I finished all my pouches and thick packets today - no snake/hardshell drop at all - i have gone through over 100 pouches/packets combined - even dumpsterdiver tried to help me out today by leaving a few snakes in large caves, he had 3-4 snakes drop today himself - to help me out he would leave an item on the area where u tele in so i knew i was in the right cave and gave me the coords of the egg, do you think i found that item or snake - NO! - he even passed comment that i seemed to be getting put into the same cave and that Scorpion had changed the drop time limit - i boosted a finding elixer to nearly 3 hours to try and help myself and yet nothing dropped just crap, the same crap that dropped in the halloween/xmas event caves - FYI i don't know who Butcha is and i've never had contact with him in game - what he tells people is up to him and i have no need to pass judgement or comment about that.
i have now offically washed my hands of this event and before long this game - i will no longer be paying my irl money for gg anymore to feed the bank balance of greedy gm's - as far as i'm concerned GM pander to the needs of high level players and to those who pay hundreds of pounds/dollars etc. i'm not the only person saying this before people starts bitching, i've heard it from multiple players.
a massive thanks goes to North - xXDarkLordXx - Zad - Lemontits - SweetThing - 5StarTao - Hydrion and other friends for trying to help me get a snake arc - i have proven my point when i say i got put into the same cave everytime, i know for a fact that Scorpion and Warda had something to do with this, yet they will deny it and come up with some stupid statistics/probabilty answer.
everyone commenting on my post with the negative comments are obvisously in the back pockets of the GM - the game is now full of Yims and it's clear to see that the same people who spend loads of irl money on gg are the ones who got a snake arc straight away and in every cave they went it. I wouldn't put it past GM to have dropped the dragon evo stone in front of them as i never once heard of one dropping and a friend had been grinding for ages and never had one drop, seems everything good only drops if you are over level 175+ and you can't deny it as people are passing comment in posts all the time.
You think 100 packets is a lot? You think extending your finding elixer should guarantee you a snake? Some people will use 100 large packets each day always on a drop pot etc. You are not doing anything special and don't deserve everything dropped for you
Go yim event Saturday. Every Saturday. And u will get a pet
But please stop moaning so much here. You come across as paranoid and pathetic