Game economy and gold | Page 2 | The Legend of Mir

Game economy and gold

I discovered this the other day and seen an everlasting source. How do I add it to an item?
Dont bother. It's 100 million gold to socket something for a mythic source, you are better off just selling the gold for GG and buying an item with GG than you are putting everlast onto something.

Save adding mythic sockets to good items, and sources like eradicate, vengeance, etheral or guardian.

BTW - Zades toughening oil strat is best, I have used it since he told me many moons ago. You can always get a Toughening oil from stalls for a few million gold.
Dont bother. It's 100 million gold to socket something for a mythic source, you are better off just selling the gold for GG and buying an item with GG than you are putting everlast onto something.

Save adding mythic sockets to good items, and sources like eradicate, vengeance, etheral or guardian.

BTW - Zades toughening oil strat is best, I have used it since he told me many moons ago. You can always get a Toughening oil from stalls for a few million gold.
Yeah I can’t afford that lol. Never had that sort of cash.

I’ll use toughening oil I think. Seems a good plan.
You’re not really understanding a discussion forum are you. And you can speak to the people on here who know me in game, I’ve never once asked for a free ride or free items. And to add to that once I was done with my grand items I gave them for free to someone in need.

The point is that it’s frustrating, and what part about mostly retire equates to quitting, they’re different concepts. My next kit up would be celestial, and they are way too expensive on AH and I can’t kill any bosses to hunt it, and the people who can don’t want to hunt those bosses.

I think you need to understand not everyone can grind forever. It’s a game. People are allowed opinions and discussions, and you’ll see I’m not alone.

I don’t have time to spend 10hrs a day in game. And a ‘cash run. Is a great idea, I do that. But they still don’t make enough to make up for it realistically, though I’m a new player so maybe I’m doing it wrong.

I’m pretty fair and level headed and see all sides of it. Just saying as a relatively new player that player retention is difficult when the economy is so tied up.
Well, many kit options are there. Annihilation, Vanquish, or Eclipse (by its class) kit are good. Tbh, many good players now grew over that kit on that lvl. Cheaper and greater with SC/MC/DC added. I once owned an eclipse ring with good FD and added 10mc with judgement mhytic. Use kit with midas so u can get more gold over it. If GG is your problem then hunt for it. You too obsessed with high end product but end up giving up and moaning about the price. You give peanut, you get monkey. You may not like the way i tell you but the fact doesn't change if u don't change the way you grind.
Start bulking over coins for GG. Sell it during event in cheaper price. Trust me, if u have 200 million, during event u will get like easily 400 to 500 gg as the price will sky high during event. Sell it goldbar instead of bundles/ chest. The cheaper the better as ppl mostly doing kit upgrades / IDing items during event.
Well, many kit options are there. Annihilation, Vanquish, or Eclipse (by its class) kit are good. Tbh, many good players now grew over that kit on that lvl. Cheaper and greater with SC/MC/DC added. I once owned an eclipse ring with good FD and added 10mc with judgement mhytic. Use kit with midas so u can get more gold over it. If GG is your problem then hunt for it. You too obsessed with high end product but end up giving up and moaning about the price. You give peanut, you get monkey. You may not like the way i tell you but the fact doesn't change if u don't change the way you grind.
I don’t have any feelings to how you convey your point or not, it’s a discussion not an emotional argument.

It’s fair, and I have got a flared dragon bracelet that I found for example that would work. So I totally get that point.

What I do mean though is to aspire towards kit as a motivator is difficult given that even for HC kit prices have been high and it’s not possible for that level to kill bosses to get it.

On the greater point I still think the economy is largely unbalanced.
I don’t have any feelings to how you convey your point or not, it’s a discussion not an emotional argument.

It’s fair, and I have got a flared dragon bracelet that I found for example that would work. So I totally get that point.

What I do mean though is to aspire towards kit as a motivator is difficult given that even for HC kit prices have been high and it’s not possible for that level to kill bosses to get it.

On the greater point I still think the economy is largely unbalanced.
I guess u never experienced any big event. From there u will see how cheap rare items are and how expensive GG are on the AH. And the item price selling to NPC is cheap too. It doesn't even worth IDing using 1m scroll. Tbh, the inflation rate now is OK compare to last year same period. Look at the forums list around june to nov last year and you will see the same argument.

Read this and you will understand the frustration experienced by most good players
Remember adding mythic sockets was a feature GM created as a gold sink to give the top players something to waste their gold on. Years ago there was dozens of people who had literally billions of gold sitting around with nothing to spend it on and the price of gold bars was at an all-time low (I saw some selling as low as 9gg at one point) because almost nobody needed to buy them.

Adding mythics has successfully dried up a lot of those gold reserves, which is exactly what it's purpose was. Those players who used to have huge gold reserves now find themselves buying gold bars/chests which has pushed the price of them back up, once again making the sale of gold bars a realistic way to make gg.

Adding mythics to items was never a feature that is aimed at "regular" players. I'd definitely recommend using items that have those mythics if you find some that already have it, but don't try to add them yourself.

@Kraken You're more than welcome to join me on a hunt some time, you can hoover everything up as we go :)
Remember adding mythic sockets was a feature GM created as a gold sink to give the top players something to waste their gold on. Years ago there was dozens of people who had literally billions of gold sitting around with nothing to spend it on and the price of gold bars was at an all-time low (I saw some selling as low as 9gg at one point) because almost nobody needed to buy them.

Adding mythics has successfully dried up a lot of those gold reserves, which is exactly what it's purpose was. Those players who used to have huge gold reserves now find themselves buying gold bars/chests which has pushed the price of them back up, once again making the sale of gold bars a realistic way to make gg.

Adding mythics to items was never a feature that is aimed at "regular" players. I'd definitely recommend using items that have those mythics if you find some that already have it, but don't try to add them yourself.

@Kraken You're more than welcome to join me on a hunt some time, you can hoover everything up as we go :)
Yeah I get you.

I’ll give you a shout. It’s good hunting with someone. Had a hunt with cheng earlier and he showed me what hunting looks like lol.
To be fair if I was to give any advise it would be to stay away from HolyCrystal and Celestial gear anyway. Until you can afford the upkeep of using it.

Also regular repair is cheaper than special repair. It's not ideal but with some throwaway items that might build your funds it might be worthwhile.

The easiest route is always going to be buy GameGold though
Feels like none of the items that drop from bosses are valuable anyway, its the upgrade and reroll materials that are the true valuable resources on the server but items like celestial etc are pretty worthless as a fresh drop. Its a shame as it would be nice to get a drop from a boss and be like wow that's awesome and actually worth a lot.