Elephant in the room | Page 2 | The Legend of Mir

Elephant in the room

Nice idea but in reality you would get the 24/7s kitted out in 1st few weeks leaving 2-3 months before Mr and Mrs Day Job could partcipate only to find out the season changed again , imagine popping on for few hours Rnd R only to be told by your guild leader we in XYZ Cave of Death and you will die cuz you dont have enough Jelly Baby resistance etc etc
Nice idea but in reality you would get the 24/7s kitted out in 1st few weeks leaving 2-3 months before Mr and Mrs Day Job could partcipate only to find out the season changed again , imagine popping on for few hours Rnd R only to be told by your guild leader we in XYZ Cave of Death and you will die cuz you dont have enough Jelly Baby resistance etc etc
This is why it would run as a season, for months at a time. Similar to how Diablo works. Even if people who don't play 24/7 don't get fully kitted out its at least something to work towards, and guaranteed new content (or things to do).
This is why it would run as a season, for months at a time. Similar to how Diablo works. Even if people who don't play 24/7 don't get fully kitted out its at least something to work towards, and guaranteed new content (or things to do).
You underestimate how fast a committed player can get kitted out :p
This was supposed to be a discussion about Ely orbs and their impact on the game, not a dick swinging competition as to how quickly the pay to play people can get to the top of the shit pile. Kindly stay on topic or create your own post. Many Thanks & HNY to all.
just a few thing from someone who’s just only really just starting there Ely ore journey from gg caves. Firstly my first thought on Ely ore only being accessible via guild challenges or bdp/rdd i get its endgame stuff and its going to be limited but not sure to why only guild orientated caves. Is there a gp cave in Elysian? If not could it be a idea where Ely ore or smaller mats to make a Ely ore be accessible in there so it gives a more solo or non guild player the ability to achieve it 81 Ely ores is going to be a grind regardless so it’s not like people are getting it handed to them on a plate.

I don’t think Ely orbs should be removed I feel that’s just a massive insult to the people who have put the time and effort even if people paid for ely orbs fair play if you have the funds for it you clearly worked hard and deserve to do what you like with your money so I don’t think it be fair for that to be taken away. but also I’m bit unsure to if they should be removable does this mean per say a new set of rare items come out i can just remove it and add it to the new set if so then yeah defo should not be removable. (Do correct me if im wrong and that’s not how it works).
This was supposed to be a discussion about Ely orbs and their impact on the game, not a dick swinging competition as to how quickly the pay to play people can get to the top of the shit pile. Kindly stay on topic or create your own post. Many Thanks & HNY to all.
1. My point was relevant to the conversation, as I was highlighting a flaw in another commenters suggestion
2. Neither me or the person I was replying to mentioned p2w, I was talking about the people who play 5 different characters at the same time 24/7 and will build a full kit for the season within a week
3. Nobody is "dick swinging" here, I literally haven't mentioned myself once, unless you think I'm swinging someone else's dick, which would be kinda weird
4. Please read comments carefully and understand their point before lashing out and insulting people unnecessarily
5. Fact of the day - The island state of Kiribati has 4 towns, London, Paris, Poland and Banana
It’s also available in Baal, yimogi, Diablo and possibly lost ship
Those are pk-fests though, for a casual player it's not possible to get ores there.

Last year when I was collecting I'd go there and even with OP kit and knowing every inch of those maps in my head I'd get 1 ore from each challenge per week, 2 if I was exceptionally lucky. If I tried to do the same now I'd get none. A true casual player would not have any chance to compete against the regulars who camp the place and pk anyone who tries to go near
Why not allow ely ore to be dropped from mobs and bosses in Elysian maps, just like other materials for upgrades drop in other areas. This would allow solo players to also have a fair chance of making orbs, and would also encourage more gameplay in these areas. This may also stop the camping of BDP and challenges making it more accessible for all.
What was the kit that dropped last Easter? I imagine that will be the next kit that’s upgradable during the Easter event to push them past frozen Elysian. These upgrades even out the resistances the orbs give I spose. I have no choice but to make other items now if I Elysian orb my kit because il end up with 150% ice res. Mir ain’t really meant to be easy. The grind is why we all come back
What was the kit that dropped last Easter? I imagine that will be the next kit that’s upgradable during the Easter event to push them past frozen Elysian. These upgrades even out the resistances the orbs give I spose. I have no choice but to make other items now if I Elysian orb my kit because il end up with 150% ice res. Mir ain’t really meant to be easy. The grind is why we all come back

PhoenixMir - Easter (River of Flames)
Orbweaver - Summer (Legs & Webs)
Wraithbone - Halloween
FrozenEly - Xmas

Wouldn't call it a given that they could be upgraded, but it would be nice. However would worry what it would do to the market regarding other items though as everyone will want just those 4 specs of kit as they will become timeless forever
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PhoenixMir - Easter (River of Flames)
Orbweaver - Summer (Legs & Webs)
Wraithbone - Halloween
FrozenEly - Xmas

Wouldn't call it a given that they could be upgraded, but it would be nice. However would worry what it would do to the market regarding other items though as everyone will want just those 4 specs of kit as they will become timeless forever
To add to this post, the items are following a pattern

PhoenixMir - Easter (River of Flames) - Added fire dam 5%
Orbweaver - Summer (Legs & Webs) - Added dark res 3.5%
Wraithbone - Halloween - Added holy res 3.5%, PD 1%, MD 0.5%
FrozenEly - Xmas - Added ice res 3.5%

If I was to hazard a guess, I'd say if GM was going to release another new set at easter it would likely be a fire resist kit, either that or we will just get phoenix stuff again. I'd be happy either way tbh
I think to keep them. Anything in the game which adds something for people to focus on and collect is good for the game in my opinion, yes they are OP but progressing and collecting and achieving is good and exciting.

I think however there need to be more solo stuff in the game. Guild hunting is great if you get the time to be able to do it. Solo stuff which has a decent chance of being able to obtain all these cool items for upgrades.
Probably O/T at this point but I think the issue with frozenelysian/elysian kit is that after 185 there’s nothing to really aim for kit wise. And if there was then there would need to be a path to have the same resistances upgraded to them - to make it something people want.

Agree there should be some more routes for the solo player. I don’t always have the time required to run through BDD as a casual player.
It encourages people to find a group/guild and join in to achieve it though. That's what the game is all about :D
It encourages people to find a group/guild and join in to achieve it though. That's what the game is all about :D
Why can't do things both ways? Used to love guild hunts hours and hours clearing caves and a big boss at the ene. Nothing better. But now we all have kids don't get that time now
It encourages people to find a group/guild and join in to achieve it though. That's what the game is all about :D
Yeah and that’s fair enough for those that have the time. Some of us do not but still want to enjoy the game.

With kids around I could have to dive off at any moment for example.