Game economy and gold | The Legend of Mir

Game economy and gold


Active Member
I’m struggling with this massively. I sell a bag full of stuff when levelling, but it’s hard to make decent money and then repair costs just eat it up - therefore seems hard to gain any traction.

With the next level kit/set it’s impossible for me to get it in a drop. Because it’s rare and also nobody wants to help out killing the bosses (Cheng only one who took us on tour). So that leaves AH.

I’m lvl 150 so aiming for HC stuff. Brace is about 150-200GG Each on AH - a decent sum when converted to real money. That’s without considering Celestial or upgrades.

It seems the economy is so heavily weighted for those at the higher end that it’s off putting to me as a lower level that I can’t progress my kit or bank.
In a sense, you are right. This is a game. Things are far too expensive. I have been banging on about rune drops (and drops in general) for aeons now, nothing changes. As a result, I hardly play anymore.

I no longer wish to log in, achieve nothing and then log off again. I especially no longer wish to take part in events, spend GG and have yet another event with no drops of note. Its just not fun anymore.

However, this 'heavily weighted for those at the higher end' is incorrect. I wrote the above having one character lvl 198 and the other 185.

The only thing this game is weighted for is those who have the energy or time to grind like there is no tomorrow, or those that have deep pockets.

As a 'casual' player (I am actually someone who has put many, many hours into the game) I really enjoyed just logging in, teleing to an area with a copious amount of mobs and let the slaughter commence. A great way of forgetting life's pressures. However, on this server that does not equate to noteworthy drops.

At first you accept this, happy to be along for the ride, later it just becomes tedious.
Yeah makes sense. I’m a casual player too, I do expect some level of grind.

For example though I go and kill the naga boss, tough around my level. And it drops pots.

I’m at the tedious stage now. Price of things way too inflated, and I can’t kill anything that drops the next kit up so there’s nothing to aim for or motivate me to keep going with the game.
I unfortunately have to agree to a point, there's very little charity or help. Everyone seems to be focused on squeezing every last penny out of everything instead of just enjoying the game and some teamwork.

Any time I've put something for sale for less than the perceived value, it gets snapped up immediately and put back on the market for more. There's no way to help out newer players without getting absolutely taken for a mug. The amount of times I've tried to help people and find 2 days later they are selling everything I gave them, it's disheartening.

That's why I always try to get to know new people, have a bit of chat, and once I feel that they are genuinely here to play the game then I'm a lot more forthcoming. I hate that I have to be that way but it's the only way to protect myself from being conned on a daily basis.

You do certainly seem to be one of the good ones, I'd be more than happy to help you out with killing stuff and finding you some kit.

On a side note, about repair costs, consider using a toughening oil. They are 8gg and give you zero dura loss for 3 hours (timer pauses when you are in main safe zones or logged out), so you get 3 hours of hunting at no cost for 8gg. Sell a gold bar (20gg seems to be about the going rate at the moment) and buy 2 toughening oils, that gives you 6 hours of hunting and 4gg left over, for a cost of 10 mill gold. Compare that to how much you spend on repairs from 6 hours of hunting, and decide if it's worth it. The better your kit the more repairs will cost so at high level this is definitely worth it, but with lower kit there will be a balance point.
I unfortunately have to agree to a point, there's very little charity or help. Everyone seems to be focused on squeezing every last penny out of everything instead of just enjoying the game and some teamwork.

Any time I've put something for sale for less than the perceived value, it gets snapped up immediately and put back on the market for more. There's no way to help out newer players without getting absolutely taken for a mug. The amount of times I've tried to help people and find 2 days later they are selling everything I gave them, it's disheartening.

That's why I always try to get to know new people, have a bit of chat, and once I feel that they are genuinely here to play the game then I'm a lot more forthcoming. I hate that I have to be that way but it's the only way to protect myself from being conned on a daily basis.

You do certainly seem to be one of the good ones, I'd be more than happy to help you out with killing stuff and finding you some kit.

On a side note, about repair costs, consider using a toughening oil. They are 8gg and give you zero dura loss for 3 hours (timer pauses when you are in main safe zones or logged out), so you get 3 hours of hunting at no cost for 8gg. Sell a gold bar (20gg seems to be about the going rate at the moment) and buy 2 toughening oils, that gives you 6 hours of hunting and 4gg left over, for a cost of 10 mill gold. Compare that to how much you spend on repairs from 6 hours of hunting, and decide if it's worth it. The better your kit the more repairs will cost so at high level this is definitely worth it, but with lower kit there will be a balance point.
I appreciate that side of it. I got a few bits and have since paid those forward to another new start the other day, which to me seems the best option. I’m not THAT bothered about having millions in the bank or a tonne of GG. Just a nice kit to hunt, kill bosses and level. Then ideally have stuff to aim for.

I’ll have a look at toughening oil for sure. I’m around 4-5m I think to fully special repair my kit so it’s a bit of a nightmare.
just dont listen to zade he has a very bad habit of making every single forum post about him.
I gave the guy useful advice and an explanation why he may not be getting as much help as he mighh expect.

Literally can't post here without some clown attacking me for it.

Can you try being a bit less obsessed with me and maybe contribute something useful instead. Thanks.
Thats just a meaningless title based on post count. It's quality over quantity that matters. His quality is very poor
it has a meaning bud…. After leading contributor next title should be “MOD” and we appreciate all the hard work you do.

My Q is

Do you happen to be in direct contact with GM? Like a special Chanel?
it has a meaning bud…. After leading contributor next title should be “MOD” and we appreciate all the hard work you do.

My Q is

Do you happen to be in direct contact with GM? Like a special Chanel?
No, I communicate with GM in the same way everyone else does. There's nothing special going on here
I appreciate that side of it. I got a few bits and have since paid those forward to another new start the other day, which to me seems the best option. I’m not THAT bothered about having millions in the bank or a tonne of GG. Just a nice kit to hunt, kill bosses and level. Then ideally have stuff to aim for.

I’ll have a look at toughening oil for sure. I’m around 4-5m I think to fully special repair my kit so it’s a bit of a nightmare.
When you finally get some HolyCrystal items you will cry when you go to repair it. Honestly it will be like 3-5m per item because it is 'rare equipment'. TougheningOil is the only option with rare rated gear, but that either costs gold from a stall, gg from donating or trading, and then as you buy and spend gg in the gameshop, you will begin to gain loyalty points and 35 loyalty points can buy you them aswell.
When you finally get some HolyCrystal items you will cry when you go to repair it. Honestly it will be like 3-5m per item because it is 'rare equipment'. TougheningOil is the only option with rare rated gear, but that either costs gold from a stall, gg from donating or trading, and then as you buy and spend gg in the gameshop, you will begin to gain loyalty points and 35 loyalty points can buy you them aswell.
I seen a couple of bracelets in the AH today so I just bought them.

But yeah I get that, when it comes to repairing I’ll be stuck. I’ll probably hit lvl 160 and mostly retire anyway… I don’t see me affording celestial kit.
I suggest that u do cash run.. kill mobs that 20 lvl below u. No exp but u get drop of lichens, pots & food to sell. Its better when u have recaller with u. Its addicted i would say u can do in 2 or 3 days. Then do normal lvling. Forget the boss. Focus more on super or champs. It drops better than boss.
I seen a couple of bracelets in the AH today so I just bought them.

But yeah I get that, when it comes to repairing I’ll be stuck. I’ll probably hit lvl 160 and mostly retire anyway… I don’t see me affording celestial kit.
Don't waste time to post the thread if u are telling us that u going to quit. Stop moaning and go grind. Nobody gonna give u free item unless u really show some seriousnos.
Don't waste time to post the thread if u are telling us that u going to quit. Stop moaning and go grind. Nobody gonna give u free item unless u really show some seriousnos.
You’re not really understanding a discussion forum are you. And you can speak to the people on here who know me in game, I’ve never once asked for a free ride or free items. And to add to that once I was done with my grand items I gave them for free to someone in need.

The point is that it’s frustrating, and what part about mostly retire equates to quitting, they’re different concepts. My next kit up would be celestial, and they are way too expensive on AH and I can’t kill any bosses to hunt it, and the people who can don’t want to hunt those bosses.

I think you need to understand not everyone can grind forever. It’s a game. People are allowed opinions and discussions, and you’ll see I’m not alone.

I don’t have time to spend 10hrs a day in game. And a ‘cash run. Is a great idea, I do that. But they still don’t make enough to make up for it realistically, though I’m a new player so maybe I’m doing it wrong.

I’m pretty fair and level headed and see all sides of it. Just saying as a relatively new player that player retention is difficult when the economy is so tied up.