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Darkgem/FireGEm Chips

Hi Warda,

In some threads there is some bashing over and over again. There is not picking at Zade only i see picking Between Dragons and Immortals in general. These threads should we constructive.

Zade, aswell as i do, always have an opinion on subjects. But sometimes we just need to not react. Reading the post he says it should be an endgame quest. Completely right there but at this moment it is not finishable. I find it annoying that people say the quest is doable while they have not completely finished the quest in total as they clearly have no idea how hard it is.

This thread started with pointing out how impossible to finish this quest is, and i do agree with that, seeing the struggles of people trying to finish it. It should not or never be the case they u have to buy gems/chips from AH if u cant finish it by yourself. I mean if u play 24 hours a day, 7 days a week u will not be able to finish this quest alone, while spending the max amount of effort in. These gems/chips have a really low drop rate and or desintegrate too quick.

Solutions could be increasing drop rate or removing the time they desintegrate.
Hi Warda,

In some threads there is some bashing over and over again. There is not picking at Zade only i see picking Between Dragons and Immortals in general. These threads should we constructive.

Yeah, wasn't directly aimed at Zade specifically, I just happen to have noticed Zade's name a lot recently. We love reading through discussion threads and the odd nip at the opposing player(s) doesn't so much bother me. Just when it tends to completely get off topic when players are in good discussion, then someone drops their opinion and it turns into a slagging match completely unrelated to the topic at hand. Like I say, I get as far as the arguments then switch off.

Like the other day/week, poor 5Star got his name dropped out of no where without even posting anything himself ha!

The discussions in this thread are good, and some nice ideas here. Wanted to chip my 50p in to try keep things on topic before a good discussion gets wasted.
Hi Warda,

In some threads there is some bashing over and over again. There is not picking at Zade only i see picking Between Dragons and Immortals in general. These threads should we constructive.

Zade, aswell as i do, always have an opinion on subjects. But sometimes we just need to not react. Reading the post he says it should be an endgame quest. Completely right there but at this moment it is not finishable. I find it annoying that people say the quest is doable while they have not completely finished the quest in total as they clearly have no idea how hard it is.

This thread started with pointing out how impossible to finish this quest is, and i do agree with that, seeing the struggles of people trying to finish it. It should not or never be the case they u have to buy gems/chips from AH if u cant finish it by yourself. I mean if u play 24 hours a day, 7 days a week u will not be able to finish this quest alone, while spending the max amount of effort in. These gems/chips have a really low drop rate and or desintegrate too quick.

Solutions could be increasing drop rate or removing the time they desintegrate.

Go back a year and find all the posts with people complaining that no one can kill Loki. We stood by and took the mockery, nothing was changed. Now he is farmed. Players grew and began to master that particular aspect of the game.

This IS an endgame quest. It IS supposed to be extremely difficult.
Hi Warda,

In some threads there is some bashing over and over again. There is not picking at Zade only i see picking Between Dragons and Immortals in general. These threads should we constructive.

Zade, aswell as i do, always have an opinion on subjects. But sometimes we just need to not react. Reading the post he says it should be an endgame quest. Completely right there but at this moment it is not finishable. I find it annoying that people say the quest is doable while they have not completely finished the quest in total as they clearly have no idea how hard it is.

This thread started with pointing out how impossible to finish this quest is, and i do agree with that, seeing the struggles of people trying to finish it. It should not or never be the case they u have to buy gems/chips from AH if u cant finish it by yourself. I mean if u play 24 hours a day, 7 days a week u will not be able to finish this quest alone, while spending the max amount of effort in. These gems/chips have a really low drop rate and or desintegrate too quick.

Solutions could be increasing drop rate or removing the time they desintegrate.

I've been doing the last one (hardest one to do) for about a week now, doing a couple of hours a day, with help from several guild members, and I'm about 80% done with no concerns about the time limits. It has been hard work and I'll be happy when I've finished it, feeling some satisfaction. If it was easier, then I would get less satisfaction from it.

If you're doing the quest and are finding it impossible then maybe there's some tricks you haven't worked out yet. These quests are often multi-faceted with more to think about than just bashing more mobs.
Then the question is;

Is it supposed to be a quest where help from guild members is used or was the intention that it could be done as a solo player.

If the intention was to make it as a ''multiplayer'' quest keep it like this? If it was supposed to be a solo quest it still seems abit too hard.
Then the question is;

Is it supposed to be a quest where help from guild members is used or was the intention that it could be done as a solo player.

If the intention was to make it as a ''multiplayer'' quest keep it like this? If it was supposed to be a solo quest it still seems abit too hard.

It is solo able if you play enough :]

Thing is with a half decent refined wep u Ned to be 174 any ways, so y u bothering with it now?
Not to mention you would be better off crafting the lower level weapon first or waiting for a mythic :triumphant:
Not to mention you would be better off crafting the lower level weapon first or waiting for a mythic :triumphant:

I’d be waiting till 2025 for a mythic one. Only two have ever dropped. A exp wiz one and a vengeance tao one.

It’s not to hard. It’s easy. Just time consuming. Don’t get sucked into going off killing noob bosses. If u begin this quest then know this is all you will be doing until you finish it

- - - Updated - - -

Not to mention you would be better off crafting the lower level weapon first or waiting for a mythic :triumphant:

How sure are you that the real level of a slayer is 172 and not 168?
Wisdom mythical items say they are 10 lvls higher than they are but in reality they still the same original level when it comes to salvaging/upgrading. I can upgrade a lvl 175 wisdom item using lvl 165 materials. Same goes for salvaging. If I salvage a 175 wisdom item it salvaged as a 165 item not 175. I also salvaged a 165 great axe and it dropped 17 lvls. Got back a 148 design. I was under the inpression the max a item can drop when salvaging is 15 lvls. That means the 165 wep was really 161