Returning Player, few questions | The Legend of Mir

Returning Player, few questions

Hello Everyone, pleasure to meet you all.

Returning player back from the old euro mir days (Dragon/Pheonix) with a few questions.

1) Where could I find the auction house? I recall it could be located somewhere in bichon on the left side but I'm having difficulty finding it.

2) Speaking of the auction house, what's a good farmable thing for cash in the early levels? I recall bene's being a good bit of quick cash but I'm sure that's probably obsolete now.

3) Could someone explain the pet system? I was given a 30 pig but far as i'm aware you just summon it and it levels? Every now and then feeding it with random food?

4) What are the requirements/expectations of joining a guild usually? Currently i'm just a 89 tao who can remember lots of old content but no clue about the newer stuff.

Greatly appreciate anyone who could assist with these questions!
Aution House is a very small house located on the bottom right of your interface.

Quick cash is just to press (H) hunt at your recommended hunting ground collecting all food and drops and sell to the Trader in Bichon Wall

Pets can be repaired in Woomyon by Carol (Lives) Feeding the pet with at LVL 30 (XS Food) when his hunger drops will level it up.

PM me in-game (/DangerHV) I will be more than happy to explain any further questions you may have in regards to guilds. Most guilds will require active players to maintain stability and level.
Mr Danger seems to have answered your questions pretty well

If you need any clarification on anything I'm also happy to take a pm on here or ingame :) chars are in signature, I'm usually around on one of them
Pick up anything with bloom in the name. Peace, cinder. They're worth 40k each to traders.

Put ancient lichens in ah, the market fluctuates but they generally sell for 150 to 200k each.

As for arcamon there's a huge guide pinned at the top of the forums.

Leveling in this server is stupid easy. Can hit 160 in a week.

Save your magic bravery and soul crystals to combine into larger ones. As well as health runes. Don't put it on nooby gear. Use rubies or almandines for elemental damage instead depending on your class.

Make sure you kill every super and champ you see for demon souls as this will get you into gp caves that give better drops and xp plus alot more mobs and no pk.

Also make sure to go to mongchon and get your daily eradication quest as this will give you demon souls as well.