Skull island.. is it possible? | The Legend of Mir

Skull island.. is it possible?


Active Member
So as a part time player I'm wondering realistically how long would it take to level a wiz tao and war to 170 in skull island.

Please only helpful advice and recommendations as to how to go about this.
To get one character from 0 to 170 solo without any help I'd estimate around 60 hours needed.

Once you have that, making another 2 and getting them to 170 will be a lot faster because you can use your first one to quickly gather all kit and books etc.

Probably around 120-140 hours in total gameplay to get 3 chars to 170 without others helping you
So as a part time player I'm wondering realistically how long would it take to level a wiz tao and war to 170 in skull island.

Please only helpful advice and recommendations as to how to go about this.
Zade has mostly answered your question accurately, but there are factors that can affect the hours needed. It depends on whether you use XP pots consistently and if you build EXP kits for your second character (so far I've had two items).

My suggestion would be to focus on getting one class to level 170. Having multiple classes at that level is not ideal for casual or part-time players.
But if you want to do it, there's nobody stopping you, go for it bud. Wish you the best,
60 hours is way way off, probs 100hours for 150, after that it slows.

If your using every gg item and pot going and spend spend spend then maybe 150 hours to 170, while most don't do that then considerably more time.
150 hours to 170? I spent 8 hours to get to lvl 112, have millions of gold and the latest kit for my lvl. Can’t be that much work. I spent time fumbling about as well.
60 hours is way way off, probs 100hours for 150, after that it slows.

If your using every gg item and pot going and spend spend spend then maybe 150 hours to 170, while most don't do that then considerably more time.
I was around 30-35 hours ish to get tao to 161. Yes I was using gg exp pots and torches, but I wasn't spending every minute levelling. Did every quest along the way and found all my kit and books myself, was hunting entirely solo, it's probably faster in a group and now you can save time by buying items from npcs that weren't available to me. 160-161 took around 90 mins so I extrapolated and reckoned on averaging a little over 2 hours per level as I approach 170. Stopped levelling that now to work on other chars, made war and wiz now. Also made over 200 mill gold selling drops to npc as I go along, which probably covers most of the gg I spent
How did you make 200mill from drops? I got 2.5mill and was over the moon!
The difference between a casual player and a geek is massive :p. I've only made 80mill but i've left many items on floor and gave countless books away
So you guys make hundreds of trips to the hunting grounds and then back again? Must take time to get to all the vendor NPCs, even with a Timestone.
Think I might be a slight bit off your mark then. Made it to level 93 and just recently hit the 800k mark by scrounging bits off the floor. Bill Gates got nothing on this Tao...
Bill gates does the bidding of elsewho country.
Think I might be a slight bit off your mark then. Made it to level 93 and just recently hit the 800k mark by scrounging bits off the floor. Bill Gates got nothing on this Tao...
That's not bad, but once you get higher say 150ish you have the potential to make hundreds of millions as a taoist tbh