kit can profit.

maybe bring something in that breaks a XL to 3 L runes so these lower runes can be added on lower kit like it should be.
What new players lol? most of the new players are returning players that get past 160-170 very quick and are looking for 180 kit.

Bring in 160+ tool is will make all this useless cele kit with 4 hp runes worth something again lol and "new" players that have bought this kit can profit.

maybe bring something in that breaks a XL to 3 L runes so these lower runes can be added on lower kit like it should be.

Where is this useless Celest Kit? There's barely any for sale... that would be my next big kit and I can't find any at sensible prices. So are people just hoarding it? If we end up able to extract from that then I will have zero chance of having it - totally kills the resale market for me, a new player.
Where is this useless Celest Kit? There's barely any for sale... that would be my next big kit and I can't find any at sensible prices. So are people just hoarding it? If we end up able to extract from that then I will have zero chance of having it - totally kills the resale market for me, a new player.
160+ tool means there will be cheaper runes and more cele items on the market lol. With this you could bug a affordable cele kit and even enjoy some cheap runes that people put for sale?
Where is this useless Celest Kit? There's barely any for sale... that would be my next big kit and I can't find any at sensible prices. So are people just hoarding it? If we end up able to extract from that then I will have zero chance of having it - totally kills the resale market for me, a new player.
This is what I've been saying all along. People who have it hoarded up just in case a tool becomes available for it are being very short sighted. The market as a whole is generally very greedy unfortunately
160+ tool means there will be cheaper runes and more cele items on the market lol. With this you could bug an affordable cele kit and even enjoy some cheap runes that people put for sale?
Yeah gotcha, I probably misread it all. I had looked at buying a couple yesterday but logged on and they were gone lol.

But yes. The market for older kit is awful and hugely overpriced.
This is what I've been saying all along. People who have it hoarded up just in case a tool becomes available for it are being very short sighted. The market as a whole is generally very greedy unfortunately
Yeah I think as we’ve discussed before.

My hopes for the event are basically something that gives the solo player a purpose and enjoyment.
If a 160+ tool was made and people could take runes off these items it would improve the market for "new" players as they wont have to pay 800gg for cele boots with 4 hp runes in and would get them for 100gg and hp runes could drop to 200-300gg? making a happy and active market <3 you will always have greedy players that price hp XL rune at 500gg thats why there was in AH still selling the same 2 runes for past 2 years
Or here's a wild thought. People could just sell the cele boots with hp runes on them as they are for 100-200gg
Where is this useless Celest Kit? There's barely any for sale... that would be my next big kit and I can't find any at sensible prices. So are people just hoarding it? If we end up able to extract from that then I will have zero chance of having it - totally kills the resale market for me, a new player.
I kitted my warrior out braces boots belt and a ring for under 650gg all runed dc 10s hp etc about 7 months ago when people realised there would be no sub lvl 180 tool . I troll the ah and sometimes find them in there , but due to skull island recently many people made alts and either brough up the exsisting gear or took it out of storage .
some player I know was waiting for Skull Island and already had brought gear for there new toon in anticipation of a new skull island happening, soon those toons be 180 and will want other gear so hang in there keep a keen eye on AH ....
I have new idea -10 level from everyone in server before the event and let everyone race for lvling.

And pot the tool in game shop +180 no need low lvl tool .