Bug Report - Shift Button not working on Warrior | The Legend of Mir

Bug Report Shift Button not working on Warrior

What exactly is the bug? I have not experienced any problems on warrior. Curious to try to recreate the issue
What exactly is the bug? I have not experienced any problems on warrior. Curious to try to recreate the issue
Try PVP with your Warrior (No Shift Lock on another Player)

You'll soon see, the fact this has took so long is a piss take. Any Warrior getting attacked atm at a huge disadvantage, it's not impossible to aim manually but fk me it is much harder.
What exactly is the bug? I have not experienced any problems on warrior. Curious to try to recreate the issue
Basically if your targeting a pull of mobs you have to mouse hover on next mob to select to kill once the 1st one dies instead of shift to rotate to next target , so you pulled attcked held shift and killed next 1 in the pull without you stopping your attack, becomes even worse when wiz pets and tao pets are grouped around mobs often when 1st mob dies you cant target anything as so hard to see to accurately target next mob with mouse as pets spells ect all landing around targets , use to be able to shift and it would target the nearest mob .... your char sort stands there with not be able to use attackspell as no seletected target by that time pets have taken the hit box space ...... or incase of solo play as your not attacking leaves you open to recieve far more hits than if you weree contantly hittng something ....
I hope i explained it ok its sort was a auto given that this was a normal function of the game as warrior .....
Just tired it by using key progammer in the options interface , 1 it wont let me map shift so tried a key that isnt mapped but that also didnt work , was in Catas had 4 mobs killed 1st mob a spider with 2 giants and another mob stood behind me , soon as the spder that was infront of me died the attck stopped
This explains why I'm so bad at playing warrior, the way I do it never involved this, I didn't even realise you could use shift to automatically move to next target, wild!

With lures of mobs I will usually click on one next to me and that's it, when it dies I click on the next one. If I can't click on one beside me then I'll put cursor in an empty place behind the mobs and hold shift and click to swing weapon in the direction I'm facing. I have the shift button mapped to a button on the side of my mouse so I can press it with my thumb, which makes this technique very easy.

Am I right in understanding what you're saying is that you have a lure around you, you click on a mob and that causes your character to attack it until it dies, then you can just press shift and you will automatically move to the next mob? And that is the part that is no longer functioning?
This explains why I'm so bad at playing warrior, the way I do it never involved this, I didn't even realise you could use shift to automatically move to next target, wild!

With lures of mobs I will usually click on one next to me and that's it, when it dies I click on the next one. If I can't click on one beside me then I'll put cursor in an empty place behind the mobs and hold shift and click to swing weapon in the direction I'm facing. I have the shift button mapped to a button on the side of my mouse so I can press it with my thumb, which makes this technique very easy.

Am I right in understanding what you're saying is that you have a lure around you, you click on a mob and that causes your character to attack it until it dies, then you can just press shift and you will automatically move to the next mob? And that is the part that is no longer functioning?
Thats the issue the shift function isnt like working the player action just stops only mouse targeting click works with masses spells etc going off etc pets etc you miss your hit box once mob dies if group tanking , solo you just stop attacking the lure until you mouse over and click another target ,, hard to explain in words
ok ive just experienced this when fighting a mate in pvp zone, his warrior is locking on fine but my shift and click hits once or sometimes not registering at all. no idea what the issue is or how to rectify it.
As far i know shift is like that so ppl can't shift alts in bdp . He did it cuz he was watching how people wear doing bdp.

Thats the reason he not working on shift.
As far i know shift is like that so ppl can't shift alts in bdp . He did it cuz he was watching how people wear doing bdp.

Thats the reason he not working on shift.

Before I could left click a player which would "target" them and then if I held shift my character would chase and swing.. now it will not chase and when close by only hits once. So have to hold shift with the cursor behind their direction to hit but this takes away my mobility and then also reaction time, attack speed might as well be basic with no orbs. Surely not right, he already tinkered with BDP to boot out groups with identical IP addresses
he already tinkered with BDP to boot out groups with identical IP addresses
Ooh didn't know that. Not been BDP in a while. I could easily play 3 characters at once with 3 different IPs if I really wanted to, it's not that hard, IP-based restrictions have been pretty much pointless since about 2010
Ooh didn't know that. Not been BDP in a while. I could easily play 3 characters at once with 3 different IPs if I really wanted to, it's not that hard, IP-based restrictions have been pretty much pointless since about 2010

Yeah well I did think that there are loads of VPNs now that surely make it avoidable but anyhow it was added