Nurture | The Legend of Mir


It's use is that it heals your pets, it says that in the spell description. It adds a certain % of your pet total HP, at level 3 it heals your pets 42% of their total HP, so if your pet has 100k HP, one cast of nurture will heal your pet by 42k HP, not instantly though, the rate is listed on the spell too. Casting it uses 30% of your total MP, and you don't get a "not enough mp" message if you don't have enough, so make sure your blue bar is high when casting it.

It also has the passive effect that pets don't die when you die which is nice.

Level it in the same way as any other skill, use it and the points go up (not in safe zone). It has a very long cooldown (90 seconds) so don't bother trying to level it afk or whatever, it'll take forever, just use it while out hunting and it will level eventually.