Re rolling Elysian Orbed Gear - My findings.............. | The Legend of Mir

Re rolling Elysian Orbed Gear - My findings..............


Active Member
Ok took the plunge and tested it last night
Yes the plus 5 resitance stats stay on the item , after several re rolls using a ranged lvl of ess and dess I can say some of the outcomes were very intresting
Item tested on was Orbweaver boots
1 roll plus 11% Ice resist plus 14% dark resist
1 roll plus 17.5% dark resist
1 roll plus 11% Holy 13% dark and plus 8% fire

1 common thing i noticed as there more slots for the plus stats to land the damage stat seemed always lower sub 7% and aftter 10 re rolls as yet to get Plus SA PA MA etc
However as we all know re rolling gear is hit and miss and a great deal of luck invovled .........
Just thought I share this as I know a lot of people curious on this subject
Peace and Kebabs to you all