Guide - Wizard Levelling Guide 1-170 @ Skull Island Event! | The Legend of Mir

Guide Wizard Levelling Guide 1-170 @ Skull Island Event!


Active Member

Hey folks, I've made a Skull Island Levelling guide for wizzies check it out:

If you have any questions feel free to ask!
And for any level 200 wizards watching this, bare in mind this is my first time playing your class :)

I started off terribly as such a noob, but I'm now confident in my ability as a wizard.

Skip to 15:34 if you've already unlocked Skull Island. yw
And also if you want to watch the video quickly, I highly recommend putting it on Speed 2x!
Step 1 - Get TU.
Step 2 - Get Call of Pheonix
Step 3 - Profit

(Also, a protection ring doesn't hurt. IMO wearing a protection ring and having high mana regen is better than being flimsier than a sugar glass bottle and using bloodstorm... but everyone has their own technique. I believe it's worth losing the 20 or so MC for).