There will be a short reboot on Arcadia today to implement some changes.


Updated how / when Silver Vault keys drop on maxed meters
Added a drop glow effect to Vault keys to make them clearly visible on the floor
Fixed loading lag issue on merchants (particularly for shops with lots of stock)
The “Friend has come online/offline” message will now only broadcast to mutual friends
Refinements to how stats are displayed in game – including showing added stats on items
Castle Wars will now only be fought on 2, 4, 9, 11, 17, 19, 24, 26 of each month, except for Sabuk which remains every Sunday (see forum post)
When a player teleports into or around a castle (last guild standing) there is a 5 second period where they are not recognised to be able to capture or hold the castle (see forum post)
Fixed Revive level 4 HP regen & MP cost
Fixed Wooma Trident drop rates
Fixed lag issue on casting Ultimate Enhancer
Prevented Mirror from being summoned on top of other actors
Fixed issue with items losing names when being added to Auction House
New terms and restrictions on Auction House!
Items listed in the Auction House will not be withdrawable for 7 days after listing (this will take effect next update)


As always we will keep an eye out on these changes and ensure everything is working as it should.

Categories: Arcadia News