Tameable pets for a wizard ? | The Legend of Mir

Tameable pets for a wizard ?


Has somebody got a guide to what pets can be tamed by a wizard, and the level you need to be at for them.
There isn't any guides that I'm aware of.

You can tame up to 3 levels above your current level, so if you're level 120 you can tame things up to 123.

Typically at low level, pets are only good as tanks, they don't do a lot of damage.

Popular choices are
Savage terror / desert tunnel (130+)
Paradise (142+)
Savage wastes (154+)

Once you get higher level, get ogres from orc gp (forgotten realm), they are the first pets that are properly good for damage

As a side note, you can tame a maximum of 1 champion (red) mob at a time, so most people go for 1 champ and 4 super (blue)

One exception to that is gorgon which is found in orc gp, is a "normal" mob, but counts as a champion for purposes of taming
What level then for 4 blues and a gorgon (if that's the best bet?) In orc gp?
I think ogres in orc GP are about 165 or 170 or thereabouts. It's a while since I've been there. Not to be confused with planes ogres that look the same but are 190+
So would you advise slimehulks over this?
I don't know the stats of them as I've never used them. Go with whichever has the best AC and MAC and HP, that makes them easier to keep alive which is important for pets that can be challenging to get. They'll all do good damage so don't worry about that
Taming pets makes wizzies too op and completely take away the essence of playing wizz
Always been a part of Mir though. So not sure how it takes away the essence of playing a wiz when it’s been the essence of playing a wiz’s since day 1.

Running around with 5 fully lvled BM causing chaos.

Always been a part of Mir though. So not sure how it takes away the essence of playing a wiz when it’s been the essence of playing a wiz’s since day 1.

Running around with 5 fully lvled BM causing chaos.
To be fair, it's better now than it was 2-3 years ago. There was a point that wizards could solo things no other class could, but we're effectively useless without special pets that were very difficult to obtain. It's mostly resolved now and the balance is a lot better than it was. Ali continues the request mostly tongue in cheek, wiz pets being OP is pretty much a meme at this point

Always been a part of Mir though. So not sure how it takes away the essence of playing a wiz when it’s been the essence of playing a wiz’s since day 1.

Running around with 5 fully lvled BM causing chaos.
From day one you could tame 5 pets to assist you on a hunt. Collect as you go kinda thing and they would help you in the kr (normally to make a wall)
They would untame and you would start again.
What we have now is nothing like that
I suppose the one thing is, keeping pets persistent after log out is different. And the predictable taming timers.

But ultimately that helps draw in the casual player. Ain’t nobody want to play a wiz and go hunt 5 pets before actually getting on with work.

I understand and appreciate what you’re saying though. You’re right it’s nothing like how it was.
What i found strange on here is how the high level wizard pets you can tame not only do way more damage but also tank magnitudes more than tao pets and you also get a skill to heal those wizard pets too. In my eyes taos are the true pet class but their pets arent on the same level as wizard pets.
What i found strange on here is how the high level wizard pets you can tame not only do way more damage but also tank magnitudes more than tao pets and you also get a skill to heal those wizard pets too. In my eyes taos are the true pet class but their pets arent on the same level as wizard pets.
Tao pets power scales with SC. Get more SC and you'll have better pets