Bug Report - Power Orbs | The Legend of Mir

Bug Report Power Orbs


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Never done troll king solo on warrior so wanted to give it a go, been trying for a few days but every time I go the boss is out but no pillars, so power orbs, so can't wake him.

It used to be that people would grab those ones to get through BDP quicker but that was fixed ages ago.

I'm wondering if the recent changes to BDP have accidentally re-enabled this bug.

Can it be looked at please.
Never done troll king solo on warrior so wanted to give it a go, been trying for a few days but every time I go the boss is out but no pillars, so power orbs, so can't wake him.

It used to be that people would grab those ones to get through BDP quicker but that was fixed ages ago.

I'm wondering if the recent changes to BDP have accidentally re-enabled this bug.

Can it be looked at please.
Think some people destroy the pillars then sell the orbs to the shops
It’s a common thing people still farm orbs thinking they can sell to potential BDP runners
But plenty orbs drop now in BDP more than enough to wake on the 4th
Maybe it’s reverted due to update but I know during my clear path of 2nd and 3rd I got least 5 orbs and others clearing othe paths got quite a few aswell det more than 8 before we even got to 4th
This was implemented to help lag outs ie if 1 person with all the orbs like before does screw your run when getting to troll on 4th
I went through a phase recently where i was clearing them alot. Only other person i really ran into clearing them also was danielle on one of his countless alts. He usually recalls a grp together to get guild points and ds no doubt. I dont think anyone is taking for bdp. And you must of been unlucky as pillars were out loads of times i went.
I went through a phase recently where i was clearing them alot. Only other person i really ran into clearing them also was danielle on one of his countless alts. He usually recalls a grp together to get guild points and ds no doubt. I dont think anyone is taking for bdp. And you must of been unlucky as pillars were out loads of times i went.
Maybe I've just had bad timing then 😂
I went this morning to get some quick gps on my war and they were out again. Azad cleared them as i was busy killing the subs and svaltus guards. So just bad timing in your part i think
I went this morning to get some quick gps on my war and they were out again. Azad cleared them as i was busy killing the subs and svaltus guards. So just bad timing in your part i think
Thanks for the confirmation! I just need to try harder hahaha