Wizard pet bug | The Legend of Mir

Wizard pet bug


Active Member
Strange thing happened after a pk attack, SA71D smugly kills 2 pets, not an issue (sheet happens) however about 10-15 mins later when I eshock the pets to increase timer, 2 more of them died on 1st cast of eshock. Never seen that happen before. Picture for context and time stamp.2024-07-10 20_11_49_678.jpgstamp
Just realised I was in attack all mode, there is a low chance that eshock will actually kill a tameable or undead, thats some really bad luck to kill 2 pets in that mode.
Something i'm used to, with all the talk lately about shared accounts it becomes pretty obvious which are shared. Being polite and helpful one day then absolute shits the next :unsure:
Some people play the game because they enjoy the game. Other people play the game because they enjoy ruining it for others.
Strange thing happened after a pk attack, SA71D smugly kills 2 pets, not an issue (sheet happens) however about 10-15 mins later when I eshock the pets to increase timer, 2 more of them died on 1st cast of eshock. Never seen that happen before. Picture for context and time stamp.View attachment 993stamp
Hi mate, PM /DragonKarma if you see SA71D outside of town, am hunting their guild atm, as they often target PvE players or low level players.
Yeah sounds to me you just got really unlucky with that one. You're right, there is a small chance an untamed monster can die while being tamed. I'd go take a lotto ticket lol.