Castle war concepts | The Legend of Mir

Castle war concepts


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After reading a comment about castle wars here and watching the video on the previous page of that thread, it got me thinking about how to make castle wars a bit less "samey"

What's the problem?
At the moment it almost feels like just going through the motions. There's no massive incentive, you get cheaper repairs if you own at least one castle, and you can get a bit of gold from it, but it's not exactly massive. Even best case scenario is 10 mill per day, divide by 30 members that's 300k per day per member, it's nothing. Wars are fought because people want to get their enemy to drop items, and I suppose a bit of honour and pride falls in there somewhere too, but there's no real, valuable, tangible benefits to winning a war and ultimately owning these castles, that would make it worth a big risk.

So I have a vague proposal that I hope can be adjusted and tweaked into something that's actually realistic, here's what I'm thinking would be fun to see

New style of war?
There's 7 castles, and 7 days of the week. Let's do away with declarations and simply have 1 castle at war every night, each castle gets assigned a day of the week: sabuk=sunday, gi ryoong=monday, bw=tuesday, etc. etc. The declarations are automatic, every guild in the game is automatically eligible to win, total free for all, if you win then that castle is yours for a week until the next war. They should all just use the points system that sabuk has now, so every guild has a fair chance to try and camp it out and accumulate points. Whichever guild has the most points after 1 hour wins, couldn't be simpler.

I think that would encourage more of the smaller and up-coming guilds to give it a try, especially those with newer players in their membership. At the moment there's no point in trying because they can camp a castle for an hour and get smashed out in the last minutes by a bigger guild, so there's just no way they can win. The points system gives newer guilds more of a chance, it makes it more about activity rather than just raw power.

But what's the point?
Now for the actual rewards, I propose levelling areas, for ease of implementation they can just be copies of existing places. Each castle gets a different cave. For example sabuk might get forbidden realm, bw might get naga city, arcane might get paradise heights, tristam might get blue dragon, etc. etc. These are just concepts, obviously not to be taken literally, just there to give a flavour of the kind of thing I'm thinking about.

Now when you own a castle, all guild members can go via the private portal inside the castle into the levelling area, it'll be free (no GP) to enter, and both exp and drops could have a slight buff, say by 10% or something. And it'll be totally safe because you know nobody from outside your guild will be there, so loads of opportunity to enjoy mass lures, lots of red and blue mobs etc. with no outside interference. That's surely a valuable reward for any guild!

Open to thoughts, feedback, both positive and negative as long as it's constructive.
imo the point system is flawed, 5/6 of us spent an hour n a half in sabuk, with no turn out from any opposing side. Obviously after getting 30k+ points and having no turnout we all leave coz we assume its in the bag, only to have a load of naked noobs stood in there for the remaining of the war to get enough points to overtake it ? seems cheap.

Having castles on a rotation basis sounds gd but instead of 1 every night i think it would be better to have 3 castles every 2 or 3 days.

Definitely needs to be some caves added back to the guild basements too.

As for rewards for owning a castle, maybe the ability to special repair boots+belts would be cool or some other lil perks like that
imo the point system is flawed, 5/6 of us spent an hour n a half in sabuk, with no turn out from any opposing side. Obviously after getting 30k+ points and having no turnout we all leave coz we assume its in the bag, only to have a load of naked noobs stood in there for the remaining of the war to get enough points to overtake it ? seems cheap.

Having castles on a rotation basis sounds gd but instead of 1 every night i think it would be better to have 3 castles every 2 or 3 days.

Definitely needs to be some caves added back to the guild basements too.

As for rewards for owning a castle, maybe the ability to special repair boots+belts would be cool or some other lil perks like that

With all due respect, there was only 1 naked afk person, and it turned out to not have been needed. We had 15 active members kitted up and in the castle.

It's just a matter of second guessing each other's tactics, we assumed nobody would turn up from either side because everyone was too busy enjoying the event. So I went on someone elses char who wasn't able to be on at the time (sexyswizz) and went naked afk in the castle thinking it would win with a 1 vs 0 fight. Then wummy came and killed it and 1 or 2 others showed up. I went along on my wiz with a couple of guys and we had a very short fight, after which I asked the guys to vote if we want to try and hold or just ignore and enjoy the event. The vote for just let you guys have it won 100% so we did.

Then with about 40 mins left someone went and noticed it was empty and you guys hadn't secured that many points, we did the maths and made a call that if the whole guild came we could catch up and win. We had 16 people in the castle (me naked on sexyswizz, plus 15 people actually there kitted up and ready to fight). We as a guild spent more time in the castle than you did, we gave up our time that could have been spent in the event, you gave up some time too, but less than us. That's just how the numbers work and personally I think it is absolutely fair. You guys were more than capable of coming and fighting us and pushing us out at any time, but chose not to. You took a risk in leaving the castle earlier than was required, and the risk didn't pay off, win some lose some.
If there was extra caves I would be trying to persuade my guild to join in some wars....

I think a war ever night is a bit much though, wars are fun once and a while but every night looks boring imo
Do we need 7?

I say 4 and do one every other night with occasional double ups.

In terms of rewards, each castle gives its own shield, not mega but a nice buff, elemental + 2%, ac amc +2%, hp mp +1%, pa sa ma +1%
Do we need 7?

I say 4 and do one every other night with occasional double ups.

In terms of rewards, each castle gives its own shield, not mega but a nice buff, elemental + 2%, ac amc +2%, hp mp +1%, pa sa ma +1%

That could be quite a good idea, I like that too!

My thought behind a war every night becoming tiresome was intentional, it means the big guilds won't turn up to every single one and it gives some other guilds a better chance of sneaking one
All 7 great idea every wall should all spec repair but tier the rewards have a couple that dont offer much a 3 that are good and 2 that are mega and worth fighting for
here is 1 idea ill put out there with all the guilds out there 1 guild can only hold 1 wall for there reward for holding or keeping give them a free guild shield and maybe make the walls only give so much money so lets say who every holds SW will get 15% drop guild shield and 20mil per night from all and other wall have smaller rewards and so on so the top 2 guilds will fight for the wall they want and say the woomya wall say 10% exp guild shield for all them low level guilds and maybe make it 5mil per night in gold other walls can be worked in beween both of them ........ i think this would make the game a little more fun for all but ...... all the higher level guild will not like this idea i bet but thats ok but change is good for all paths within the game my self i think this would be a great change to all guilds and players not haveing to fight to get into a bigger guild or being kicked out of 1 for someone else to join

thank you for reading much love zoey
Here’s an idea, do it like boxing title belts

Certain walls can be only taken by guilds up to a certain level. Arcane for example could only be owned by a guild lvl 20 and under, trist could only be owned by a guild over lvl 25
Not keen on that idea al it would encourage guilds to stay low level, it would also encourage op pvpers to make a guild just for themselves so they could have a shield to themselves.

Also the more i think on it im off the 7 day idea. I miss every monday because of work, if mondays war was for the best castle id be pretty pissed.

Could all the castles be gave a random day of the week say in like a lottery system where the server announces all the war dates on say a sunday afternoon?
funny u say that coz the last 3 or 4 wars none of you lot have even showed up to fight lol, i think if you declare war and fail to turn up you should be unable to declare again for a amount of time :p
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funny u say that coz the last 3 or 4 wars none of you lot have even showed up to fight lol, i think if you declare war and fail to turn up you should be unable to declare again for a amount of time :p

Swings and roundabouts, sometimes we declare with every intention of attending then things don't work out and we end up leaving it, exactly the same happens from you guys too.

Yes it's pretty annoying having to defend against a declaration when the attacker doesn't show up, feels like a waste of time, but I do believe we've experienced that a vaguely equal amount over the long term
Thanks for the great post and everyone's input thereafter.

We were always keen to
1) avoid selected war days (to allow the attacking guild to pick the advantage), and
2) allow multiple wars on 1 day (to prevent 1 Guild dominating because they don't need to defend their other castles)

I can see that the second point is a little flawed since the attacking Guild would either be at castle 1 or castle 2, or spread thinly themselves, however they still have the advantage of all rocking up at 1 castle while the other Guild defends them both.

I would be on board with the idea of limiting Guild wars on Woomyon / Bichon (two lowest earning castles) to Guild say level 30 ?
I will increase the maximum revenues also
And begin to consider what the basements will look like (you are right this is a long time coming)

With a trial of that we can maybe review the situation in a couple of months?