Random disconnects steppy lag and pet lag .... Server needs rebooting.......... | The Legend of Mir

Random disconnects steppy lag and pet lag .... Server needs rebooting..........


Active Member
Hi I know a few people been witnessing the following over the last 2 days

step lag in some caves , pet lag in some caves and random disconnects .
yesterday I dced in RDD so did a few others , some had dc issues in gp caves also ...
We had huge lag spikes in Catas aswell yesterday it wasnt just 1 person but all of the group had it .

Does the server need a reboot to flush the Xmas stuff out ..........?
One of my friend was getting disconnected randomly with some error code. I told him to change his password and after doing so he doesn’t get disconnected anymore. Just some info if it helps with the current connection issues