Well, that was pretty amusing to read. think i'll have my two cents then yeah?
- Mrs79, You are contradicting your own comments, if you cant see it, you're even dumber than you sound (Typing).. Possibly a Dumb Blonde?
- emtay87 You remind me of that those people who scam people on the internet, mainly because you think you're smarter using google to spell. maybe that's because you're the one who has something to prove rather than us "Fast Players"
Speed: Well, what can i say, half of you are claiming people are cheating, yet not one of you have brought any evidence towards Andy, if you did, i'm pretty sure he would of investigated by now, also as Ibby stated earlier, there is something weird going on with the server, don't know if its Andy's checks hes put in place or if it's just random, as I've noticed i'm not exactly slow (When on my PC, obviously laptop has different fundamentals), fact that you can Hit a Player/Mob, and they take 0 damage, even though there still flinching/hitting you. which is strange. (Obviously UN-paralysis-ed).
If you wan to to become faster, then why don't you use those things called brain cells, and use a search engine called google? Start with "How to tweak" might be a good start?
Seems that so many players complain theses days because they lose, bet if you were winning you wouldn't been salty as fuck.
Well, that was tiring.. have a nice day (Unless you're getting pked by us)