Take a noob to work day…any takers? | The Legend of Mir

Take a noob to work day…any takers?


Active Member
Anyone who would be on daytime gmt weekdays be able to hunt with a low-ish level and help me explore a little more? Usually I can do maybe 45mins to 1hr bursts at most generally.

I’m a noob by level but I played Mir back in the Dragon server days.

I’m getting a little worn out hunting in those echo chambers myself to level.
You just missed skull island . Don't know why the GM doesn't just make that a permanent thing ? Although I didn't really play it to the end . I really liked the concept of it .Just don't know why such a great idea isn't made a permanent fixture to the game . As new players are constantly coming in and out .
You just missed skull island . Don't know why the GM doesn't just make that a permanent thing ? Although I didn't really play it to the end . I really liked the concept of it .Just don't know why such a great idea isn't made a permanent fixture to the game . As new players are constantly coming in and out .
Agree tbh, just find a way to stop the Ely ore exploitation which tbh is very simple to do. Was a great way to attract players to the server.
Yeah that's the only thing i went into skull island to do tbh . But yeah remove that aspect of it . No need for genuine new comers to get Elysian ore anyway .
Zade helped with a few levels today after I picked myself up off the floor a few times :D.

I’m desperate to get to 142 and then try hunt down some holy crystal gear. Hopefully that’ll allow me to better participate and enjoy the game.
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Sade helped with a few levels today after I picked myself up off the floor a few times :D.

I’m desperate to get to 142 and then try hunt down some holy crystal gear. Hopefully that’ll allow me to better participate and enjoy the game.
You're on a roll, keep up the good work!
Agree tbh, just find a way to stop the Ely ore exploitation which tbh is very simple to do. Was a great way to attract players to the server.
tbh getting 10 ely ore acc bound aint the end of the world is it?

keep SI i say.

Take the developed amazing lvl 0-130 content and hide it, then re release it. 1 cave per 5 levels 190, 195, 200, 205, 210 etc

server needs more 190-200+ content soon or ppl will loose interest and leave
Anyone who would be on daytime gmt weekdays be able to hunt with a low-ish level and help me explore a little more? Usually I can do maybe 45mins to 1hr bursts at most generally.

I’m a noob by level but I played Mir back in the Dragon server days.

I’m getting a little worn out hunting in those echo chambers myself to level.
who u in game? im off some of next week and will be on during the day some days, happy to show u some warr stuff (not pvp though =p)
tbh getting 10 ely ore acc bound aint the end of the world is it?

keep SI i say.

Take the developed amazing lvl 0-130 content and hide it, then re release it. 1 cave per 5 levels 190, 195, 200, 205, 210 etc

server needs more 190-200+ content soon or ppl will loose interest and leave
I can do a lot with 10 Ely Ore per character, bound to character means nothing.

I agree with your 190-200 comment 100%
I can do a lot with 10 Ely Ore per character, bound to character means nothing.

I agree with your 190-200 comment 100%
I'm curious what you would do with them, other than combine them and pass them to your main, which is what most people did. It's a nice little welcome boost towards making an orb
I'm curious what you would do with them, other than combine them and pass them to your main, which is what most people did. It's a nice little welcome boost towards making an orb
This is exactley what you can do with them. i`d just keep deleting and making new charcters, fastest way i can gain Elysian Ore.
This is exactley what you can do with them. i`d just keep deleting and making new charcters, fastest way i can gain Elysian Ore.
You can only do the quests once per account though, so you'll make 12 ores every time a skull island event is released, approximately once per year
Ahhh, so i assume you have tried it then ?
Everyone did in previous years and GM stated he would fix it to only be possible to do once per account, and even mentioned it in the event release notes. It's been restricted like that since the last skull island before this one